Service discipline - what is it?

Service discipline in the internal affairs bodies is compulsory for anyone who takes office in this instance to comply with the rules. What exactly can be done, what can’t be done, what laws and restrictions apply to those accepted for service are prescribed in the current legislation of our country. Entering such a place, it is necessary to realize that violation of official discipline is punishable: the regulations indicate what the responsibility will be.

service discipline is

Rules: where to look?

It is not only legislative acts acting at the federal level that tell about what discipline includes service discipline and the legality of the behavior of workers in specialized structures. No less significant information can be extracted from the oath, the taking of which is an obligatory stage of hiring in specific instances.

When planning to start a career in this area, it is also necessary to consider that there are orders from the direct boss that will have to be followed. Service discipline in the police department implies unconditional execution of orders issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the time of signing the agreement, every person accepted to the service has obligations, which must be carried out implicitly. At the same time, employees have powers that must be exercised if the situation provokes this fact. Service discipline in the police is a complex complex concept, and for beginners it is often difficult to navigate which of the directions is of great importance.

And who is the answer?

As follows from the regulatory legal acts introduced in our country, the official discipline in the bodies is primarily the burden of responsibility on the commanding staff. It is these officials who must answer if their subordinates commit something contrary to laws, orders and oaths. The task of the boss is to organize strict compliance with the established standards and rules in order to avoid gross violation of official discipline.

gross misconduct

In the general case, the bosses should create such working conditions in which subordinates can work normally, rest and improve their qualifications without violating laws and regulations. It is also necessary to take measures to educate the lower hierarchical ladder, so that everyone has a strongly expressed sense of responsibility, including regarding compliance with official discipline in the internal affairs bodies. This will ensure the fulfillment of the obligations entrusted to officials, without gaps and inaccuracies.

How to achieve your goal?

One of the methods to achieve impeccable service discipline is the guarantee of publicity, objectivity in assessing the activity of all subordinates in rank. Currently, for the commanding staff of specific government agencies, this task is quite difficult, due to the complexity of both horizontal and vertical interaction with other persons, bodies and authorities. Nevertheless, in the area of ​​responsibility of every boss is the maximum guarantee of fairness, clarity, and correctness of interaction with subordinates in rank.

Since a violation of official discipline is also an inadequate appeal to those who are taller than a person in the internal hierarchical hierarchy, the commanding staff can prevent such conflict situations that provoke punishment if they respect all those entrusted to subordination. This concerns the honor and dignity of everyone serving in the state structure.

Protect or not?

On the one hand, service discipline is a concept that includes the provision by the authorities of security, adequate conditions for everyone undergoing service. At the same time, the task of those in power is to prevent protectionism, which can provoke a violation of discipline. This is especially important when interacting with personnel, when there is a danger of persecution of an employee. It is unacceptable for personal reasons, characteristics. Weaknesses cannot be criticized if they are observed in the work of the ATS, but it is necessary to correctly and taking into account the hierarchy structure make proposals for improving the situation, observing correctness in interaction with all interested parties.

discipline in ATS

How to strengthen?

Service discipline is a phenomenon that can be effectively strengthened by resorting to legal measures and tools. The classic version is rewards, penalties. Both of these tools should be used only within the framework of the rights that a particular chief has, and also taking into account his position in the hierarchical ATS ladder.

Direct are those bosses in whom a person is subordinate. Even if this is a short-term stage of service, the head is still considered direct - for the agreed period. The closer the boss is to the employee, the more opportunities he has to influence the employee. Immediate - the one who, from the commanding staff, is closest to the employee of the organs in the hierarchical ladder. If the boss only temporarily performs such duties, then the relevant order may establish his rights and obligations, including disciplinary ones. If the lower-ranking representative of the commanding staff has some disciplinary rights, they are fully accessible to all those who hierarchy occupies a higher position.

How it works?

In order to prevent gross violations of official discipline, it is necessary to introduce all personnel in the public service into the course of disciplinary sanctions following such misconduct. At the same time, personnel should be aware of possible rewards, as well as facts provoking the issuance of such. It must be remembered that penalties, incentives must be issued by official orders.

official discipline in bodies

At the same time, the concept of service discipline is a complex phenomenon that involves various methods of its support, regulation, including those not fixed in official documentation. So, orally pronounced remarks, thanks are also tools designed to maintain discipline of personnel. Extraordinary appointment to the outfit, reprimand may not be accompanied by the execution of the relevant order. At the same time, one must remember that it is impossible to verbally remove the penalty declared on paper.

