Chappi food: composition and reviews of veterinarians

Chappi dry food is by far the most demanded and popular in the modern animal feed market. This is primarily due to its low cost, as well as great convenience for owners. In the past, buying meat trimmings in the market and making porridge for your pet remains. However, how useful for his body a four-legged friend is such food! First of all, we need to consider the composition, that is, find out what is included in the Chappi food, and draw conclusions from this.

chappy feed

Product Description

Each owner, transferring his pet to dry food, will ask himself a question about how much he can afford to spend per month on feeding a pet. If the amount is not too large, then you need to choose from the line of feed economy class. It is with this that the high popularity that Chappi feed uses is associated. In addition, the marketing policy of the manufacturer makes its products as accessible as possible to the consumer. Feed of this line is sold in all large supermarkets, as well as small specialized departments. Another point: feeds are packaged in packages of various volumes, starting from 2.5 and ending with 15 kg. In this regard, Chappi food is also very convenient.

chappie feed

Opinion of veterinarians

This is the first thing that a loving and caring owner should pay attention to, because the duration and quality of life of your dog depends on nutrition. And in fact, it is the composition that causes the most heated debate between veterinarians and owners. Arriving at the hospital, the latter begin to fervently prove that their animal has been eating only this type of food for many years and nothing bad has happened to him. To which doctors, with no less ardor, begin to tell terrible stories about crippled destinies and undermined health, linking this to cheap, dry feed. Veterinarians urge the dog to feed meat, including stewed vegetables and cereals, as well as cottage cheese and eggs in the diet. Based on this, we can say that "Chappi" is the feed that causes the most such disputes.

Chappie dog food

Feed composition

What does the manufacturer nevertheless pack in bright bags with enticing inscriptions “meat lunch”? Is there really meat there? Chappie dog food, of course, should have a detailed description of the ingredients that make up the composition, however, as it turned out, only premium food manufacturers comply with this rule. And in our case, the buyer will have to be content with modest data on the packaging.

In the first place (in the composition indicated on the package) are cereals. Very good, but the dog should eat meat, this is the main component to which various additives come in the form of cereals and vegetables. Why did the manufacturer choose this ingredient as the main food for carnivores? But this is not the last mystery that Chappi dry food conceals. There are no hints what kind of cereals are represented here. You will not know what your pet ate today. Whether it was rice or barley, millet or oats, as well as how the ratio changes from one variety of the feed line to another.

Chappi dry food

Moving down the list

The second ingredient in the composition indicated meat. Well, finally, the owner will breathe a sigh of relief. But it’s too early to rejoice, there is no information about what kind of meat it is, and given the cost of feed, doubts begin to creep in. If we look at the percentage of protein in the product, it becomes clear that there is very little meat, no matter what is meant by this. The next item is offal. Whether this implies high-quality fish and meat and bone meal or beaks and feathers from a slaughterhouse in a poultry farm remains a mystery again. Finally, protein plant extracts. Again the big question. If the composition contains meat and offal, why use vegetable protein? Probably, in order to slightly increase the percentage of proteins to 15%, although this is very small. That’s pretty much what Chappi is. The composition of the feed, to put it mildly, is not impressive. The last item is animal fats, and it is also not indicated what kind of origin and what to expect, benefit or harm from them.

Finally, various additives are indicated. It can be carrots or alfalfa, vegetable oils. Very good if healthy, but if palm? Finally, minerals and vitamins are indicated; it is also unclear which and in what quantity.

chappie feed reviews

Summarize the composition

We do not pretend that our opinion is 100% correct, but based on a small investigation, we should conclude that Chappi dog food is definitely not the ideal food for your pet. Buy cheap meat waste, boil it immediately for a week - you will have an excellent basis for feeding an adult animal. Add a few stewed vegetables and boiled cereals, and we can assume that the optimal food for a healthy and energetic dog is ready.

Consumption rate

It is calculated depending on the weight of your pet. If your dog’s weight reaches 10 kg, then a day he will need 175 g of dry food. For larger dogs weighing up to 25 kg, you need 350 g. A Rottweiler or a shepherd dog weighing 40 kg will require 500 g of food, and a Moscow guard or Caucasian shepherd dog will require at least 650 g. If the amount of food is insufficient, the dog will lose weight, and if higher dosages have a risk of bloating.

Variety of flavors

The products of this brand are based on 4 main lines. They are suitable for almost any taste needs from a four-legged friend. However, a thoughtful study of products again leads us to the idea that if cereals are the main ingredient, then what difference does it make whether you buy Meat Abundance or Meat Plate, all the same, the taste will be provided by artificial flavors. However, so that you have more information, we will talk about each of them. "Meat plate" is a food for adult dogs. The composition contains brewer's yeast, which should ensure a normal metabolism, help strengthen immunity and improve pet hair.

The second option is “Beef ration”. Judging by the manufacturer's promises, the composition contains beef and brewer's yeast, as well as carrots and alfalfa. “Meat abundance” - all the same, brewer's yeast and meat in advertising, an already listed list of ingredients on the package.

chappie dog food


Can Chappi feed be used as a good nutrition for a dog ? Testimonials from veterinarians suggest that no. Sometimes, as a snack or camping lunch, it is possible, and even then it is advisable to choose a better food, where the contents of certain substances will be carefully written out on the package. For daily use - not at all, unless you want to deprive your pet of health, activity and longevity. There is a sad joke among veterinarians that as long as the owners buy their animals feed of this quality, they will not be left without work. Therefore, think carefully: experts say that saving on feed, you can seriously spend money on the services of a veterinarian who will not be able to return the pet to full health. If you want to spend less on feeding the dog , give preference to representatives of small, indoor breeds. Then you will be able to buy high-quality feed (at least natural, at least dry) and at the same time fit into the budget.


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