The most delicious varieties of apples: list and description

The apple tree is perhaps the most popular fruit crop among Russian summer residents. Almost every domestic gardener grows such trees on his plot . Varieties of apple trees bred just a huge amount. They may have different qualities and characteristics. And, of course, many summer residents would like to know which varieties of apples are the most delicious.

Grade Classification

The fruits of apple trees grown by domestic summer residents can ripen at different times. All varieties of this fruit crop are divided into three main groups:

  • summer;

  • Autumn

  • winter.

the most delicious varieties of apples

List of the most popular apple trees

The best summer varieties of Russian summer residents are considered

  • White filling.

  • Moscow pear.

  • Melba.

The most delicious varieties of apples about Sennaya, according to Russian gardeners, are :

  • Zhigulevskoe.

  • Antonovka.

The best winter apple trees:

  • S and m and Renko.

  • Golden

The most delicious varieties of apples that are just perfect for the middle strip are White filling, Moscow Grushovka, Melba and Antonovka. Apple trees Simirenko, Zhigulevskoe and Golden are recommended for the southern regions of the country, Belarus and Ukraine.

White filling: description

In height, the apple tree of this variety can reach 4-5 meters. At a young age, her crown is widely pyramidal. Subsequently, it acquires a rounded shape. The fruits of the White Bulk grow mainly on the glove. The leaves of apple trees of this variety are ellipsoidal, gray-green.

what varieties of apples are the most delicious

The fruits of the White filling are very large. Their weight can reach 110-150 grams. The color of ripe apples is light yellow. Their skin is covered with a white waxy coating. On the south side, these apples may have a slight blush. The pulp of the fruits of White Bulk is coarse-grained, very juicy and sweet. This old Soviet Baltic variety is still considered by many to be the most delicious. The White filling has one rather serious drawback. With age, the fruits of such trees begin to grow smaller. In old apple trees, their weight can be only 60 g.

Harvesting fruits is usually done in two stages. The first time the apples are picked on August 5-10, the second time - 20-25. The shelf life of the fruits of the White filling is very low. You can store them no more than 15-20 days. Apples of this variety are most often used fresh. But since the fruits of the White filling are very juicy, they are sometimes used to prepare all kinds of drinks - juices, liquors, wines.

Moscow Grushovka

This apple tree with small bright fruits is also very often seen in the gardens of domestic summer residents. Moscow Grushovka is one of the oldest varieties. He was known at the end of the XVIII century. Trees of this variety grow very tall. The crown in young apple trees is pyramidal, in adults - spherical. The leaves of the Moscow pear are very large, and the flowers, unlike many other popular varieties, are not white, but pale pink.

the most delicious varieties of apples for the middle lane

The fruits of the Moscow pear are small (weighing about 50 grams), in shape resemble a turnip. They have a yellow-green color with a blurred blush. On the south side, most fruits are covered with bright red stripes.

The first apples of this variety ripen in early August. The return of the Moscow pear is long. The fruits ripen in two weeks. Some flaw of the variety is considered to be the strong crumbling of apples. The advantages of the Moscow pear include high productivity and excellent taste of the fruit. The flesh of these apples is sweet and sour, juicy, aromatic. Use them, like White filling, usually fresh. Sometimes they make juices, which, according to many summer residents, differ in their healing properties. You need to drink them for diseases of the bladder, liver and kidneys. Also, Moscow pear juice helps to solve problems with the nervous system and treat acute bronchitis. The disadvantage of this variety is considered only low transportability and keeping quality of the fruit.


According to the opinion of many gardeners, the White Bulk and the Moscow Pear Tree are the most delicious varieties of summer apples . Melba is also not far behind them in popularity. This variety was bred in Canada in 1898. They named him in honor of one of the most famous singers of that time - Nelly Melba. This variety is grown in many regions of Russia. Not too often it can be seen only in the gardens of summer residents of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East.

