Childhood is the happiest time

Childhood is something that leaves somewhere “when the whole city is sleeping” (as the famous song says). Sometimes it passes so quickly that parents simply do not have time to come to their senses as a child grows up. That is why mom and dad are simply obliged to make the childhood of their children happy. Below are some helpful tips.

childhood is

What is childhood and how to make it happy?

Childhood is a very loose and multifaceted concept. This is not just the age of 14, not just a way of thinking. This is a special time that should be happy. So, some useful tips for parents.

  1. Childhood is the love of mom and dad. So parents should show this love to their child constantly. But manifestations of this feeling should not be expressed in a variety of toys and the fulfillment of any desire. Parental support, affection, tenderness and care are important to Chad. So hug your child as often as possible, for no reason. Always talk about how much you love him. It is also important for a child to see the mutual love of their parents.
    children childhood
    So it’s not worth it to scandalize and swear at children.
  2. Childhood is a small victory. And how can a baby feel his achievements? Of course, through praise. So when a child does something, it’s worth telling him how good he is. If something does not work out for him, it is important to encourage and support him, so that faith in himself does not fade away , and the desire for victories grows.
  3. Childhood is discovery. Therefore, constantly tell the child something new, show him amazing and simple things. It will be great if you imagine everything in an unusual light, so that the baby is surprised and rapturously listens to stories. For example, you can conduct small experiments.

A happy childhood should be carefree. So do not try to speed up the process of growing up a child, everything has its time, it will still have time to become independent and serious. And while he is small, let him be defenseless and dependent on you, protect him. After all, years will pass, and you will fondly remember how you taught him to eat and dress. Do not rush things!

What else should children do? Childhood should be joyful. So the child can not only, but also have to frolic, fool around, play, jump, jump, laugh! By the way, through the game you can learn his talents and inclinations, as well as teach him something. And if the child wants to jump in a puddle, do not refuse him such pleasure. Washing socks and tights is nothing compared to the floody laughter that will be heard during such an activity.

happy childhood

Childhood for the baby is his own small world, in which Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, goblin, brownies and other fabulous creatures live. And let him believe in them for as long as possible, let the child know that in which case the good gnome will protect him from troubles and misfortunes. The time will come - and all this will melt like smoke. But while such a world exists, you should not destroy it.

One can only add that childhood is something that parents and other adults should not take away from their child in any case. May all children have a happy, cheerful and carefree childhood! After all, lost childhood is a very big problem in the future.


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