Documents on fire safety. Technical regulation on fire safety requirements

Fire safety requirements are designed to ensure the protection of the life / health of personnel and property of the enterprise. Their observance guarantees the absence of problems during inspections by control authorities. Key requirements for fire safety are enshrined in 123-FZ. Violation of the requirements entails responsibility, first of all, for the leader.

fire safety documents

Key organizational activities

Any enterprise must have a comprehensive fire safety system. It includes:

  • Fire extinguishing and smoke removal systems .
  • Alarms.
  • Primary Extinguishing Media.

In addition, the so-called "passive" elements are distinguished. We are talking about non-combustible plaster, paint, resistant to fire, other non-combustible finishing materials.

To ensure safety at the enterprise, the manager must:

  • Correctly distribute labor protection responsibilities among specialists.
  • Designate security officers.
  • Provide regular briefings and testing of staff knowledge.
  • To approve the procedure and plans for evacuation, the rules for notifying employees about a fire.
  • Check the installation of warning signs and information plates.

Required Fire Safety Documents: Orders

In order to comply with the requirements established by law, the head of the enterprise issues and approves various local acts. Moreover, the list of documents on fire safety may vary depending on the specifics of the industry in which the organization operates.

fire safety documentation

The main local acts at the enterprise include orders. In them, the head not only determines the responsible persons in this area, but also establishes the procedure for carrying out preventive and other activities. The organization’s fire safety documents include certain orders:

  1. Appointment of persons responsible for the BOP.
  2. Rules for briefing.
  3. Order on the appointment of the person responsible for the condition of the extinguishing media.
  4. Identifying and equipping smoking areas.
  5. Appointment of the person responsible for fire hazardous work.
  6. Rules for de-energizing electrical equipment at the end of a shift and in case of fire.
  7. Order on the cleaning of flammable materials, waste and dust.

If the enterprise is small, then the fire regime can be approved by one order.


The fire safety documentation includes the necessary instructions. They fix the list of actions of employees in case of fire. So, the company must develop instructions:

  • For the person designated as responsible for the BOP.
  • On fire safety measures.
  • Maintenance of fire extinguishers.
  • For the operation and maintenance of fire water supply.

fire safety magazine


According to 123-FZ, employees of any enterprise must undergo training on health and fire safety. The head of the organization and the persons designated as responsible should know the basics of the fire-technical minimum. Other employees undergo briefings. Features of preparation are fixed in certain documents:

  • Introductory and initial briefing program.
  • The list of questions for assessing knowledge.
  • Fire-technical minimum program.

In addition, the fire safety documentation includes:

  • Knowledge Testing Protocols.
  • Certificates of passing the minimum.
  • Schedules and plans for training, testing, training.

The control

The enterprise should regularly conduct inspections of the state of the elements of the fire system, briefings and assessment of staff knowledge. Survey results are recorded in fire safety logs. They vary depending on the direction of the control activity. Fire safety magazines are issued by responsible persons. These documents must be certified by signatures of specialists and the head.

fz 123

The company may issue magazines:

  • Registration of briefings.
  • Accounting for primary extinguishing media.
  • Inspection of fire extinguishers.
  • Checks of hydrants, pumps, shields, etc.

Fire Safety Technical Documents

When checking, the specialist of the State Supervision Agency will require them without fail. In order to avoid problems with the control authority, the following technical documents on fire safety must be present at the enterprise:

  1. Evacuation plans.
  2. Regulations for maintenance of warning systems, alarms, fire extinguishers.
  3. Extinguishing media passports.
  4. Certificates for substances and materials used in production.
  5. Acts and graphs of checking the resistance indicators of grounding devices.
  6. Tolerance outfits.

Be sure to place signs with emergency exits, fire department phone numbers, and fire extinguishing equipment locations in the factory at designated locations.

list of fire safety documents

Instruction for office staff

As mentioned above, the list of fire safety documents at different enterprises may be different. It is worth noting that the content of some of them may also vary depending on the specifics of the activity. Some fire safety documents include clauses on the rules for providing assistance to victims, the procedure for evacuating valuable property and documentation.

If we talk about security in the office, then a special threat comes from office equipment and combustible materials used in the work (paper, for example). The following items should be included in the instructions for office workers:

  • General Provisions This section provides basic information about the purpose of the document, its scope. In the General Provisions, some definitions can be disclosed.
  • Evacuation routes, emergency exits.
  • Information about the person responsible for fire safety, his duties.
  • Rules for maintaining emergency exits and premises.
  • The procedure for closing the office after completion of work.
  • Rules for the use of open fire.
  • The procedure for the collection, disposal of flammable materials.
  • Frequency of cleaning the room.
  • Rules of conduct in case of fire.
  • Responsibilities of the leader in case of fire. The procedure for disconnecting electrical equipment.
  • Safety measures when using primary extinguishing agents.

organization fire safety documents

Safety in the woodworking workshop

Working with wood also involves increased danger. In this regard, the issue of developing fire safety instructions must be approached with particular care. The document contains the following items:

  • General Provisions
  • The maximum allowable number of workers in the workshop.
  • The specifics of work.
  • Information about the responsible persons.
  • The duties of workers.
  • Rules for the operation of equipment.
  • The order of maintenance of the territory adjacent to the workshop.
  • Rules for the use of fire hazardous materials, waste collection, inspection and closure of the workshop after the completion of the shift.
  • Procedure in case of fire.
  • Responsibilities of the leader.
  • Rules for disconnecting electrical appliances.
  • The procedure for using extinguishing agents and PPE.

Other points can be included in the Instruction at the discretion of the head.

Who is responsible for the security of the rented premises?

In accordance with the Civil Code, liability for the safety burden lies with both parties to the contract. The tenant (user) of the premises is obliged to ensure the proper condition of the object. Accordingly, he must comply with the established rules and regulations. If the safety requirements cannot be met without major repairs, the responsibility lies with the owner.

necessary fire safety documents

Can an OT specialist become a responsible person?

At some enterprises, persons acting in the field of labor protection are often involved in fire safety. The manager may propose and formally assign additional functions to such an employee. In this case, it is necessary to amend the job description and the employment contract. As a rule, the parties enter into an additional agreement in which they establish the working conditions.

It should be noted that the performance of additional functions involves an additional payment to earnings.

Frequency of briefings

Upon admission to work, each employee undergoes primary training and knowledge testing. According to general rules, repeated briefings are performed at least once a year. If the company staff works with fire hazardous materials, training and testing of knowledge is carried out more often - once every six months.

In addition, unscheduled briefings can be organized after the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters, accidents, accidents, including fatalities.


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