Diplomatic passport - “green light” in foreign trips

Today it is no longer surprising anyone with an ordinary passport, because in some way there are exotic passports that cause envy and respect among friends and acquaintances. Most of these documents are not of particular value, but still some open their doors to their owners closed to other citizens. This is what a diplomatic passport refers to.

Diplomatic passport
This is one of the most prestigious identification cards that can only belong to a limited circle of people. A diplomatic passport of the Russian Federation is issued to members of the Council of the Federation, diplomatic couriers and employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, deputies of the State Duma and, of course, the president. The document officially belongs to the state, and not to the person to whom it was issued, therefore, after the expiration of the term of office, the passport is returned to the organization that sent the citizen on a business trip, and that, in turn, returns the certificate of its employee to the Russian Foreign Ministry.

The following data are entered into the diplomatic passport in English and Russian: name, surname, citizenship, date of birth, date of issue and expiration of the certificate, personal identification code and name of the issuing authority. Typically, a passport is valid for no more than five years, if a person arrives earlier, then within three days he must submit a certificate to the organization. If a trip abroad is planned for longer than five years, then the passport is issued for the duration of the trip, but no more than ten years.

How to get a diplomatic passport
Before obtaining a diplomatic passport, the following documents must be collected and submitted to the Department of Consular Services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation:

  • a questionnaire reflecting all the information about a citizen sent abroad;
  • 4 photographs of a specific sample;
  • an account card with a photo of the passport holder and the seal of the organization sending him on a trip abroad;
  • documents confirming the payment of consular services and passport form.

The consular fee and the cost of the certificate form are paid by the organization that sends the citizen on a business trip. A diplomatic passport is handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs if its validity has expired, the owner’s appearance or information has changed, the contract between the holder of the certificate and the organization sending him abroad has been broken, circumstances have appeared that restrict the citizen’s right to leave the country, death has occurred owner of the document.

Diplomatic passport of the Russian Federation
A diplomatic passport is also freely issued to family members who go abroad together with a seconded citizen of the Russian Federation if they live together and follow him. Many want to get such a document, but it is intended for units. Its owners, along with the certificate, receive diplomatic immunity.

When traveling, a passport greatly simplifies life, because when crossing the border, a “green corridor” is opened for its owner, and in case of any problems in a foreign country, the domestic consulate will react more quickly than in other cases. Perhaps, actually for this reason, only a select few can receive such a document, and even then only for a certain period.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13559/

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