Haruki Murakami, "Norwegian Forest": reviews, summary, analysis, quotes

The modern Japanese writer Haruki Murakami has created many interesting works. According to him, not one of them is autobiographical. Reading Murakami is not for everyone. Often his novels are too long, but they certainly have a philosophy. One of Murakami’s strong works is The Norwegian Forest. Summary, analysis and other interesting facts that can be taken out of the book will be the subject of our study.

Murakami Norwegian Forest

In the beginning was ... a song

It is amazing how the author manages to delve into the issues raised and not forget to draw parallels with reality. Those who became acquainted with the work, before asking the question, where did its name come from. Here Murakami is not original. The name is taken from the famous composition “The Beatles” Norwegian Wood, which literally translates as “Norwegian forest”. Mention of her is also present on the pages of the novel. The theme of the forest and surrounding nature is separately explored by Murakami. The “Norwegian Forest” contains colorful descriptions of Tokyo's neighborhoods in which the plot takes place. If you are not a fan of large volumes (and this book is just that), we will analyze individual storylines, analyze the characters and actions of the characters, and with the help of readers 'reviews and critics' ratings we will give a conclusion whether it is worth spending time on this novel.

Understand me

This work has caused a lot of controversy. Some believed that the novel could adversely affect the teenage (and not only) psyche, while others considered it a good example of assessing oneself and one's life. Of particular interest were quotes. The “Norwegian Forest” Murakami contains an impressive amount of interesting, vibrant sayings. Some of them have become catchphrases. Fans of the novel and the writer's work often use them in colloquial speech. But much more important is that, given the philosophy of the work, such quotes will help to better understand the characters, their thoughts and actions.

haruki murakami norwegian forest reviews

The path to the status of a masterpiece

For several years, work continued on the creation of the book, as Haruki Murakami admitted. The Norwegian Forest, a summary of which remains to be determined later, was released in 1987. Almost immediately, he was recognized as a bestseller in Japan. However, there is nothing to be surprised at. Any creation of a writer quickly finds a response from readers, becoming the most sold-out work.

Human destinies to talk about

A feature of Murakami as a writer is the need to convey to the reader about the difficult fate of an ordinary person. Anyone can become him. Often, characters occupy different positions, differ in age and status. As if to say that no one should be extolled over others, the author equals everyone at the same level. Everyone will decide whether Haruki Murakami is doing the right thing. The “Norwegian Forest”, reviews of which it is called a social drama, tells of a young generation living in the mid-1960s. Students at Tokyo University do not want to follow the rules established by the government, and therefore oppose the principles. Experiencing difficult times in society and the country as a whole, all of them (for example, the main character named Tooru) are forced to change inside.

Duality of images

Haruki Murakami creates his main character in a special way. “Norwegian Forest” introduces the reader to two Tooru Watanabe - a teenager and a middle-aged man. The latter is a storyteller. To a greater extent, he recalls the past when he was a university student and when, in fact, climaxes occurred in his fate. Having lived an interesting life, Tooru shares tips with readers through his example. Given the philosophical implication of the work, readers should not only think about Tooru's life, but also draw parallels with their own.

haruki murakami norwegian forest summary

Themes for every generation

For what audience did Murakami create his work? Norwegian Forest is not intended for a specific readership. The book may appeal to both the teenage generation and people who have crossed the line of maturity. The novel is based on the issue of loss and sexual maturity. The protagonist is experiencing a tragedy associated with the suicide of his best friend, and also adjoins the general excitement of other students who are dissatisfied with the level of existence. As if aggravating an already confused attitude to life, the author adds to the plot sharpness: Tooru simultaneously meets two dissimilar girls who lure him into a maelstrom of events. He will have to make a choice: lively, emotional Midori or charming, but traumatized inside Naoko?

In general, the narrative will skip to different time intervals more than once. This, too, can be called a special technique that Murakami uses. The “Norwegian Forest” will begin its long “journey” from German memories, where Tooru, 37, hears the song Norwegian Wood. A sudden nostalgia for the past brings sadness and longing. Watanabe mentally returns to the distant 60s, then changing his present and future ...

