Kostroma Jewelry Factory: customer reviews on product quality

Modern historians are constantly asking themselves why the Kostroma region is the center of Russian jewelers. Indeed, in these lands there are no deposits of precious metals. They were always brought here from other places. Possibly, the low suitability of local lands for farming has led to the fact that here people have long been engaged in jewelry.

Kostroma region - the center of the jewelry industry in Russia

Currently, the Kostroma region produces more than 30% of all jewelry in the country. In this subject of the Russian Federation, there are almost 700 enterprises that process about 20 tons of gold and 30 tons of silver per year. Nearly 7,000 people work in jewelry production. More than 80% of their products are exported. Kostroma jewelers annually produce products worth about 2 billion rubles.

The enterprises “Kostroma Jewelry Factory” and “Topaz” are especially distinguished. About these Kostroma jewelry factories, customer reviews are always amazing.

Three rings

History of Kostroma Jewelers

This ancient Russian city has long been famous for its silver products and other jewelry. Information about the very first of them dates back to the tenth century. Precisely this period dates back to jewelry found by archaeologists.

However, historians believe that real jewelers began working here in the 16th century, it is in the annals of this period that the first Kostroma silver pieces are mentioned. And the first information about jewelry made of precious metal, which was made directly by Kostroma, dates back to the 17th century.

A ring with a diamond

The history of the Kostroma jewelry factory

Well-known throughout Russia and far beyond the borders of the Kostroma jewelry factory, whose product reviews are only positive, began its history back in 1939. It was at this time that several families headed by well-known local jewelers formed an artel, which was called "For Consumer Goods".

This structure began to produce brass, silver plated rings with one stone. The place of work of the artel was a small house in the "Tatar settlement" of the city of Kostroma. The demand for the products of the craftsmen immediately exceeded all expectations, so the artel added earrings from nickel silver with one stone to its products.

After some time, taking into account the growth in production, a stone structure was acquired, in the premises of which a number of workshops were organized. The assortment expanded, brooches, buckles, chains, and several types of earrings were launched into production.

By orders of the country's leadership, by 1940, the company mastered the production of the badge - a red star. In total, they released more than 1 million pieces. The number of employees has increased to 100 people.

With the beginning of World War II, the artel stopped creating jewelry, switched to the production of barbed wire (wire fences). Many masters went to the front. In the fall of 1941, the artel was in the lead.

After the war ended, demand for jewelry began to increase. In this regard, the artel was recreated in January 1946. It began to be called "Kostroma Promartel" Victory ". Initially, the main assortment was metal haberdashery. Gradually, jewelry began to be added.

In the fall of 1960, on the basis of promartels, they created the Kostroma Jewelry Factory. From this period until 1967, it mainly processed precious and non-ferrous metals.

In 1967, the range began to expand significantly. The factory began to produce earrings, cufflinks, rings, as well as enamel-covered souvenirs - badges. The range began to include products from cupronickel.

Since the beginning of 1973, the factory has been called the Kostroma Jewelry Factory. A year later, she was included in the association "Jeweler". From this moment, the company specializes in working with gold 583. The number of employees increased to 730 people. Reviews about the Kostroma jewelry factory at that time indicated a significant increase in its popularity and recognition.

Kostroma jewelry factory product reviews

Jewelry manufacturing

In the nineties of the last century, a large-scale equipment modernization was carried out at the Kostroma Jewelry Factory. The company began producing precious stones, including diamonds. Also, work was carried out to create exclusive products that immediately became known and recognizable among specialists. More than once masters have received well-deserved awards and prestigious prizes. The factory returned to work with silver.

In 1995, the plant acquired an exclusive set of equipment manufactured in Italy, intended for knitting production. This allowed us to start manufacturing chains of gold and silver, as well as expand the production of platinum products, decorated with diamonds, and silver with enamel. Kostroma jewelry factory reviews are also very good about new products.

Around the same period, the company launched its products on the markets of Europe, Canada and America.

In late 1995, the plant became an open joint stock company.

