Sugar Posum: owner reviews, conditions, breeding and care

Currently, it is not uncommon to keep exotic animals in the apartment. Many people, for various reasons, do not want to be content with a dog or a cat, and give birth to tarantulas, iguanas, snakes, ferrets and other animals. Sugar marsupial flying squirrel is a fairly popular animal. Her pretty appearance makes one touch almost everyone. But before you run to the pet store for this exotic animal, you should familiarize yourself with the features of its contents. Photo sugar Posum, a description of his appearance, habits, daily routine and life in the apartment - all this will be presented below.


animal sugar sum

The marsupial flying squirrel has a tail and a body of approximately the same length - from 15 to 21 centimeters. The animal has a short and soft coat, most often ashen. Posum's belly is light, and on the back there is a dark stripe.

Outwardly, the flying squirrel resembles a squirrel, but it is impossible to confuse them, since posum has a number of features:

  • between the front and hind legs on the sides of the animal has a membrane that allows you to fly;
  • flying squirrel has large, rounded and very mobile ears;
  • this beast has big dark eyes.

An exotic pet is able to bend its tail and hold small objects with it. And due to the sharp claws and fingers, which have a special structure, he is very deftly handling food. In reviews of owners of sugar Posum, it is often mentioned about how amusing to watch the process of eating food for these animals.

About life in nature

In nature, flying squirrels are found in the forests of Australia, preferring eucalyptus trees. They spend almost their entire lives on them. During the day, animals sleep in their shelters, and at night they are active. Posum feed on insects, small animals, juices and fruits of some plants.

flying squirrel on a branch

Flying squirrels live in groups of seven. In each group there is a dominant male and babies up to a year old. A distinctive feature of the group is a specific smell. This male marks family members and their territory. The smell is considered a peculiar sign of belonging; by its absence, strangers are determined and driven out.

The energy of flying squirrels depends on the weather and season. In rainy and cold weather, animals become lethargic and may even hibernate. This is due to a lack of nutrition - so posums save vital energy.

Conditions for Sugar Possum

Now very popular content flying squirrels at home. After all, her cute appearance does not leave anyone indifferent. It should be noted that this beast, like any other animal, has its own advantages and disadvantages. Before acquiring, you should study them and only then make a purchase.

sugar bag at home

According to reviews of owners of sugar sums, males mark the territory with a rather bad-smelling substance. Not everyone will like it. It will be necessary to wash the cage and the pallet very often. It should be understood that the flying squirrel is not a cat or a dog, it cannot be trained to relieve the need in the right place. Absolutely, the beast will do this not only in the cage, but also during the walk, in flight. Thus, dirty furniture, floors, and sometimes the owner himself.

Often in reviews of sugar sums, the evening activity of the beast is noted. When buying an animal, you should be prepared for night noise.

At home, the animal lives longer than in nature. Of course, the life expectancy in an apartment depends on proper care and nutrition, but still it is worth bearing in mind that the flying squirrel lives from 9 to 12 years.


Possums have a number of indisputable advantages, which are serious reasons to buy just such an exotic beast:

  • unusually cute and funny;
  • soft coat, pleasant to the touch;
  • amenable to training;
  • friendly
  • become attached to the owner;
  • clean;
  • get along well at home.


Judging by the reviews of the owner of sugar sums, there are several serious drawbacks that can push away those who want to buy a beast:

  1. Make noise at night.
  2. They can bite.
  3. They have a specific unpleasant odor.
  4. They require strict adherence to feeding rules.

The necessary conditions

The reviews about the content of sugar posum in the home indicate that the animal requires special conditions. The beast is social, and it is best to keep not one, but two squirrels. For breeding, you can make a heterosexual couple. If the owner does not want to breed animals, then two female individuals should be brought. It is not recommended to take two males, it is fraught with constant fights.

Where to contain sugar posum

To keep flying squirrels in the apartment, a lot of free space is required, since animals like to fly. The cage should also be spacious. Special requirements are put forward to it:

sugar bag
  • polyvinyl chloride coated rods, the distance between which should be from 10 to 13 mm;
  • reliable lock;
  • drinking bowl;
  • small feeders for different types of food;
  • climbing equipment;
  • scratching post;
  • a house with an opening in which the flying squirrel will hide during the day;
  • various attractions (wheel, etc.);
  • soft material is laid on the pallet in which the animal is not tangled.

The cage and its contents must be made of safe material so that the animal does not get poisoned if it starts to nibble.

How to care for a flying squirrel

Judging by the reviews about sugar posm, at home caring for it is not as scary as it might seem at first glance:

  • every 3-4 days it is necessary to wash the cell;
  • constantly provide the beast with the opportunity for communication and movement;
  • during walking remove traumatic and beating objects from the room;
  • when walking, it is worth covering the mirrors and glass with curtains or cloth so that it does not crash into them;
  • it is not necessary to bathe and comb the animal;
  • vaccinations to the beast are not needed;
  • if the animal does not grind its claws on its own, they must be sheared.

How to feed sugar sum

cage flying squirrel

The reviews of the owners of sugar posum indicate that the main rule for a healthy diet of flying squirrels is the exact ratio of proteins to carbohydrates: a ratio of 7 to 3. Water should always be present in the animal drinker. Food should be given only during the wake of the beast, in the morning it must be removed. Having food during the day can lead to obesity.

Posum diet consists of fruits and insects. Sometimes you can give honey, yogurt without additives and poultry without spices. It is strictly forbidden to feed what people have on the table! Also, do not give the animal grapes and lots of nuts.

Compatible with other animals

Judging by the reviews about sugar sums, the animal should not be kept if there are cats and dogs, small children, poisonous plants and an aquarium in the apartment.

The first can harm the flying squirrel. Children with careless handling can cause aggression in the animal, and it is known to bite. Having tasted a poisonous plant, Possum can become poisonous, and once it gets into the water, it can drown (the animal cannot swim).


a couple of sugar sums

Posum breeding is far from the most profitable and easy business. There are a number of good reasons for this:

  • decent conditions are needed for keeping the couple (nutrition, care, cell);
  • a pregnant female requires additional food costs;
  • finding future owners is not an easy task;
  • veterinary care is very expensive;
  • the nature of the pets engaged in raising offspring is changing for the worse in relation to humans;
  • caring for a couple requires an isolated space and a lot of time.

Where to buy and how much is sugar posum

You can buy it at pet stores specializing in exotic animals, or from breeders. Cost - from 100 to 250 dollars.


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