The emotional burdens burdened by tragedy

What began with ordinary memories soon grew into a lifetime. It is difficult to describe in a nutshell the work of Haruki Murakami, “The Norwegian Forest”. The summary cannot convey the fullness of the dramatic story, the main message that the author put into the book. And yet, for those who are not familiar with her, we will reveal a little background ...

As you already know, Tooru has been friends with Kizuki for many years. He, in turn, is attached to a friend of Naoko. Each of the heroes feels himself part of the “gang”. The sudden decision of a mutual friend to end his own life brings Watanabe and the girl even closer. Together they experience a tragedy: Tooru everywhere feels the breath of death, and Naoko seemed to have lost a piece of herself. On the day of her 20th anniversary, she makes love with Tooru, after which the guy wonders if it was a sincere desire or a physiological urge. The hero is imbued with sympathy for the girl, but understands that "breaking through" the veil of her soul is not so simple ...

Haruki Murakami Norwegian Forest Summary Analysis

Awareness difficulties

What is the first impression of reading a novel by H. Murakami, “The Norwegian Forest”? Reader reviews define it as a complex work. Some episodes last too long, and some could be significantly reduced, while maintaining the essence of things. But this is a feature of the writing technique of the Japanese author. Probably, in order to comprehend such works, it is necessary, at least, to live up to gray hair. In contrast, it should be noted that younger readers admitted to the ease of understanding. Well, to each his own. The only thing that definitely cannot be advised is to get acquainted with the book in a state of depression. Psychological instability threatens with dangerous consequences.

Erotic poem

What are the strengths and weaknesses of Haruki Murakami's Norwegian Forest? Reader reviews unanimously call the protagonist an interesting personality. In many ways, it is he who saves the resulting simple in content and makes him fascinated by the history of his life with his bright character.

Tooru is created by a controversial character. When the plot is twenty years old, he argues for all thirty. His philosophy includes complex phrases and quotes, but this “allegorical adverb” remains understandable to others. Moreover, Watanabe has a core, calm, composure. You can rely on him, it’s easy for him to tell the problems that eat up from the inside. No wonder both girls are drawn to the guy.

The author does not in vain show the characters from the side of their growing up, awareness of surrounding things, rules of life. Tooru, experiencing the death of a friend, painlessly perceives reality, as if he had already crossed his most dangerous line of life. He is definitely suffering. The subject of death is interesting in comparison with other heroes, for example, Naoko. In other words, Murakami gives each of them his own ways to survive the loss, making some strong and some weaker.

Love and pleasure

Inappropriate sex is the main minus of the novel “Norwegian Forest”. The reviews of those who read the work agree on how the author drew the main character, showed true thinking. Watanabe is a man. He experiences personal tragedies in his own way, but when the opportunity presents himself to satisfy his needs, he takes this opportunity. And more than once, not with one girl. Should he be criticized for this? Tooru lives in a world full of sex created by Murakami. Perhaps the author pays such attention with inherent delicate details, considering it to be part of the life of every person? But unfortunately, most characters are perceived as preoccupied; their conversations and thoughts about sex sometimes overwhelm the norms of the permissible.

Norwegian forest

Romantics to the rescue

Can I learn to love from a book? A perfect example for this is the Norwegian Forest. Most of the reviews of critics agree with the opinion that the work is filled with sensuality and eroticism. The plus is the cautious presentation of such a delicate topic by Murakami. Readers will not find vulgarity. On the contrary, vulgar scenes are replaced by the fire of passion that Tooru experiences every time. The protagonist in search of love is experiencing a lot of feelings and emotions. Of course, he is a seducer who knows how to give a sea of ​​pleasure, who knows the approach to any woman, regardless of her age. But do not forget that behind all this outer shell, Watanabe is desperately looking for the present. Each time it seems to us that his new passion will become true love, as it turns out that this is just another burst of sensations. It is noteworthy that, describing the intimate episodes from Tooru's sexual maturation, the author also shows a romantic atmosphere, such as a soulful kiss in the attic of one of the girls.

What lives inside ...

Love and death are perhaps the key components that are closely and more than once intertwined in Murakami's Norwegian Forest. Reviews often compare the main character with a carrier of negative energy, while for many he remains a positive character. A strange pattern: where he appears, there “smacks of” death. From his image, people are ready to go crazy. What is the secret of Tooru's “appeal”? Probably the blame for all that hot, passionate sex, sometimes seeming meaningless, mechanical, instinctive.

