Control Office of the President of the Russian Federation. Control Management Structure

The most important quality of a competent manager is the ability to correctly, deftly and timely delegate authority. The same applies to the country's most important manager - the President. To ensure all managerial functions on their own, not a single state guarantor is able. But with the right management apparatus, the president’s activities potentially become effective and successful.

In the Russian Federation, the main unit, which is directly subordinate to the head of state, is the Presidential Administration.

Divisions and Departments of the Presidential Administration

The Presidential Administration is a permanent government body that implements the activities of the President of Russia and ensures the implementation of his decisions and laws. Actually, the Administration consists of independent units, each of which performs specific functions, but interacts and cooperates with others. In addition to the Office of Advisers to the President, the Security Council and the Presidential Chancellery, the Office also includes a group of equal units. These structures are responsible for certain areas of presidential influence, for example, the Office for Foreign / Domestic Politics, the expert department, for public services and personnel, and for ensuring constitutional rights. One of the most important is the Main Control Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation. This is a separate unit that has its own boss and deputy and its own hierarchy of power, but is subordinate to the head of state.

Control Department of the President of the Russian Federation

What is the Control Department of the President of Russia?

Control management is an important system link in the Administration, which monitors the implementation of decisions and laws of the head of state by regional and federal authorities. KU was created in 1991, together with the Administration. The management staff currently numbers 158 people, not counting employees in the territorial divisions.

Address of the Control Office of the President of the Russian Federation: Staraya Ploshchad, 8, 3 entrance (metro station Kitay-Gorod).

What laws govern the spheres of influence and activities of the control department?

Management is guided in its activities by the articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and a number of federal laws. But mainly the duties and powers of KU are set forth in Presidential Decree No. 729 "On approval of the Regulation on the Control Department of the President of the Russian Federation." The decree was edited in 2011, the amendments concerned the powers of employees of the Office: both obsolete items and items rewritten from the Soviet decree.

Main Control Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation

What are the main tasks of the Control Department?

As the name of this body implies, KU is responsible for monitoring compliance with presidential decrees, namely:

  1. Verification of the execution of instructions of the President and the Head of the Administration by other structural units of the Administration.
  2. Control over the implementation of projects nationwide.
  3. Checking the activities of federal bodies aimed at the implementation of decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation.
  4. Verification of the implementation of messages and other program documents of the president.
  5. Timely informing the President and the Head of the Administration about the results of inspections and revealed violations.
  6. In some cases, preparation of plans for the elimination of offenses.

Control Department of the Presidential Administration

Key features of KU

It is important to note that the activities of the Control Department of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation are aimed at verifying the implementation of Presidential decrees by federal executive bodies. Control over the implementation of laws by every citizen is too large a task for such a narrow-profile unit.

The specific functions of KU include:

  • drawing up a plan, organization and implementation of inspections and other control measures;
  • consideration and analysis of reports on the implementation of Presidential decrees;
  • verification of the activities of the remaining divisions of the Presidential Administration on special instructions from the President or the Head of Administration;
  • participation in the prevention and elimination of identified violations;
  • control over how the units of the Administration distribute finances, following the estimate.

The Main Control Department of the President of the Russian Federation also conducts a thorough study and analysis of the work of regulatory bodies in other countries of the world and develops proposals for improving control based on the experience gained. The General Directorate also coordinates the work of authorized representatives of the Administration in the federal districts.

The Directorate is directly involved in the correction of identified violations and the prevention of potential ones, takes part in the development of methodological materials and data for the annual messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly.

Rights and powers of KU as a controlling body

To perform its functions, the Control Department of the Presidential Administration has the right:

  • On the creation of commissions and the involvement of employees of the Office of Administration, employees of executive and law enforcement agencies, and representatives of the President in all federal districts.
  • To send their employees to meetings and sessions of the Government of the Russian Federation and collegiums of federal executive bodies.
  • To call officials to give written or oral testimony regarding evasion or incorrect execution of federal laws, as well as decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation.
  • For the use of banks and databases of federal authorities and the Presidential Administration.
  • To attract scientists, narrow-profile specialists, researchers to carry out specific investigations and consultations, including on a contractual basis.

Control Office of the President of Russia

Responsibility for the results of inspections KU

In accordance with the established procedure, the Constitutional Court is entitled to make proposals to the president on bringing to responsibility of certain employees of the state apparatus for ignoring, non-execution, violation or improper execution of laws and decrees of the head of state. And also the Control Department of the President of the Russian Federation has the right to make proposals on the temporary suspension of civil servants who have committed official misconduct.

