What documents are needed to enter Ukraine - a list, description of the procedure and recommendations

Some citizens of Russia no longer have the right to visit the territory of Ukraine, as well as stay on it for a certain time according to their internal passport. That is why many travelers are interested in questions related to what documents are needed to enter Ukraine? What features does the border crossing process have? Next, we consider the most basic factors associated with the trip of Russian citizens to Ukraine.

What documents are needed

Do I need a visa for the Russians?

A visa is a permit document that gives individuals the right to cross the border of a particular state, as well as stay on its territory. Citizens of Russia do not need a visa to cross the Ukrainian border. However, there is a certain list of countries that need it. Consider the list of countries who need a visa to Ukraine. These include: Australia, Barbados, the Republic of Mauritius, Palau, El Salvador, Trinidad, the Kingdom of Bahrain, Malaysia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and several other countries.

Who is entitled to free entry?

There is a certain group of people who have the right to freely cross the border of Ukraine, without special documents, with only an internal passport confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation. These include all those who have seriously ill relatives in Ukraine. In this case, the person must have an official certificate that confirms this factor. It should also be noted that those who travel to the funeral of loved ones can cross the Ukrainian border unhindered - in this case, they must also present a copy of a document confirming this fact at the border guard post.

Without the availability of special documents, citizens of the Russian Federation can enter the territory of Ukraine at a special invitation, drawn up in an official way. It should be noted that only persons with legal citizenship of Ukraine can invite Russian citizens to Ukraine.

In the event that a person is officially employed in Ukraine, but lives in Russia and is a citizen of this country, then upon presentation of a special document issued by the employer, he also has the right to freely cross the Ukrainian border with his internal passport.

Entrance to Ukraine for citizens of the Russian Federation

Entrance through the territory of the DNI and LC

It should be noted that in 2014 some territorial transformations took place on the territory of Ukraine - two separate republics appeared in the state, which at present remain unrecognized by the international community. To date, the entry of Russian citizens on an internal passport in the territory of the mentioned entities has remained free. However, one must understand the fact that from the territory of the DPR and LPR to enter the territory of Ukraine is also not easy. For this, persons with Russian citizenship will also have to present certain documents, the package is completely identical to those that will be needed when crossing the border through the posts located next to the Russian ones.

That is why we will consider further what documents are required for citizens of the Russian Federation to enter Ukraine.

Package of documents

It should be noted that in accordance with the newly adopted legislation, citizens of the Russian Federation cross the Ukrainian border using a biometric passport, which is used to enter the countries of the European Union. This rule has been effective since 2018. Prior to its official introduction, the trip could be carried out on an old-style passport. Along with him, it was necessary to present an invitation from a citizen of Ukraine, the availability of material security in the form of a specific amount of cash, as well as a ticket in the opposite direction.

Since 2018, the list of documents for entry into Ukraine has not changed. In addition to the biometric passport, travelers must present a notarized invitation (original), as well as data on the material security of the person. How to confirm your financial viability, we will consider further.

Regarding a return ticket or a third country, compliance with this requirement is more likely than mandatory. Practice shows that tourists who demonstrate their intentions in such a way at the border post in the near future, as a rule, do not experience problems with crossing the border. Practice shows that often travelers from Russia go to the EU countries, bypassing Ukraine. In this case, tourists should prepare in advance and find out what is needed for visa-free entry to the EU from Ukraine.

How to confirm your financial viability

It should be understood that confirmation of one’s security from a material point of view is an important point that you should definitely pay attention to when entering Ukraine. What documents are needed for Russians to confirm material security? The availability of funds can be presented in various ways. Most often, tourists prefer to demonstrate funds in cash or in the form of a bank statement. In the second case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the current account must be issued exclusively in the name of the bearer. In addition to the extract, the tourist must necessarily present the card itself, the data of which exactly corresponds to those presented in the document.

In the event that the tourist travels by invitation, then it may indicate that the receiving party pays for the material support of the tourist, as well as covering his expenses.

In accordance with the rules of entry into Ukraine for Russians, the minimum amount a traveler should have should be about 27,000 hryvnias (about 63,000 rubles) per month. In the event that a short stay in the country is planned, then the minimum amount is just over 5,000 hryvnias (about 12,000 rubles).

In addition to all of the above, a traveler who wishes to cross the border of Ukraine should indicate to his border service officers his plans for accommodation. To do this, he must provide data on the availability of a rented hotel room, etc.

In the event that a person plans to cross the border as a refugee, then data on the availability of material support and a place to live are not required to be presented to him. The same rule does not apply to minors, as well as employees of any type of vehicle carrying passengers.