In close connection with the rest of the characters, Watanabe paves his way. His feelings are concentrated in unrealized energy, tearing out. He is often overcome by an oppressive void; with varying success, I want to cry and indulge in frank confessions, sort out myself and embark on unbridled fantasies ... Could he be happy with Naoko? Undoubtedly. She just needed the protection that he had once shown. Any girl wants from her other half to get at least a little confidence.

norwegian forest reader reviews

Long search for yourself

Those who are eager to find out how Watanabe’s story will end with curiosity will wait for the final part of Murakami’s novel “The Norwegian Forest”. The summary of the work is full of interesting storylines. So, the psychological instability of Naoko forces her to take a break in relations with Tooru. Student unrest does not produce the expected results. This further inflames the young man's feeling of hatred and hypocrisy for his peers. He meets a lively, cheerful girl Midori, with whom he is very well. Visiting Naoko in the clinic, the hero gets acquainted with a patient named Ishida Reiko. While Naoko shares memories of her sister's suicide, a new acquaintance talks about her first sexual experience. Naturally, Tooru is more attracted to her than his constantly aching girlfriend ...

Haruki Murakami, “Norwegian Forest”: summary, analysis, general impressions

The intrigue of the novel is present on all its pages. It should be said a separate "thank you" to the writer for the fact that he was able in this way to maintain reader interest. The final part for many seemed the most emotional. What awaits the hero ahead?

Tooru, a new acquaintance, asks for advice - which of the girls to stay with? But Naoko is dying. Watanabe travels around the country, trying to comprehend what happened. Meeting with Reiko, he spends the night with her. And the next morning he makes his main life decision ... Especially for those who are not familiar with the work, we will not begin to reveal the final ending.

To summarize, what can be said about the work as a whole? What are your impressions of reading the difficult Norwegian Forest novel? The overwhelming majority of readers agree that the book left a neutral perception and a dual impression. The obvious, but not always positive fact for its assessment is the excessive presence of sex. The work is rich in thoughts, inhibited movements, cold, chilliness, emptiness and loneliness. Murakami in an unusual stylistic peculiar to him exclusively explores the issues of being and death, knowledge of himself and his place in society. However, some readers expressed that some part of the soul disappears forever. Own life may seem dull, which is not a means of raising the mood. Individual characters are not fully disclosed. Most often, they are interested in sexual urges, which, in turn, causes a desire to slam the book.

norwegian forest reviews

The main reader’s question: taste and color ...

Being carried away by the story of the main character (in fact, Tooru remains the only one “about whom” and “to whom” the novel is dedicated), you should not compare it with your own life. On the contrary, the mistakes of others teach not to make mistakes. It is sad when life is perceived to be devoid of any meaning and purpose, and true pleasures acquire a mechanical, artificial hue. When making a choice, remember: no book can name the price of your own life, and therefore it’s hard to address Haruka Murakami's work “The Norwegian Forest” to everyone.

Quotes from the novel, which were mentioned at the beginning of the article, will remain a good “outlet” in difficult life situations. We present to you several worthy statements that are not without meaning:

  • “At least once I wanted to get love to the full. To make me want to shout: "Enough, now I’ll burst already! Only once ..."
  • “We are just sharing our imperfection with each other.”
  • “Don't pity yourself. Only the insignificants pity themselves. ”
  • “For the first time we were left alone, and I was great. It’s like I’ve been moved to the next step in my own life. ”
  • "This is purely my problem, and you probably don’t care, but I don’t sleep with anyone else. I don’t want to forget your touch."
  • “Sometimes I feel like a museum ranger. An empty museum without a single visitor, whom I look after only for myself. ”


“Norwegian Forest” expected global success. After the novel was sold in millions of copies and reprinted several times, fans wondered if the film would be shot on it. A film adaptation was released in 2010, including limited rental in Russia. The self-titled picture paid off the spent budget, was marked by a nomination at the Venice Film Festival. According to viewers who have read the work before, the picture fully reflects the key ideas of the original novel.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13604/

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