The best books of Verber Bernard: description and reviews

Reading good books is a great pastime. What do fans of science fiction have to choose? The books of Verber Bernard are a great option. This French writer has gained immense popularity in many countries of the world. The first work was created by him back in school age. The fact that the boy was talented was beyond doubt ...

Verber Bernard's books - where did it all begin?

In print, the author’s first novel appeared in 1991. The "ants" were not appreciated by the critics. Reviews about them were not the best. The books of Verber Bernard began to interest the public only after the release of the second part of this trilogy. The author quickly gained a lot of fans.

books by verber bernard

The first book tells the reader about the most hardworking creatures in the world. The writer is talking about two civilizations, discussing who is still more viable - people or ants. This novel is really interesting and exciting.

Continuation of "Ants"

Verber Bernard's next books in this series were welcomed by readers. The second novel is called Ant's Day. The ability of these creatures to obey the rules is simply mesmerizing. The exciting plot keeps the reader in suspense, giving him real pleasure. The third book is The Ant Revolution. The fans of the author were already looking forward to this novel with great impatience. And their expectations were met! The work appealed to many fans of science fiction. Negative reviews are no longer met.


Another series attracted no fewer people. "Tanatonauts" tell of test pilots departing for the next world. The work changes people's ideas about death and birth, about travels and the way home, about mythology, about love. Naturally, Bernard Werber did not stop there when creating the series. The books “Empire of Angels”, “We, the Gods” instantly soared to the top of literary ratings. Enthusiastic reviews easily explain this fact. Moreover, you can read the series not only in order, but also as separate independent works. Today, there is talk of a film adaptation of the world's best-selling book.

bernard verber travel book

The "breath of the gods" and "The mystery of the gods" could not remain without the attention of readers. Books literally swept from store shelves, leaving a lot of positive reviews. Thus, the writer became increasingly popular.

"Fathers of our fathers"

The books of Verber Bernard continued the classic plot. In The Fathers of Our Fathers, the author created his Sherlock Holmes. By the way, this novel is one of the most beloved by Verber himself. The beginning resembles a detective story. Actions here are developing according to the laws of this genre. That is, the reader is faced with a crime, an investigation, suspects. Further, judging by the reviews, the author noticeably surprises the audience ...

Bernard Verber books third humanity

“The Last Secret” is another brilliant novel by the writer. This time, the author invites the reader to penetrate the secrets of human consciousness. A chess scientist must play a serious game with a computer brain. And it is not easy! And the world’s chess crown is at stake! Man wins. Hall applauds. And suddenly the winner dies. Two journalists are beginning to investigate a mysterious death ...

"Star Butterfly"

French writer Bernard Verber continued to create books with considerable speed. At the same time, the plots did not suffer at all. The imagination of the author simply amazes the reader with its infinity. The Star Butterfly book tells of one hundred and forty-four people. They are forced to leave the perishing Earth. A solar sailboat called the Star Butterfly takes them away from the planet. Travelers can find a new home only after hundreds of years.

bernard verber books empire of angels

During this time, more than one generation and their worldview will change, many wars and revolutions will happen. Heroes will be jealous, love and even kill each other. A ship damaged by meteorites leaves only six people. But only two of them can land on a new planet ... Judging by the reviews, the book is fascinating from the first pages, and it is simply impossible to break away from it.


The next stage in the work of such a remarkable author as Bernard Werber is a series of encyclopedias. Readers with great pleasure took up these works. The first of these was the Encyclopedia of Relative and Absolute Knowledge. Every second Frenchman read this legend book. After her translation into other languages, she won the recognition and love of many people outside France.

Following her came out the "New Encyclopedia of Relative and Absolute Knowledge." The author reveals to the reader three hundred and eighty-four unexpected truths, talks about various strategies for manipulating a person, and opens the curtain in front of his own recipes for creativity. In a word, this is a collection of amazing facts that delight the reader. The book includes previously published texts, and new, unfamiliar audiences.

French writer Bernard Verber books

Fans of Verber, lovers of interesting facts, spiritual insights and scientific discoveries, appreciated this work. By the way, she was first illustrated by drawings of the author himself.

Popular works

And Bernard Werber did not stop there. The book "Travels" is not like his previous works on ants, gods and interstellar spaces. The author writes about the earthly, about people.

The book “The Tree of the Possible” occupies a special place among the many original works of Verber. She is a collection of short stories, hypotheses, assumptions. Each of them, like a compressed spring, embodies the history of the future of mankind. The author tries to convey to the reader what the world will become. For example, if a huge meteorite falls in the center of Paris. Or if aliens begin to breed people like pets. Or if it turns out that the trees are actually thinking, intelligent creatures. Or if his own hand begins to rebel against a person. In general, the author describes the future as a completely controlled element, subject to us. However, just think about it in advance.

The book “Our Friends of Men” also earned considerable popularity. This is the so-called original version of the reality show "Behind the Glass." In the plot there is a man suddenly found himself under the dome. Here, in a glass cage, an attractive woman is with him. The hero is trying to understand who closed them here, whether they are both victims, or his neighbor is an accomplice of these strange people. By the way, this work was taken as the basis for a new film by the French director Claude Lelouche.

Bernard Verber Book Series

Bernard Werber wrote books one after another. "Third humanity" also brought him considerable popularity. However, like all the work of this talented person. Fans enthusiastically respond to the author’s works, note his unusual thinking, which sometimes leads the reader into another, fantastic, but such a real world.

Great stories

So, Bernard Verber is the author of many excellent books. "Paradise to order" is one of them. Here are collected wonderful stories that give great pleasure to lovers of good literary works. Every day, new ideas are born in the head of a cult French writer. According to him, they are slowly developing and relentlessly pursuing the author.

For example, Verber tries to imagine what would happen if people began to multiply like flowers. Or if you suddenly forgot your past. Or if all men disappear on planet Earth. Such short stories are the embryos of stories, of which, perhaps a little later, the author will be able to create new novels, and directors - new films. To the enthusiasm of the readers, this talented writer offers them beautiful original stories. In a word, spending time with these books is very pleasant and interesting. And rave reviews from readers speak for themselves.


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