Why privatize an apartment in Russia?

Privatization is a process that many citizens of the Russian Federation are familiar with. To date, the bulk of residential property has been privatized. But why do people do that? Why privatization may be required? Where is it issued? What difficulties may arise? Next, we will talk about why privatize the apartment. All features and nuances of the procedure are also disclosed below. In reality, understanding is not as difficult as it seems. But with the wrong actions, privatization is a lot of trouble. The step-by-step instructions presented below will help you easily translate the idea into reality.

why privatize an apartment


Many people wonder why privatize an apartment. To answer this question, you need to understand what kind of process we are talking about.

Privatization is the procedure for registering real estate (in our case, housing) in private ownership. Usually, the conversion of state property to private property is implied. During the procedure, tenants become owners of the premises. But why is this needed? What are the pros and cons of privatization?

What privatization does

It’s not so difficult to answer. Especially now, when it is clear what kind of procedure we are talking about. Why privatize an apartment?

After the re-registration of public housing in private ownership, its residents become full owners of the property. They get freedom of action. This means that you can do anything with housing: give, sell, reissue to another person, alienate. On the premises you can register any persons, as well as write them out.

In other words, privatization allows you to get property in the property. A variety of operations will be possible with the apartment. Why privatize? In order to enable citizens to acquire their own residential property at no cost.

why you need to privatize an apartment

Without privatization

To understand why to privatize an apartment, you also need to understand the difference between your own and municipal housing. It is already clear what rights tenants will have after privatization. And what was allowed to them before this process?

Only live. Without privatization, the state will be the owner of the dwelling. Citizens registered on the territory cannot carry out transactions with an apartment. They can only live on the territory of a particular home. Also, registered persons have a duty to pay utility bills. But the state is responsible for the maintenance and repair of housing.

Privatization Pros

Why privatize an apartment? It should immediately be taken into account that citizens have the right to free realization of this opportunity only once. After that, you will have to pay for participation in the process.

Among the advantages of privatization are:

  • the possibility of free housing in the property;
  • freedom of action with residential property;
  • the right to register any citizens in the territory;
  • no rental fee;
  • banks will be able to issue loans against bail;
  • the property will be inherited.

In other words, free privatization is like a gift from the state. Confidence in the future and a roof over your head.


But people still thoroughly study the answer to the question of why privatize the apartment. After all, this process has very strong legal consequences. Negative aspects of privatization also take place.

Why privatize an apartment in Moscow

Which ones? Among them are:

  • the need for housing maintenance;
  • risks in arrears.

Perhaps the first point is most often worried about the population. In addition, some consider privatization to be one of the ways to add discord to the family. In particular, due to the fact that the apartment will be inherited.

Privatization methods

It is clear why privatize an apartment in Moscow and other regions. So citizens can get ownership of housing without participating in government programs and at no cost.

It is important to understand that there are several ways to privatize. Among them, it is customary to distinguish:

  • direct appeal to the city administration;
  • litigation.

Most often, in practice, the first scenario occurs. But through the court, too, sometimes we have to act. For example, this is possible in the case of apartments allocated to the military.

Military and privatization

Why privatize an apartment received from the country's Ministry of Defense? So that the family or military has his own housing, which he can dispose of at his discretion. This is a fairly common occurrence.

Regular privatization often takes place without complications. But if we are talking about apartments for the military, you will have to prepare for decisive action. Privatizing property from the Ministry of Defense is not so simple.

The main problem is that such apartments usually do not have either an owner or a management company. In some cases, housing does not have a technical or cadastral passport. All this makes privatization impossible. But all this is not a cause for despair.

Why is it necessary to privatize an apartment in court? To defend their legal rights to the implementation of the task. With civilians, privatization through the courts almost never occurs.

Why privatize an apartment?

Legal bans

Clearly, why privatize the apartment. But before submitting the appropriate application, a citizen must clarify one important fact - not all housing can be converted into private property.

What are the legal exceptions in practice? According to the law in Russia it is impossible to privatize:

  • emergency real estate;
  • apartments located in closed military camps;
  • dormitories for military personnel.

Also prohibited is housing deemed unsuitable for living. All other apartments can usually be privatized without much difficulty. The main thing is to properly prepare for the process.

Registration term

Why privatize an apartment in Russia? So that citizens can get ownership of housing at no additional cost. How long does this procedure take?

There is no definite answer. It all depends on the situation and on the preparation of the citizen. Often the deadline for considering an application is 30 days. This is preceded by the collection of necessary papers.

Another 5 days will be spent on registration of certificates of ownership. Thus, with perfect preparation, privatization will take about 2 months, but in practice this process is delayed for many years.

Step-by-step privatization instructions

Why privatize an apartment? The answer to this question is no longer a mystery. A much more important nuance is the direct procedure for registering housing as a private property.

Why privatize an apartment in Russia

The citizen needs to follow these steps after he decides to privatize housing:

  1. Collect a package of documents required for privatization.
  2. Contact the city administration with a request to convert the apartment into private property. Attach prepared papers to the request.
  3. Wait for a response from the administration.
  4. Conclude a privatization agreement.
  5. Execute documents for the property.

This procedure takes place in practice. If a citizen was illegally denied privatization, they will have to go to court additionally, after which, on the basis of a court decision, they will receive documents on property rights to housing.

Who is eligible

Only housing in which a citizen is registered is allowed to privatize. According to the law, all tenants participate in privatization. But if desired, they can abandon the process.

What does it give? Residents who refuse to privatize will not have a share in the apartment. Nevertheless, they are vested with the right to reside in a particular territory on the basis of a social contract of employment.

Third parties cannot participate in privatization. It is impossible to refuse the process to persons under 14 years of age. But in this case, citizens retain the right to free privatization of housing in the future.

Why privatize the apartment received from the Ministry of Defense


How to privatize an apartment? To do this, you must adhere to the studied instructions. Special attention must be paid to the collection of documents.

To date, when applying for privatization, citizens will need the following papers:

  • written request;
  • passports of all participants;
  • social contract of employment;
  • cadastral passport;
  • technical certificate;
  • extract from the house book;
  • certificate from BTI;
  • refusals to participate in privatization (certified by a notary);
  • birth certificates of minor tenants;
  • marriage / divorce certificate (if any);
  • extracts indicating that participants have not previously privatized;
  • copy of the apartment account status.

If citizens decide to remove minors from participating in privatization, they will have to additionally bring permission from the guardianship authorities. Without this document, the idea cannot be realized.

Ownership of the apartment

The last stage is the registration of property rights to the apartment. To do this, a citizen will have to apply to the cadastral chamber or to the Rosreestr. To translate ideas into reality you will have to bring with you:

  • statement;
  • old cadastral passport;
  • privatization agreement;
  • passports of all participants.

After accepting the request, the citizen will be issued an extract on the acceptance of documents. With it, you will need to return at the appointed time and pick up the certificate of ownership of real estate.

why it is necessary to privatize an apartment in court


Why privatize an apartment? So that the population could get ownership of the apartment in which this or that family lives. How to carry out this procedure was described earlier. To do this with proper preparation is quite simple.

Privatization is a process that interests many. In Russia today, he is puzzled by the bulk of the population. You should not neglect the chance of obtaining housing in the property.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13562/

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