How to grow a ruminant plant in "Sims 4": tips and tricks

The Sims 4 game is full of various incredible opportunities. This life simulator allows you to feel like a cook, and a businessman, and an ordinary hard worker. There is such a thing as gardening. It makes it possible to grow a variety of plants. Sometimes not even the most ordinary. Many are interested in how to grow a ruminant plant in Sims 4. We have to deal with this issue further. Everything is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Therefore, everyone has the opportunity to feel like a gardener, who has grown Proglotis the Cannibal.

how to grow a ruminant plant in sims 4


So, the ruminant in the Sims series appeared in the second part. It is familiar to players from that moment. It provides a variety of opportunities and just pleases the eye, but requires constant care. It is very useful for researchers, because you can take particles from a plant for study. Children with "Cannibalism" play and have fun. Therefore, the entire process of care will lie on the shoulders of adult sims.

How to grow a ruminant plant in Sims 4? To do this, you need to get a berry called "Proglotis Cannibal". There are several ways to do this. After you have it, you have to plant the seed in the ground and wait a while. Usually 2-3 days are given for cultivation. The level of gardening does not play a role here. Simply, the higher it is, the more actions you can take: talk to a plant, fertilize, and so on. In the end, you will still have a fixed amount of manipulations available with "Cannibalism."

how to grow a ruminant plant in sims 4

Where to get

How to get a ruminant in Sims 4? For this, as has already been said, it is required to find the berry "Proglotis Cannibal". It lands on the ground and sprouts. At the end of the process, a large carnivorous flower with the head of a cow will appear.

But where to get the berry? There are several ways to do this. You can choose any, it all depends on your desire. If you want to quickly get rid of the idea, catching berries from a reservoir in Sylvan Glade is suitable.

Otherwise, you can go in search of a cave in the Forgotten Grotto. There is also a journey into space. There you can also find this berry. Only catching in a pond has a nearly 100% chance of success. Therefore, you can independently choose how to act.

Sylvan Glade

In fact, if you decide to grow a ruminant in the Sims 4 game, get ready for the fact that this is not so easy. And only because you have to get the "Eating" berry. Without it, it will not be possible to bring the idea to life. As soon as the fruit appears in your inventory, no problems or questions will arise.

how to get a ruminant plant in sims 4

It has already been said that the most correct method of production is to catch in a pond. Please note that not every lake is suitable. You will need to get to Sylvan Glade and find a waterfall there. It is here that you can catch the berry. True, not the first time. You will have to wait about 2-5 hours. Almost 100% mining method!

Take your time to rejoice! After all, if you thought about how to grow a ruminant plant in "Sims 4", you need to find Sylvan Glade. This is a hidden zone, it is not so easy to detect. To get here, you need to find a huge tree with a crooked trunk. It is located near the "Boar Creek" (plot). You need to look at the plant several times (about 3-4), then "Talk about the leaves" and so on. New actions will appear again and again. In the end, you can choose to "Explore." A small quest will begin, which will help get into Sylvan Glade. If you do everything right, you can go fishing here.

During the mini-quest, you must alternately choose the following actions: “go to the sound” - “down the stream” - “into the fog” - go to the clearance. Then you will get to Sylvan Glade. All that remains is to find the waterfall and go fishing there. By the way, the level of fishing does not affect the rate of berry production.

Home supervision

How to grow a ruminant plant in "Sims 4"? Once you get the Proglotis Cannibal, you can go home. The seed will be placed in your inventory. Plant the plant in the ground, and then just look after it. The higher the level of gardening, the more actions you will be available.

grow a ruminant plant

For the successful development of "Man-Eater" you just need to water it. Also, with developed gardening, you can talk with the sprout, as well as fertilize it. A few days of such manipulations - and “Proglotis” will grow.

Now it’s clear how to grow a ruminant in Sims 4. Do not forget, it requires care. The main thing is feeding. If you do not feed “Cannibal” even once in 12 hours, she will stick her tongue out with a piece of cake and try to lure the victim to herself, which she will immediately eat. She can spit out someone, but not the fact that this will happen. It is enough to simply feed the plant so that it does not prey on passers-by. If within 12 hours after Proglotis the Eater pulled out a piece of cake on the tongue, you do not feed it, only the skeleton remains. That is, the plant will die.


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