Cryptorch castration: a feature of the operation

Cryptorchidism in pets is a fairly common occurrence. Owners are far from always aware of a birth defect in their pets. Very often, this feature is detected only when the question arises of castration of the cryptorch. How is this operation performed? And how to care for the animal after surgery? We will consider these issues in the article.

What is cryptorchidism

At the time of birth in males, the testes are located in the abdominal cavity. As the animal develops sexually, the testes descend into the scrotum. If this does not happen, then the veterinarians call such a defect cryptorchidism.

In cryptorchids, the testis is located either under the skin in the groin or in the abdominal cavity. This defect is inherited, so the cryptorchs are excluded from breeding.

Veterinarians divide two types of cryptorchidism:

  • Unilateral. One of the testicles is missing in the scrotum. Most often, undescended left seminal gland is observed.
  • Bilateral. Both gonads are located in the groin or in the abdomen.

In most cases, the pathology is congenital. It is considered a consequence of improper genital formation in the prenatal period. The young are already born with a short spermatic cord or an excessively narrowed inguinal canal. All this prevents the prolapse of the testes.

Very rarely, cryptorchidism is acquired. The cause of this anomaly is trauma to the abdomen and scrotum. Therefore, small cubs must be protected from falls and bumps.

How to identify an anomaly

Cryptorchidism can be detected at home. To do this, palpate the scrotum of the animal. Normally, when probing, two formations are determined that are similar in shape to beans. If only one testis is palpated, then in most cases this is a sign of cryptorchidism.

However, it is sometimes difficult to diagnose your pet yourself. There are cases of false cryptorchidism. The seminal gland may shift due to a sharp contraction of the muscles. This phenomenon is observed during the cold or when the animal is frightened. Therefore, it is better to seek the help of a veterinarian. The specialist diagnoses cryptorchidism after repeated palpation of the animal.

Palpation of the animal

Is it dangerous

Is cryptorchidism dangerous? Usually the owners do not notice any deviations in the behavior and condition of the animal. The absence of one or two sex glands in the scrotum does not affect the well-being of the pet. For this reason, going to the veterinarian is often delayed.

However, cryptorchidism can have quite serious consequences. It is in the scrotum that the most favorable conditions for the normal functioning of the testicles are created. If the seminal glands are located in the groin or in the abdominal cavity, then they are constantly exposed to overheating. Over time, this can provoke malignant tumors of the testes. For this reason, veterinarians recommend castration of the cryptorch.

Testicular tumors are most commonly seen in dogs with cryptorchidism. However, this complication cannot be ruled out in cats and stallions. In any case, the presence of testes in the groin or in the stomach adversely affects the state of the tissues of the sex glands.

In addition, cryptorchidism can cause testicular torsion and prostate tumors. It can be concluded that such an anomaly is far from harmless.

Cryptorchidism is the cause of serious illnesses

The need for surgery

Cryptorch castration is a more complex surgical procedure than conventional sterilization of a healthy animal. Many owners are afraid to expose their pet to such a procedure.

However, veterinarians with cryptorchidism strongly recommend castration. After all, this anomaly cannot be cured by other methods. The operation is necessary for the following reasons:

  • castration prevents the risk of tumors;
  • transmission of the defect to offspring is excluded;
  • problems associated with sexual behavior are eliminated (the need to mark territory, aggressiveness).

Often the owners ask the veterinarian not to castrate the animal, but to perform an operation to lower the genital glands into the scrotum. However, such surgical intervention is extremely rare. After all, after this operation, there is a danger of transmitting the anomaly to subsequent generations and all the problems associated with sexual behavior remain. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases with congenital cryptorchidism, experts recommend castration.

Very rarely, with acquired cryptorchidism in cats, surgical intervention is replaced by hormonal therapy. However, the animal has to administer huge doses of testosterone, which negatively affects the body. Such treatment is carried out only if there are serious contraindications to the operation.

