How many times can I pass the exam in the traffic police? How to pass an exam in the traffic police: theory, driving

The question regarding how many times you can take an exam in the traffic police is of interest to many people. Indeed, there are so many rumors and legends regarding such a welcome and exciting acquisition of rights. Well, it’s worth a little talk then about how many times you can take an exam in the traffic police, how best to prepare for a theory and how to behave when passing a ride around the city.

how many times can I pass the exam in the traffic police

About the changes of 2015

From year to year, the rules regarding passing exams at the traffic police change. And in 2015, some innovations appeared. It is very important to know about them. Firstly, these innovations relate directly to driving schools. Now a module has been introduced into the program, which is equal to 84 hours. During this time, all students must master the SDA, the procedure for providing assistance to victims and the psychology of driver behavior.

They also began to devote more time to practice. 56 hours is the minimum that a person must leave. Plus 4 exam hours.

Speaking about how passing the exam in the traffic police, it is necessary to talk directly about the scheme, according to which everything is carried out. So, driving schools that have automated racetracks, prescribe only two exams - this is an internal theory and the so-called “town”. But there are very few such places in our country. So, in principle, everything remains the same - first an intra-school theory with practice (that is, at the circuit), and then a theoretical exam at the traffic police and passing the “city” with the inspector present.

passing the exam in the traffic police

About cost

Many people are interested in how much it costs to pass an exam in the traffic police. Well, the good news for those who still do not know about it - from 2010, from January 29, it was decided to cancel state duties for the retake of the theoretical and practical parts. A person will only need to pay to produce a driver’s license. Now this amount is equal to two thousand rubles. This service needs to be paid only once. In addition, no more payments are required.

The only thing you need to consider when talking about how many times you can take an exam at the traffic police is the fact that you will have to pay a driving school for retake. More specifically, for car rental. On your machine, passing the exam is prohibited. According to the rules, the first time a school provides a car. But if the student does not surrender, then the next time he will have to pay a certain amount to the owner-instructor.

Is self-surrender possible?

Some novice motorists, tired of going to retake from a driving school, are wondering - is it possible to pass the exam yourself? Yes, in the event that he has documents in his hands that are evidence that he has completed his studies. In this case, you can apply to the traffic police or use the services of any other driving school. In general, the main condition is a certificate of completion of studies. If he is not, then in this case it will be unrealistic to pass an exam at the traffic police.

how to pass the exam in the traffic police from the second time


This is the very first part. If a person successfully coped with passing the theoretical part in his driving school, but he had problems with this at the traffic police, then you can not worry. Retake this part can be infinite. But with a certain interval - usually in a week. But in the event that the candidate for motorists did not pass it three times in a row, he will have to wait a month before the next attempt. But it happens that a retake is appointed after three months. This is possible if the dates are directly managed by the student’s driving school. What to do in this case? You can ask to pick up your documents and try to take with another driving school. It is strongly recommended not to pull for three months, because this is a very solid period for which some completely forget everything.

If the dates are determined in the traffic police and there is no next free day, you can ask for another department. This is also real. The retake in another city has not been canceled. This has been possible since 2014. And I must say, passing the exam at the traffic police at the place of treatment has become quite popular. The same, by the way, applies to the practical part.

exam tickets traffic police


If the theory is not a difficult part for everyone, then many people doubt the passing of the city exam. There is a huge amount of rumor - that inspectors deliberately “fool” those who give questions with a trick, that there may be excitement and fear, or because of a sudden traffic jam there will be an unforeseen situation that will ruin everything ... There are no prejudices. What is most scary is the rumor that the student has only three attempts. But no. Even if a person passed three times, five, ten, twenty - he can still try again and again. Until you get tired, or until you achieve the desired rights. There is one difficulty, which was already mentioned above - without passing it three times, you have to “rest” a month. In practice, they torment no more than 10 times. In any case, you can pay the instructor and practice more.

exam in gai theory

Is it realistic to pass the first time?

This question is perhaps the most common among students in driving schools. And in order not to worry about how many times you can pass the exam in the traffic police, it is worth trying to use one attempt. It will be better this way. And then many already begin before the first attempt to learn about how to pass the exam in the traffic police from the second time. Well, first of all - a few words about the theory. In order to cope with this stage, it is enough to read the traffic rules book several times and decide the tickets. Everything is desirable. There are 40 of them, each with 20 questions. Today books are sold with tickets - with the same that they give out at the in-school exam and the traffic police. And, of course, do not worry and think. 20 minutes are given for the exam - this is enough. Few people sit for more than five minutes. It’s not so difficult to pass this exam. The traffic police give the same tickets as in a driving school, so having passed this path once, it will be easier to repeat it later.

To pass the circuit, you need to focus on the tasks and remember all the practical exercises. It is important to choose comfortable clothes with shoes so that you feel comfortable behind the wheel and press on the pedals.

And how to pass the city the first time? The first thing is to focus on the upcoming and not be nervous. Man is controlled by the psyche, and we must remember this. The inspector is the same person as everyone else. He, sitting in the car and taking the exam, just does his job. One can imagine that this is the boss who needs to submit a monthly report today.

It is also important to remember traffic rules on the road. An obvious fact, but many do not understand the meaning of what was said. The inspector may ask you to stop. And 90 out of 100 will fulfill the request. And they will not pay attention to the fact that he did it on the bridge or near the bus stop - where it is strictly forbidden. So concentration is the most important thing.

And, of course, you need to show your confidence. Do not be afraid of the car, calmly move off, move, stop, turn, skip and concede. As if this is a usual trip around the city to a person who has been driving for 10 years.

In general, it is worth preparing for the surrender both morally and mentally. And then everything will surely work out.


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