How to apply?

Usually disciplinary action, encouragement is announced personally. You can do this at the moment when the system is built. An equally convenient option is a meeting, a meeting, within the framework of which you can make an announcement about the applied measure to observe official discipline.

If a certain employee is considered exemplary and impeccably fulfills the obligations incumbent on him by his service duty, if he achieves high results in his work, one of the types of rewards prescribed in existing laws can be applied. Gratitude is most often announced, but you can also give out a financial prize or a valuable gift. In some cases, the most reasonable and effective option is to write on the board or in the book of honor. Some exemplary police officers are awarded with diplomas, signs, personal photographs, weapons, and also give a new, higher rank ahead of schedule. Some situations allow as a reward the assignment not of the title, but one notch. If a disciplinary sanction has previously been applied to an employee, cancellation may serve as a reward.

And if you study?

As an encouragement in the event that a distinguished employee of the bodies undergoes specialized training, an increase in the scholarship can be applied. Some are awarded extraordinary dismissals. Both options help maintain discipline at a high level and effectively encourage employees to work better and more efficiently.

police discipline

Special occasion

The current legislative standards call for special encouragement to endure for those who serve a long period of time for the benefit of their homeland, achieving significant success in their work. So, if a person has worked for a decade or more at the Department of Internal Affairs, all this time exemplary fulfilling the obligations assigned to him, then you can give an honorary sign. To do this, the minister responsible for this area of ​​state bodies sends a presentation to the head of state, and the president already awards the employee of the bodies. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the opinion of the collective of the body in which the person works. The presentation of the badge of honor is accompanied by the approval of a specialized provision, the signature of which can be affixed only by the president of the state.

And what does it give?

If, for his exemplary service, an internal affairs officer was awarded an honorary badge, he gains access to certain privileges. For example, you can apply for a vacation when it is convenient, which is an important positive point for employees in a rigidly structured law and order system. You can also get an additional increase of 10 days for vacation.

discipline in internal organs

Those awarded with honorary badges can count on financial advantages - their salary increases by 5%. Certain positive aspects are also associated with aspects of the living space: upon receipt of the appropriate award, the police officer in a special order goes into the queue to provide or improve living conditions. This applies to housing distributed by ATS. Certain benefits can also be obtained by providing trips to a boarding house, a sanatorium, as well as other social benefits, benefits and guarantees for employees of state bodies.

Service discipline: what if it suffered?

In case of violation of the established standards, rules of conduct, the employee may face a penalty. The entire list of possible penalties is given in the current legal normative acts. A remark, reprimand, including a strict one, a warning about incomplete compliance with the duty station, is allowed. With certain misconduct, they can be demoted, a special rank, and deprived of the insignia. The most extreme punishment is dismissal.

If an employee of the bodies is trained in a specialized educational institution, then the punishment for a misconduct may be setting out of order out of turn - but not as a duty or guard. In case of serious offenses, expulsion from the educational institution is possible.

How does it work?

One act can provoke one punishment. It is impossible to punish a person twice (and all the more times) for a perfect mistake once. The penalty must be applied within 10 days from the receipt of information about what happened. There are situations when misconduct data became known as a result of a special audit, the opening of criminal, administrative legal proceedings. In this situation, the authorities have a month to decide how to punish the offending employee. The report begins when the verification work is completed and the case is reviewed by the competent authority with a decision. The periods that the accused spent on vacation or on sick leave are not taken into account.

To summarize

Service discipline is the observance by all employees of the internal affairs department of the norms established by the laws of our country, the contract, the oath, and other important documents, including orders, instructions, and rules. In the framework of the penal correction system, discipline is a set of rules of law regulating the procedure for fulfilling obligations assigned to personnel. This also includes the rights of employees of the penal correction system, compliance with standards by employees on duty.

misconduct is

The rewards and penalties that allow maintaining the highest level of service discipline must not be neglected. Workers should have a detailed understanding of both possible penalties and rewards, as well as ways to obtain them. To some extent, service discipline is akin to the generally accepted concept of discipline, which is important for society and the legal system, but considers a narrower sphere of relations. In fact, discipline is a unified system of rules and orders that are mandatory for adherence to persons accepted into a certain community. Employees hired by the internal affairs department should clearly realize how much more important it is for them to observe the established discipline than for the civilian population.


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