Melba apple trees grow very low - about 3 meters. Crohn's at their young age is columnar. You can recognize this apple tree even by light green with yellowish tint leaves with small cloves. Melba's flowers are very large, white.

the most delicious winter varieties of apples

The fruits ripen around mid-August. Dimensions are large, weight - 130-150 grams. The shape of the apples is round, slightly flattened. Color The fruits of Melba are light green with a striped blush. The pulp is very tender, sweet, juicy and crispy. Her color is almost snowy white. Many summer residents like not only the taste of these apples, but also their aroma. The smell of Melba fruit has a pleasant caramel. The advantages of the variety include productivity and keeping quality, the disadvantages are instability to scab, poor winter hardiness and self-fertility.


The most delicious varieties of summer apples - White Bulk, Moscow Grushovka and Melba - are mostly used for fresh consumption. Store, as already mentioned, they can not be long. Therefore, simultaneously with summer summer residents, autumn varieties of apple trees are often planted. The fruits of such trees ripen in August - September and can be stored for up to several months.

Antonovka is a late-autumn variety (in some sources it is classified as early-winter), which can be found in the gardens of domestic summer residents not less often than the White filling. Specially Antonovka was not displayed by anyone. Relate it to the varieties of folk selection.

The fruits of Antonovka are large rounded. Many apples have ribs at the bottom. Color have green-yellow. These apples ripen around the end of September. The flesh is sour-sweet, very fragrant. The fruits of Antonovka can be used both fresh and for making jam, pastille, compote, marmalade, etc. Since the flesh of these apples is dense, many bake pies, charlotte and others with them. Reliability is primarily attributed to the merits to diseases, to disadvantages - not too good keeping quality of the fruit.

the most delicious autumn varieties of apples

The most delicious autumn varieties of apples: Zhigulevskoe

The fruits of these apple trees ripen by the end of September. The variety is well suited for cultivation in Ukraine, Belarus and the central regions of Russia. The fruits of the Zhigulevskoe apple trees are quite large. Their weight can reach 150-160 grams. The shape of these apples is flat-round. The color is yellowish with a blurred blush and a few bright red stripes. The flesh is creamy, coarse-grained, very juicy and tender. The taste of these apples is saturated sweet and sour. The fruits of this variety ripen almost simultaneously.

Apple trees Simirenko

The most delicious varieties of apples are autumn, so, as many summer residents think, these are Antonovka and Zhigulevskoye. Winter popular varieties are Simirenko and Golden Delishes. These varieties are also grown by domestic summer residents very willingly. The apple tree Simirenko is characterized by high productivity and early maturity. Its weaknesses are attributed mainly to poor resistance to ashes. The people call this variety the "seven-member".

The apples in these trees are very large (up to 200 grams), but still light. The shape of the fruit is round-conical, and the color is light green. The pulp of apples Simirenko is greenish, dense, sweet, juicy, has a distinctive characteristic aroma. You can store the fruits for up to 7-8 months. They ripen by the end of October. The crown of this apple tree is thick, therefore, it requires periodic pruning.

the most delicious varieties of summer apples

The most delicious winter varieties of apples: Golden Delishes

This apple tree was first discovered in one of the US states. The crown in her has a conical shape. This tree grows low - only about 3 m. Its apples are quite large - up to 220 grams. The fruits have a golden yellow color with greenish spots. The peel is rough. The advantages of the variety include frost resistance, keeping quality and high productivity. Disadvantages are poor resistance to scab and powdery mildew. Despite the fact that Golden Delishes tolerates frosts well, they grow it mainly only in the south of the country.

The pulp in the fruits of this variety is juicy and very fragrant. These apples are used most often for fresh consumption and for baking.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, we found out which varieties of winter apples are the most delicious, and which summer and autumn varieties of this fruit crop are preferred by domestic summer residents. In most cases, all such trees, in addition to the excellent qualities of the fruit, are also characterized by unpretentiousness and endurance. Growing them is not too difficult. But, of course, certain technologies must be observed when cultivating such fruit crops.

what varieties of winter apples are the most delicious

Of course, you should choose the most delicious apples, taking into account the suitability for this or that climatic conditions . Varieties for the northwest, for example, are better suited to be frost-resistant. Just in this case, for example, White filling and Melba can become an excellent choice for growing . For cultivation in the southern regions, it is worth choosing Golden or Zhigulevskoe. With the correct selection of varieties and exact observance of the growing technology from such trees, in the future it will be possible to obtain maximum yields of tasty and juicy fruits.


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