Preparation for surgery

Before castration of the cryptorch, the animal is carefully prepared for surgical intervention. The preoperative period consists of the following stages:

  1. The veterinarian palpates the scrotum and abdominal cavity.
  2. Assign an ultrasound examination. This helps determine the location of the gonads.
  3. The animal is tested for blood, urine and an electrocardiogram. The examination allows you to determine the general state of health.
  4. If the pet has not been vaccinated before, then 2 to 3 weeks before castration, he needs to be given all the necessary vaccinations.
  5. About 3 weeks before the scheduled operation, anthelmintic treatment is necessary.
  6. The day before castration, the animal must be thoroughly washed with antiparasitic shampoo.
  7. Eight hours before surgery, meals should be excluded.
Diagnosis before surgery

Operation Technique

What is the operation technique used for castration of cryptorch? It all depends on the type of anomaly. If the gonads are located under the skin in the inguinal region, then this is the easiest case. With such localization of the testicles, the operation consists of the following steps:

  1. On the surgical field, the hair is shaved and the skin is treated with antiseptics.
  2. The animal is given a local anesthetic.
  3. An incision is made over the testis.
  4. The sex gland is separated from the adipose tissue.
  5. A ligature is placed on the spermatic cord.
  6. The testicle is completely cut off.

It is very important to remove the second seminal gland from the scrotum. Otherwise, the animal will retain the ability to reproduce and the need to mark the territory. The second testicle is cut off in the traditional way, as with conventional castration.

Cryptorch castration

If the sex glands are located in the abdominal cavity, then you have to do a more complex operation. It is carried out under general anesthesia. In this case, the skin is incised very deep to penetrate the abdominal cavity. The testis is also separated from the fat, and then removed. In complexity, this surgical intervention can be compared to sterilization of a female. Such an operation requires a longer rehabilitation.


If the testicle was removed from the subcutaneous region, then the pet can immediately be taken home from the clinic. If the animal underwent abdominal surgery, then in some cases it may be necessary to stay in a hospital.

In the postoperative period, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the pet. The owner should be alert for the following manifestations:

  • severe vomiting;
  • hoarse and heavy breathing;
  • blue skin;
  • rare and weak pulse;
  • lack of response to light, sounds and touch 6 to 8 hours after anesthesia.

In these cases, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Next, we will consider the rules for caring for different types of animals in the postoperative period.

How to care for a cat after surgery

After castration of the cryptorchid cat, the postoperative period is more complicated than after normal sterilization. The animal needs serious care. First of all, it is necessary to protect the suture area from licking. For this, a special blanket is put on the cat. It must be worn for at least 10 days. This method of protecting a wound is indicated after abdominal surgery.

Cat after surgery

If, during castration, the cryptorchid cat has a testicle removed from under the skin, then a special protective collar must be put on the pet. Body cloth poorly protects the groin area. The collar should also be worn for about 10 days.

The cryptorch cat after castration usually asks for food. After all, the animal had to do without food for a long time. However, in no case should you overfeed your pet. It is necessary to give food in small portions. In the future, the animal's diet should consist of special feeds for castrates. It is important to remember that sterilized cats are very prone to obesity and urolithiasis.

Dog care after surgery

Castration of a male cryptorch is a necessary measure. With incorrect localization of the testes in dogs, malignant tumors very often occur. Cryptorchidism in males is also accompanied by a strong violation of the hormonal background. This is fraught not only with the appearance of dangerous neoplasms, but also with diabetes.

With cryptorchidism in dogs, the testes are most often located in the abdominal cavity. Veterinary surgeons have to use the cavity method of castration of male cryptorchids. The peculiarity of the operation is that after the intervention there is a deep wound on the abdomen. Therefore, it is very important to prevent licking of the seam. To do this, put on a dog collar or blanket. It is also necessary to periodically treat the seam with an antiseptic.

Dog after surgery

After castration, cryptorchid dogs have an increased risk of thyroid disease. After all, such an operation changes the hormonal background of the body. Therefore, the animal must undergo regular veterinary examinations.

Postoperative period in horses

Castration of a cryptorch stallion is a rather complicated operation. After it remains a large wound. The recovery period takes about 2 weeks. During this period it is necessary to keep the animal on a short leash. After surgery, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are indicated.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the room and bedding. This will help prevent infection of the wound. It is necessary to protect the animal from blood-sucking insects, as they can spread infections.

Postoperative Stallion

Within 14 days after castration, any physical activity is contraindicated for the stallion. Food should be light, as disruptions of the digestive tract adversely affect wound healing.


Castration of an animal with cryptorchidism is a necessary measure. Surgical intervention eliminates the anomaly in the offspring and prevents cancerous tumors. Therefore, if the veterinarian suggested castrating the animal, then the operation should not be abandoned. With good care, your pet will successfully recover and castration will pass without unpleasant consequences.


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