Visa to Ukraine list of countries

Duration of stay

In accordance with the rules of entry into Ukraine and crossing the border, there is a certain period during which citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to be on the territory of Ukraine. It should be noted that it is established even in the absence of a visa regime for crossing the border between states. As for the duration, the citizens of Russia have the right to stay in Ukraine for no more than three months for six months (90 days out of 180).

In the event that a person violates the established rules of entry into Ukraine for citizens of the Russian Federation, then he is subject to mandatory punishment in the form of an administrative penalty, which is imposed in accordance with local law. In particular, the amount of the fine in this case can be from 510 to 850 UAH (from 1200 to 1800 rubles). It should be noted that border guards very strictly control this issue, because of which violators, as a rule, cannot evade responsibility. In parallel with the fact of imposing a fine, Russian citizens are deprived of the opportunity to cross the border of Ukraine for a certain time.

The procedure for entering Ukraine

Entry with children

All children who cross the border of Ukraine accompanied by their parents, guardians or third parties can travel without special personal documents. However, upon reaching 14 years of age, the presence of a passport is a prerequisite. At an earlier age, a prerequisite for a child to cross the Ukrainian border is to have a record of him in his parents' passport, as well as a pasted photograph.

The procedure for entry into Ukraine of Russians with small children does not also provide for a notarized consent for the export of the child given by the parent. The fulfillment of this condition is necessary for crossing the borders of EU countries in cases where a minor leaves with one of the parents. In the case of crossing the border of Ukraine, border guards are required to check in the database whether there is a ban on the export of a child. A notarized permission to export a child should be granted only if it is planned to export the baby by third parties.


Do Russian citizens need an invitation to Ukraine? Yes, its presence is desirable, although not mandatory. It should be noted that in its absence it is still realistic to cross the state border, but this procedure can be quite troublesome, which, in particular, concerns men who are in the age group from 18 to 60 years.

Such an invitation can be issued personally by those citizens of Ukraine who are relatives or close friends of a citizen of Russia. It should be noted that this document must be notarized, after which its original is sent to the tourist. A letter of guarantee can also be attached to the invitation, the content of which says that the inviting party fully incurs the cover of all material expenses of the Russian citizen during the entire period of his stay in Ukraine.

It should also be noted that the invitation from the Ukrainian side is not yet a guarantee that the Russian will easily cross the border, however, its presence significantly increases the chances of this.

Entry of Russian citizens in Ukraine

Rules for the import of goods

It should be understood that when crossing the border of another state, it is imperative to remember certain rules that govern the import of products and specific categories of goods into the country. The rules for entry into Ukraine of Russian citizens also establish certain positions that are not recommended to be brought into the country. Among these, in the first place, are weapons and the entire subject, which depicts Russian symbols, portraits of government representatives, as well as St. George’s ribbons. As a rule, border guards perceive such items as campaign materials.

As for personal belongings, they can be transported freely. However, in fact, there are certain financial frameworks in this matter. So, for example, if a person makes a transfer by land transport, then his luggage must contain things whose total cost should not exceed 500 euros. If we are talking about air modes of transport, then the allowable amount immediately doubles (1000 euros).

The rules for the entry of Russian citizens into Ukraine establish certain requirements for the import of animals. In particular, they provide for certain documents for a pet. What documents are needed to enter Ukraine with animals? First of all, you should pay attention to the availability of special certificates for the health of a pet of an established pattern. All of them must be certified by the seal of the veterinary clinic.

What you need for visa-free entry

As for food, their transportation is also allowed. It should be noted that the total value of goods in this category should not exceed the value of 200 euros. In addition, the rules also established that the weight of a position of one type should be no more than 2 kilograms. It is also allowed to import cigarettes into Ukraine, but their quantity should not be more than 200 pieces (10 packs or 1 unit).

Car trip

A large number of tourists are planning to travel to Ukraine in a personal car. In this regard, many of them are asking questions about what documents are needed for Russian citizens to enter Ukraine in a personal car. First of all, you should pay attention to the presence of a certificate of registration of a vehicle and a license plate. The appendix to this should be a driver’s license, as well as a Ukrainian insurance policy, which can be purchased before entering the country.

In the event that the person who is driving the car is not its owner, then he must have a power of attorney for the right to drive a car, certified by a notary. If the vehicle belongs to the property of a certain organization, then a travel certificate must be issued for it.

Do I need an invitation

All documents from the presented list are mandatory, but, in addition to them, border guards may request additional documents, which are determined at their discretion.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13561/

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