Poetic analysis "Oh, I want to live madly"

This lyrical work was written in 1914. This year is commemorated by the outbreak of the First World War, but significant changes took place in Alexander Blok’s soul at that time. Perhaps they are connected with a meeting with L.A. Delmas, who played the part of Carmen.

The analysis of the poem “Oh, I want to live crazy” underlines the beauty and significance of the discovery in the soul of the lyrical hero and the poet himself. Important changes are taking place in it, which could serve as an occasion for a big change in creativity and destiny.

The status of the lyrical hero

What does he feel and experience? The first thing that attracts attention is the unlimited sense of delight and rapture. Since admiration for anything in general is characteristic of Blok's poetry, here it is directed not at the mystical meaning, but at its own state. Anyone who thinks that the poet sang a woman in his poems is forced to give up along with Alexander Blok: for him, in fact, the very ability to serve an abstract idea was of paramount importance.

analysis oh i want to live madly

The lyrical hero is in a state of satisfaction and contentment with himself. He believes in the future, boldly looks at his most secret dreams and thinks to realize them. The analysis “Oh, I want to live madly” reveals the lyrical hero’s possibilities for change, makes you wonder if he is really ready for them. He is inspired by new thoughts, occupied by sublime dreams and aspirations. He follows the voice of his soul. However, you can see that there is nothing concrete in desires, the poet thinks very broadly and vaguely. The analysis “Oh, I want to live madly” only confirms this. He does not give himself promises to achieve a certain result, but simply speaks for eternity, turning to himself and the higher principle.

A. Block, “Oh, I want to live madly”

An analysis of the poem shows the reader how far the lyrical hero is from a real outlook on life. He is still making plans for a brighter future, but, of course, he cannot know what awaits him in the future. In fact, he is still in a sweet illusion, which has not yet come to debunk. What is the lyrical hero of Alexander Blok talking about?

block poem analysis oh i want to live madly

About how a real person should be - without masks, without pretense and lies. But the poet himself is still very far from realizing this intention. It seems that he is aware of the mistakes of the past and wants to realize unfulfilled dreams, but this is only a rush, no further actions should be taken. The analysis “Oh, I want to live crazy” helps to better and better understand the issue of human being.

Poetic vocabulary

This lyrical work uses a few metaphors, but they are all used to the place and emphasize the main idea of ​​the poetic text.

“Life is a heavy dream” means immersion in painful experiences that disturb the heart and poison the soul. How often do we actually remain in such a crushed state when we don’t feel like doing anything , there’s nothing to strive for. The analysis of the block poem “Oh, I want to live madly” reflects the essential problems of being and the meaning of life.

block oh i want insanely live analysis

“The child of good and light” - this can be interpreted as the desire to gain freedom, to become powerful, to reveal in all its potential capabilities. The hope for a happy future is endless, the lyrical hero is ready to look forward with a smile. The analysis “Oh, I want to live madly” emphasizes the need for each person to have such an internal search, supported by the inner need of the soul for self-expression.

The basic idea

The idea for which this poetic masterpiece was created is as follows: a person must live for the sake of high aspirations in order to realize himself in the present, and not an imagined world. He will certainly be able to cope with destructive illusions if he follows the voice of his own heart. We are here to be happy, to realize the best plans and dreams.

analysis of the poem oh I want to live madly

Thus, the analysis of the poem of the block “Oh, I want to live crazy” clearly demonstrates to the reader the importance and significance of each individual existence on earth with its own ideas and tasks. You cannot force another person to be happy, but you can make life a little kinder and more beautiful, bring new colors and opportunities to it that will delight, it is pleasant to surprise.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13536/

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