Bonsai - baby tree care at home

Bonsai - the art of growing trees in miniature - came from the East. Fashion for the creation of such plant masterpieces has reached Europe. Wildlife is recreated on the street or at home. To grow indoor bonsai, special care is required. Deciduous plants are suitable for such art: plum, maple, beech, elm, fig tree, apple tree. Also used are rhododendron, hawthorn, European olive, camellia, boxwood, cotoneaster. They are adapted for breeding at home. The basic principles for creating dwarf copies of real trees are to grow them in a tight pot, pruning the roots and forming a crown.

In order for bonsai to develop successfully, home care requires the following conditions to be met. To maintain air humidity, it is necessary to spray the crown of the plant once a day. The optimum temperature for indoor trees is an indicator from 10 to 18 ° heat. In the summer they are recommended to take out to the balcony. They are not afraid of drafts, so you can also confine yourself to the ajar window, on which there is a pot with a tree. Those plants that love shade can be placed in the garden and provided with shelter from the bright sun.

indoor bonsai care

Care and cultivation of bonsai is associated with some difficulties. This is primarily due to the fact that in the winter they can suffer from a lack of light. Therefore, they must be placed near a window located on the sunny side, or provide artificial lighting. The deterioration of the state of the plant will tell the state of its foliage.

Like any other green pet, it needs to feed bonsai. Home care involves applying fertilizer once every two weeks. For irrigation should use tap, but well-settled water. It should be at room temperature. It is necessary to monitor soil moisture. If the earth is very dry and solid, it is recommended to lower the pot with the plant in a basin of water for three minutes.

bonsai care and cultivation

Regular transplantation is required for the successful development of bonsai. Caring for a dwarf tree at home will give a good result if you transfer it to a new, smaller container once every two to three years. In this case, pruning of the roots of the plant, especially those that are the longest and go down, is carried out. One third is removed. For transplantation, a mixture of peat, loam and sand is used. Clay or porcelain bowls or bowls are suitable as a container for growing. There must be holes in the bottom for drainage.

Plants can suffer from pests. For example, from aphids or spider mites. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully examine the shoots and leaves. Insects can be removed manually or use special preparations for treating trees.

bonsai home care

Do you want a real bonsai? Home care is primarily the formation of the crown of a plant. For this purpose, pruning is used. To give the tree the necessary shape, no doubt delete its branches, as well as shoots that you think are superfluous. The branches and trunk of the plant are wrapped with wire to give the desired direction of growth and development.


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