Itkul (lake, Chelyabinsk region): how to get there?

Many articles have already been written about the Ural natural wonders. In this, we will talk about another pearl, which is called Itkul (lake, Chelyabinsk region). The pond is located in the reserve of Khakassia. On the shores and in the bowels of the lake rare and endangered species of fauna live. The reservoir has its own legends, sights and is famous for good fishing.

Lake location

Itkul (lake, Chelyabinsk region), a photo of the reservoir is in this article, located in the Republic of Khakassia. The vast water area is located west of the river. Shira, 100 meters above her. The distance between the water bodies is only three kilometers. The lake is part of the Shirin water group. The reservoir is located 110 kilometers from Yekaterinburg.

Itkul Lake Chelyabinsk region rest

Description of the lake

Itkul (lake, Chelyabinsk region) receives enthusiastic reviews, especially about the landscape and the purity of the water. The reservoir area is 30.1 square km. The volume of water is 234.8 million cubic meters. The lake has an oval shape. From east to west, the length of the reservoir is five kilometers. From south to north, the water surface stretched for 7 km.

Itkul is a very deep lake. On average, this value is 8 meters, the maximum - up to 17 m. The water in the lake is very clean and surprisingly clear. The bottom can be seen even at a depth of five meters. The reservoir belongs to the calcium-bicarbonate type, with a salinity of 167 mg / l. In the lake there is an increased alkalinity. In the summer, the reservoir warms up for a very long time.

Itkul Lake Chelyabinsk Region

On the shores it is surrounded by birch and pine forests. The lake is fed by many rivulets that flow into the reservoir. From it originates the Itkul source, which flows into the lake. Sinara. At the exit of the river there is a dam. The shores of the lake are covered with colorful pebbles. It even contains crystals of the mineral garnet.

Legends of the lake

Itkul (lake, Chelyabinsk region) has an ancient legend associated with its name. In ancient times, the owner of the water lived on the pond, who did not like when people caught fish in his lands. He often swam to the surface and dragged gaping fishermen into a deep pool. People tried to appease the spirit with gifts, but failed.

Then the locals called for the protection of the hero Itu. He threw a net into the lake, which angered the Water Master. They agreed to seize three times to determine the winner. The hero decided to cheat and called for help from his younger brother - a bear. He struggled with the spirit for a long time, but the forces were equal, the opponents stagnated. As a result, a swamp formed there.

Then the hero suggested that the Water Master fight the tiger, his older brother. The beast for this service asked the young man for permission to fish in the lake at any time. As soon as the Spirit appeared above the water, the tiger seized it. For a long time they fought, but the beast did not release the opponent.

The owner of the water admitted defeat and, having hated all the white light, crawled under a heavy stone. Since then, everyone has been quietly fishing in a pond, and the lake was named after the hero Itkul.

A legend is also connected with the Shaitan-stone sticking out of the water. There were two spirits - Evil and Good. They were brothers, but walked the world apart. Good distributed gifts to people, gave the best. Evil was hard and cold, like a rock, and always hit people in the most vulnerable place.

itkul lake chelyabinsk region reviews

Once the brothers met, and a dispute began over who is doing the right thing and who is going the wrong way, but they have not found the truth. Then Good decided to show that the law of heaven is like a water surface reflecting the sky, and turned into a beautiful lake. Evil in response became a black gloomy rock in the pond, which immediately caught my eye.

Since then, people called the lake Sacred and asked him for the coveted gifts. A huge gloomy stone became shaitan. He was contacted to learn how to defeat enemies. And the brothers still argue, and have remained in new images.

Fauna of the reservoir

Earlier, Itkul (lake, Chelyabinsk region) was replete with fish. But in recent years, its reserves have been significantly impoverished. As a result, in 2013, a program for breeding different types of fish began. In a reservoir are found:

  • bleak;
  • roach;
  • ripus;
  • burbot;
  • perch;
  • whitefish;
  • bream;
  • ruff;
  • trout;
  • crucian carp;
  • tench;
  • ide;
  • pike;
  • dace.

Previously, the lake was used by the Arakul fish factory for the commercial capture of bream. The production of the enterprise was 500 centners per year. There are protected areas on the lake where rare specimens of flora and fauna are listed in the Chelyabinsk Red Book:

  • white-tailed eagle;
  • willow shelter;
  • European black-throated loon ;
  • dragonflies from the family "beauty" (or dark-winged girl and shiny);
  • swan;
  • brown forest ant.

Cirrus feather grass is listed in the Red Book from plants.

Itkul Lake Chelyabinsk Region photo

Itkul: fishing

On Itkul (lake, Chelyabinsk region), recreation can be combined with fishing. It is prohibited only on an industrial scale. But no one drives lovers of fishing from fishing rods if some rules are followed:

  • fishing is completely prohibited during spawning;
  • you can not go fishing for spinning rods and fishing rods with more than two hooks;
  • many fishing tools are prohibited (pins, venders, straps, etc.);
  • Do not use airguns for fishing.

Fish can not be caught with nets, nets, jammed with dynamite, and also use special screens and other devices. Allowed only ordinary tackle: fishing rod, fishing line, sinker and hook. But even such simple devices catch large and interesting specimens. Guests can rent a boat.

itkul lake Chelyabinsk region how to get there

Recreation facilities

Approximately 350 rubles from the car costs entry to Itkul (lake, Chelyabinsk region). There is not one recreation center here, several complexes at once:

  • "Snowstorm";
  • "Railwayman";
  • Itkul;
  • "Car";
  • Uralement;
  • Depot.

Therefore, there are always a lot of vacationers. But many people come to rest "savages." They set up their own tents. There are just small houses rented by tourists. Dwellings are equipped with all necessary amenities. In several glades, volleyball and football courts are equipped. Upon arrival, all travelers receive a garbage bag. As a result, the shores of the lake are kept clean.

Itkul (lake, Chelyabinsk region): how to get to the reservoir?

If you go by car, then on the road from Yekaterinburg to Polevsky. After the village of Poldnevoy, you need to turn onto Dautovo. Then drive a little more. After the village of Kamenushka, after four kilometers, Lake Itkul will appear.

If you reach the reservoir by public transport, then you need to leave also from Yekaterinburg. Regular buses to the city of Verkhny Ufaley depart from the southern or northern bus station. At the request of the passenger, the driver will drop him off at the village of Itkul, from where he will have to walk two kilometers to the lake.

You can get to the pond and taxi. But such a trip will cost no less than one and a half thousand rubles. It can be done differently. To get from Yekaterinburg to Verkhny Ufaley by bus, and from there to the reservoir by taxi.

Itkul Lake Chelyabinsk region recreation center

Interesting facts about the pond

Itkul (lake, Chelyabinsk region) has interesting facts and events in its history. Near the dam, centuries-old 200-year-old poplars are still preserved, which were planted to strengthen the ceiling. Previously, there were forty of them, now there are fewer, the giants began to fall from old age.

Itkul Lake is surrounded by small hills, the highest of which is Mount Karabaik. It reaches 544 meters. Earlier on the top of the mountain, a white horse was sacrificed. It was believed that after this the rest of her relatives would avoid the pestilence and become stronger.

Lake Itkul is considered very ancient. More than once, archaeologists found traces of their ancestors on the banks of a reservoir. Three kilometers from the reservoir there is a nursery where you can feed sika deer directly from your hands.


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