Do-it-yourself snowman made of cotton. Crafts for children

The New Year is a holiday that not only children but also adults are looking forward to. In this magical time, the streets, houses and apartments of citizens are transformed in an amazing way. Decorated with cheerful lights, Christmas trees, bright garlands and paper snowflakes can be seen in every home. Perhaps you decide to make other original crafts with your child. They will fill the atmosphere of your home with the spirit of Christmas and New Year's holidays. Today we want to tell you how to make a snowman out of cotton wool with your own hands. Home tricks that you apply while working on this craft will entertain your baby and teach you to put your knowledge and skills into practice. Help him make an original toy, and you will get a lot of pleasure from the time spent together.

DIY snowman made of cotton

Do-it-yourself cotton snowman for the little ones

A small child feels sincere joy when working with junk material. He is pleased to see how wonderful souvenirs and jewelry are born from unnecessary things, debris and paper into the world. But even more he likes to give ready-made crafts to his relatives and friends. Show him how to make a snowman out of cotton using simple materials. For this exciting lesson you will need to take:

  • A sheet of thick white paper and a cardboard template in the form of a snowman.
  • Glue.
  • Vatu.
  • Colored pencils and paints.
    How to make a snowman out of cotton

Work stages

Before starting the application, do the preparatory work: watch cartoons with the snowman heroes together and make some snow crafts on the street. Invite your child to make a present for grandparents - a picture or a holiday card. How to make a snowman out of cotton on paper:

  • Attach the finished template to the landscape sheet and circle it with a simple pencil.
  • Tear the cotton into pieces and roll small balls out of them.
  • Attach them with glue to the paper. Help the child gently fill the empty space and make sure that the cotton wool does not go too far beyond the outline.
  • Show your child how to draw individual details: nose, hands, hat, buttons and scarf.
  • If the child liked the workflow, then you can make a picture frame of cotton balls and snowflakes on the picture.

When the article "Snowman made of cotton wool" is ready, do not skimp on the praise. Then the baby will be proud of himself and will definitely want to repeat the experience gained.


Do-it-yourself wool snowman for preschool children

This voluminous craft will look great under your Christmas tree or serve as a gift for close friends and relatives. How to make a decorative snowman out of cotton wool with your own hands? First of all, you need to stock up on the necessary materials:

  • Soap and glue.
  • Sequins and brush.
  • Cotton wool and dry twigs.

Work sequence

Carefully read the instructions on how to make a snowman out of cotton wool and start acting.

  • To make it easier for you to roll up the base for the snowman, soap your hands with soap. Take two pieces (one should be smaller), form a head and a body from them, and then leave for a while aside.
  • While the lumps are drying, work with glue. Dilute the PVA with water and add some sparkles to it.
  • Brush the adhesive solution on the surface of the figure and let it dry again.
  • Wrap the tip of a toothpick with a piece of cotton and glue it with glue. When the future nose dries, paint it with red or orange paint.
  • Connect the parts of the craft with a greased toothpick, attach eyes, nose and hands, decorate with a knitted hat and scarf. The snowman will look even more interesting if his arms and legs are made of the same balls, but smaller in size.
  • DIY snowman made of cotton wool is ready. If the child liked this craft, then invite him to make a family or friends for his hero. You can create an entire composition, place it on a stand, add an elegant Christmas tree or sled. It will also make a wonderful decoration for the New Year tree, which the child can hang himself in the place he likes.
    How to make a decorative snowman out of cotton wool with your own hands

Voluminous snowman

We want to introduce you to another version of crafts made from junk material. This time we will use:

  • Newspaper or tissue paper.
  • Cotton and glue.
  • A simple pencil, colored markers and scissors.

Crumple the paper and form three balls of different sizes out of it - they will serve as the basis for the body of our snowy friend. So that the lumps do not fall apart, they need to be generously lubricated with glue. When the base has dried, apply a second coat of PVA and wrap it in cotton. Draw a smile on the paper, eyes and buttons for the snowman, cut them out and attach them to the appropriate places for them. The nose for our snowman can be made in the way described above (using cotton wool and toothpicks), and then glued to the face. The torso and head of the craft are best fastened together with toothpicks or with sharp wooden skewers, previously moistened in glue. As you know, making a snowman out of cotton with your own hands is quite simple, but children get great pleasure from the creative process.

Do-it-yourself snowman made of cotton. Home Tricks


We hope that you liked the ideas of crafts described in your article. Spend more time with your child and then your relationship will become closer, filled with trust and tenderness. Working with junk and natural material will help develop a lot of talents in the baby. Perhaps thanks to the skills acquired at an early age, he will want to connect his life with art or architecture. Or maybe she’ll learn to draw and implement her creative ideas well.


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