Why does the dog ride the floor on the pope? Causes

In our article we will answer a question that excites many: why does a dog ride a booty on the floor? The reasons for this phenomenon are many. We will consider them, we will also tell you what to do in a given situation.

why does the dog ride booty on the floor

Many people who have four-legged pets do not fully understand the responsibility that falls on their shoulders. This is not surprising, because dogs, unfortunately, will not be able to say what concerns them. Therefore, often people do not know how to help their pets with a particular problem.

Dog problem

Why does the dog ride the floor on the pope? A photo of an animal in such a pose looks very comical, but such a pet occupation may mean not at all cheerful diseases. So what do these actions mean?

Before you start thinking about treating a dog, you should correctly identify the disease itself. It is almost impossible to do this at home, especially if the problem is much more serious than it seems at first glance. To determine the exact diagnosis, it is recommended to immediately contact specialists who can accurately identify the type of problem. Moreover, only experienced veterinarians are able to prescribe a course of treatment suitable for a particular dog.

Clogged Paraanal Glands

However, it is not always possible to show your pet to an experienced specialist. Therefore, the owners decide on self-treatment of the animal. So why and why does the dog ride the floor on the pope? The most common reason is the accumulation of secretions in the bags of the paranal glands.

There are two ways to remove surplus:

  1. Outdoor. In this case, it is necessary to squeeze the anal area on both sides with your fingers. In this case, it is best to put a napkin on the priest so that the secret does not stain the floor. This method of purification is quite simple. However, it is not always enough.
  2. Inner. When the secret in the glands thickened, then using the first method it is quite difficult to completely clear the bags. Therefore, you will have to show a little more patience and dexterity.

why and why does the dog ride the floor on the pope

To completely clear the paraanal glands, you need to wear a rubber glove on your hand. Next, lubricate the index finger with petroleum jelly and introduce it into the pet's anus. After this, the iron is squeezed with the index finger from the inside and the big one from the outside. Such manipulations will completely clear the bags of the secret and rid the four-legged friend of uncomfortable sensations.

It may be such that after thorough cleaning the dog still experiences itching in the anus and continues to ride the booty on the floor. In this case, we can conclude that a certain amount of secret still remained in the bags. Then you should repeat the procedure again, trying to clean the bags more thoroughly.


Do not neglect these actions and wait until the dog starts to ride the floor on the pope again. It is better to repeat this procedure regularly so that the pet is always in a good mood and well-being. In the opposite case, the four-legged can have more serious health problems that will entail the appearance of an abscess. Such consequences will be unpleasant for both the animal and its owners. The dog will already experience not ordinary discomfort, but real pain, until the abscess breaks through. People will have to clean the surface of the floor or furniture from the unpleasantly smelling secret, which for some time rotted in the paraanal gland. Also, an abscess may be difficult if it forms inside the anus. It can mature for a long time, not giving the pet peace. In this case, the owners are recommended, without hesitation, to consult a doctor without torturing their animal.

why does the dog ride the floor on the pope
In general, having brought a dog to the house, a person should be ready for this problem, which occurs in almost every dog. It is better to read the relevant literature in advance in order to perform this procedure yourself. Moreover, it is recommended to clean the paraanal glands from an early age in animals.


Why does the dog ride the floor on the pope? Another common reason is worms. In this case, determining the cause of the disease is quite simple. After all, parasites often come out with feces and are visible to the naked eye. If this is the reason, then you should buy special medicines for your pet that can completely rid the body of parasites. The main thing is to take action on time. Otherwise, worms can multiply and bring serious problems to the pet.

Mucosal inflammation

So why does the dog ride the floor on the pope? It is possible that the dog has a mucous membrane inflamed. Such a disease cannot be detected on its own. Therefore, you should immediately send your pet to the veterinarian. In the first case, the cause may be microbes that have entered the membrane or infection. Also, a recent injury can cause inflammation.

why the dog rides on the floor on the priest possible reasons

Therefore, if there was one, do not try to cure the animal yourself. Already in the clinic the dog will be provided with all the necessary assistance, as well as a smear, the result of which will help confirm or refute the diagnosis.


Now it’s clear why the dog is riding the floor on the pope. Blockage of the anal and paraanal glands is less common, but can also cause discomfort in the dog. As a result, she will ride on the floor on the pope. It is very difficult to cope with such a disease on your own if a person does not have certain skills in this area. So, the animal will need regular mechanical washes, a course of certain antibiotics, and much more. The course of treatment is determined depending on the degree of the disease. For example, in some cases, novocaine blockages or washing of the sinuses with antiseptics and so on may be required. Naturally, with such problems, an inexperienced person will not be able to determine the real threat himself and prescribe a course of treatment.


Now it’s clear why the dog is riding the floor on the pope. Possible reasons we have listed.

why does the dog ride the floor on the pope photo

As you can see, there are a lot of them. Therefore, you need to take care of your dog and regularly monitor it. Indeed, it is in this way that one can detect a malaise in its initial form, which means that it can be eliminated without any special complications.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13541/

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