How to care for a guinea pig

Guinea pigs belong to the rodent family, although in appearance they are more like rabbits, except with small ears. Nevertheless, the structure and arrangement of the teeth in them are very similar precisely to rodents. Pigs were domesticated many centuries ago by the ancient Incas, and to this day are considered wonderful pets. These are surprisingly affectionate, active and outgoing creatures. Moreover, unlike small fellow rodents, leading a daily lifestyle. Each guinea pig has its own unique character. There are lazy sleepyheads who love a hearty meal, and perpetual motion machines, ready to make noise all day long.

Who should start pigs

Any pig can be a wonderful pet. People who do not know how to care for a guinea pig, and are afraid not to cope with this task, may not worry: animals are really unpretentious. Even a child will be able to take care of them, starting from the age of six. Also, pigs are recommended for older couples and those people who do not have a lot of free time to care for larger and more demanding animals. Pigs do not take up much space, do not spoil furniture and do not require walking on the street, and therefore will be a great alternative to a dog or cat.

If the family has representatives of the younger generation, do not be afraid to entrust the maintenance of the pet to them. After all, it is through communication with animals and caring for them that children learn the world. So they learn the responsibility for the lives of others, even if this is just a small animal. It is important to patiently tell the child how to care for the guinea pig, explain that it can not be pulled by the legs and coat.

Guinea pigs: care and maintenance

The larger the cage where your pet settles, the better. As filler, large sawdust (not coniferous) is used, which is changed a couple of times a week. For one guinea pig, a housing of 70 by 50 cm in size will be quite enough, but no less. Itโ€™s better not to skimp, as the principle of โ€œcramped but not offendedโ€ is not acceptable for pigs. The content of one or, even worse, several pigs in a too small cell leads to a weakening of the immunity in animals and the emergence of various stressful situations. Not to mention infections.

As a result, mumps can undergo unpleasant diseases, one of which is alopecia. This means that cute furry animals partially or completely lose their hair. It is possible to cure a disease caused by stress, but it will take a lot of time and effort on the part of the owner to rehabilitate and recover. Itโ€™s better to simply avoid such situations. That is why cell selection should be taken as responsibly as possible.

Pig selection

It is best to purchase an animal from breeders specializing in breeding your favorite breed. Such people usually take their reputation seriously. In addition, they will be able to tell a lot of interesting things about how to care for a guinea pig of a particular breed. After all, it will fall to the new owners completely tiny - itโ€™s just right to get confused. Therefore, the purchase of a small pig from a breeder guarantees success, as well as the absence of diseases and birth defects.

In second place in terms of reliability is the purchase of a guinea pig in a pet store. But here the future owner should be careful himself. First, adult pigs are often sold in stores, and this greatly complicates the taming of the animal. It is best to get babies from the age of one month. They should be active, with shiny eyes, good to eat. Damage to the skin and hair, protruding bones, adhering and dirty hair in the anus area, lethargy indicate that the animal is unhealthy and it is better to refuse to buy it.

Well, in third place will be the purchase of animals, as they say, "with hands." As well as in bird markets or by arrangement. This is always done at your own peril and risk. The only time that you could recommend this method of acquiring animals is to acquire mumps from good friends.


On the shelves of pet stores you can often see books detailing how to care for a guinea pig. Considerable attention is paid to the section "feeding". And this is no coincidence, because in spite of the simplicity of keeping pigs have a very delicate stomach. The main food of guinea pigs is hay. It should always be in excess. In summer, hay is partially replaced with fresh, well-washed grass: sedge, dandelions, plantain, clover. Of course, if there is where to collect it, since vegetation from the roadsides or from polluted areas will not benefit the animals.

Also in the feeder must be dry food for guinea pigs. It is important that they eat all or almost everything, and not choose the most delicious. If you spoil the animal in this way, it will cease to receive all the substances necessary for the body. As a result, the mumps will begin to suffer from vitamin deficiency. To prevent this from happening, you need to be patient and not sprinkle new food on top of the old one. It is better to fill the feeder in the morning and in the evening.

Fresh fruits and vegetables should also be present in the diet of guinea pigs. These are apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots (just not too many, otherwise there will be problems with the liver), pears, grapes, watermelon. Vitamin C is very important for pigs. Some eat oranges, others get this vitamin from parsley, feed or rose hips. One way or another, vitamin C should be in sufficient quantity. Do not forget about water. There should always be a drinker in the cage, the contents of which should be changed every day.


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