During inspections, employees of executive bodies who have been disciplined lose their right to receive bonuses, awards, promotions for a year or more, depending on the gravity of the violation. At the initiative of the Control Department, they can even be sent for re-certification, demoted or dismissed.

And for misconduct that is unsafe for the proper operation of the public administration system, or for intentional crimes with abuse of office, employees can be held administratively or even criminally liable.

Control Office of the President of the Russian Federation Kulb

KU also has the right to send materials about violations discovered during inspections to the bodies of the Prosecutor's Office, security services and the Investigative Committee.

What special rights do KU employees have during inspections?

High-ranking employees have almost unlimited rights when conducting control and investigative measures. At the same time, employees are guaranteed full state protection in accordance with the law “On the Protection of Judges, Law Enforcement and Supervisory Authorities”.

Thus, the employees of the Control Department have the right to enter all buildings occupied by executive authorities, self-government of state organizations, during inspections and other audit activities.

Attempts not to let KU representatives into the territory of the object of inspection are considered as an obstacle to activities, classified as disciplinary or administrative offenses.

The structure of the Control Department of the President of the Russian Federation

The structure of KU practically does not differ from the structure of the remaining 11 departments under the Administration. The department is headed by the head, he has deputies, staff inspectors for work areas.

The head of the presidential administration personally approves the structure and number of staff of the Control Department.

Control Office of the President of the Russian Federation

The Head of the Office is appointed, transferred or dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation on the recommendation of the Head of Administration.

Heads of departments and other employees are approved for the position and dismissed by the Head of the Presidential Administration on the recommendation of the Head of the Control Department of the President of the Russian Federation.

The heads of the territorial divisions of the Office in the federal districts (district inspectorates) are appointed on the proposal of the Head of KU.

Material, technical, informational, legal, documentary, transport and social services for employees of KU are the responsibility of the Office of the President.

Responsibilities and functions of the head of the Control Department of the President of the Russian Federation

The boss delegates authority and distributes functions within the management. He defines the duties and gives job descriptions to deputies, heads of departments and referents, and also issues orders according to the internal rules in the Control Department.

Kiriyenko Control Department of the President of the Russian Federation

Concludes on behalf of the Administration an agreement with specialists, institutes or research organizations on cooperation for carrying out work that is under the jurisdiction of KU.

The Director of KU is fully responsible for the performance of tasks by all employees to the Head of Administration and the President of the Russian Federation.

Who is currently the head of the department?

Head of the Audit Office of the President of the Russian Federation since May 13, 2008 - Konstantin Chuychenko, born in 1965, graduate of Leningrad State University. He began a public career in law enforcement, then in the security service. But then he became a member of the college of lawyers and continued his career in the corporate field. In 2001, he became director of the legal department of Gazprom, and in 2002, became a shareholder and member of his board.

According to official figures, Chuychenko declared income in the amount of 32.5 million rubles in 2011, the income of his wife was almost the same - 32 million rubles.

Chuychenko’s integration from the legal department of Gazprom directly into the Presidential Administration was actively promoted by ex-head of state Medvedev, they have been friends since university years.

Chuychenko is also a co-founder of Rosukrenergo, a company registered in Switzerland.

Deputy Heads of the Control Department

Deputy directors of KU, heads of departments are responsible for the performance of the functions and duties assigned to them in accordance with the job distribution sheet.

The Deputy Head of the Control Department of the President of the Russian Federation A. Kiriyenko is primarily responsible for monitoring the implementation of Presidential decrees in the regions and federal districts. In particular, in the last year he has been monitoring the progress of reconstruction of the main airport of the Kamchatka Territory.

In 2011, Kiriyenko, like his boss Chuychenko, were awarded the Order of Honor.

The structure of the control department of the President of the Russian Federation [1]

Kulba Andrey Vladimirovich (born in 1960), Deputy Director of the Control Department of the President of the Russian Federation, also serves as a member of the advisory board of the working group on coordination and evaluation of work with appeals of citizens and organizations under the Presidential Administration. Recently, Kulba, like Kiriyenko, oversees control activities in the eastern region. In particular, he conducted inspections of the construction of the East Siberia-Pacific Ocean oil pipeline several times.


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