In addition to modern technical equipment, the plant also has its own cutting shop, which makes the company unique among other Russian similar plants. It employs highly qualified masters, artists whose work is not limited. This allows you to create exclusive and high-quality designer products, as well as fulfill individual orders.

Set of earrings and a ringlet

KOUZ “Topaz”

Kostroma Jewelry Factory “Topaz” is an enterprise with a 25-year history. During this relatively short period, it has become a very well-known enterprise in Russia and abroad, producing a significant range of jewelry of a very high level.

Short story

Topaz began its activities in 1992 as a small jewelry workshop, which was founded by several craftsmen.

After the jewelers, who previously worked in the state structure "Rembyttekhnika", united and carried out the registration of the enterprise, they purchased about six kilograms of gold on borrowed funds. It was used to produce jewelry for about six months. Now Kostroma “Topaz” produces almost 15 kg of this precious metal per month. The company produces almost one hundred thousand jewelry every month. This performance allowed him to enter the top three leading jewelry factories in Russia.

Kostroma jewelry factory "Topaz" reviews

Modern production

The level of technical equipment of Topaz is impressive. The equipment available at the factory allows the company to keep pace with the main world jewelry centers. Moreover, it makes possible the implementation of the entire production cycle of jewelry. Product quality is carefully monitored by our own modern factory laboratory. Its experts monitor all processes and at all stages, from the start of production to the release of finished jewelry. All this leads to the fact that reviews of the quality of the Kostroma jewelry factory "Topaz" always confirm the responsibility of the masters and employees of the enterprise.

The range of manufactured products includes tens of thousands of items, including gold jewelry with various inserts (diamonds, precious stones, Swarovski crystals).

The Kostroma jewelry factory “Topaz” is famous for its designers, who have developed more than 200 jewelry collections that are distinguished by their exclusivity and sophistication during the existence of the enterprise. They are very popular with buyers. Reviews about the products of the Kostroma jewelry factory "Topaz" confirm this.

Design decisions and the high quality of Topaz jewelry have been repeatedly noted at domestic and international exhibitions.

Marketers estimate that every fifteenth Russian woman has in her collection items created at the Kostroma Topaz Jewelry Factory. Reviews about them are always favorable. Moreover, reputable employees of the plant say that over its relatively short history, the company has produced a lot of gold items. If all of them are brought together and melted into a wire, then it will go around the Earth more than 400 times at the equator or stretch 250 times to the Moon and back.

The company itself has about 1,200 employees. And directly at the jewelry factory, nearly 800 people.

Golden earrings

Product sales

The sale of products of the Topaz jewelry factory is carried out through close contact with a strategic partner - Line of Love salons. This chain of stores represents more than 120 large retail outlets throughout the Russian Federation and is currently actively developing.

Topaz products are also supplied in large quantities to other jewelry retail chains not only in Russia, but also abroad. Among the countries that cooperate with Topaz are European countries, the USA, Canada, and also some Asian countries.

It also has Topaz and its own online store, which offers everyone a wide range of jewelry. The convenience and innovation of this method of selling jewelry by the Kostroma Jewelry Factory is extremely positive.

Jewelry with pearls

Customer reviews

Reviews about the products of the enterprises of Kostroma Jewelry Factory and Topaz are mostly positive. Buyers note a very large assortment of products, among which you can always find a suitable jewelry in an affordable price range. Pleased with the availability of things made for girls (earrings, rings). In the reviews you can read that the gold from which the products are made is really high quality. It does not darken over time, does not fade, does not cause allergic reactions, does not crumple and does not wear out. Many women report wearing rings and earrings made by Kostroma jewelers for more than 10 years.

As shortcomings in individual reviews, it is noted that sometimes the mounts do not hold stones well (in earrings, rings), as a result of which there are losses or appeals for repair to jewelry workshops.

Buyers note that you can profitably purchase your favorite product not only in a regular store, but also online. The purchase is always delivered on time, in a beautiful package. The purchased goods are fully consistent with what is shown in the photo in the catalog.

Customers also note that often for a certain group of goods there are good discounts, so high-quality gold and silver jewelry can be bought very profitably. Promotions are held even on diamond products.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13607/

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