How to Engage in Avatar: Tips for Players

Some players from time to time think about how to engage in Avatar and play a wedding here. In fact, this issue is resolved easily and simply. You just need to know some of the nuances of the process. For example, engagement rules. They exist everywhere. Please note that Avatar is a game that is as close to real life as possible. So, everything will happen here according to a similar principle.

how to engage in an avatar

Registration Rules

The first thing you should pay attention to is that the game has certain limitations. And if you do not follow them, you will not be able to once and for all decide for yourself the question of how to engage in prayer in the Avatar. Fortunately, there are not many rules here. Remembering them is easy and simple.

For example, same-sex marriage is prohibited in the game. A girl cannot be engaged to a girl, and a guy to a boyfriend. No matter how you try, it will not work out to realize such an idea.

Engagement is marriage. And only a guy is capable of making a marriage proposal. The girl "drag down the aisle" here will not be able to any forces. There is simply no such function. Have you thought how to get engaged in Avatar with a guy? To do this, have to make him an offer.

At any time, you can interrupt the engagement (wedding). But in this case, the relationship between the players will deteriorate. In principle, there is nothing more special in our today's process - everything is just like in life.

how to engage in a avatar with a guy

Are friends

How to engage in Avatar? First you need to go through the stage of dating. You must find a boyfriend (or girlfriend), get to know him / her, and make friends. This is an integral part of the process.

Please note - without friendship and adding a user to your friends list (in the application), you will not be able to play a wedding. Secretly, this idea is not realized either. Therefore, you cannot skip the friendship period.

Relationship enhancement

After you make friends with someone, you will have to maintain a relationship with this player. Moreover, if you are interested in how to engage in an Avatar, you need to constantly work on your communication. And become a couple.

You will have to try hard for this. Do joint actions with the girl / boyfriend, give each other gifts, have fun - everything that can improve your relationship is suitable for implementation.

But you can’t do different dirty tricks to each other. This is generally prohibited. What can lower the level of relations, the future couple will have to forget. In any case, in relation to each other. Once you become close friends, you can declare yourself a couple. This step, like friendship, cannot be missed. Therefore, if it is interesting how to engage in an Avatar, stock up with patience, time and energy - all the actions in this game need it.

how to engage in an avatar with a girl


Well, we almost got to the final solution to our current issue. How to engage in a girl’s Avatar avatar? For this, as already mentioned, you must have a close relationship with the selected player. And at the same time your character should - be a guy. Girl with girl cannot be engaged. Have you already become a couple? Then the answer is very close.

Now you can kiss and hug. By all means, try to increase the level of your relations, being paired with this or that player. Do not forget that the engagement should be close to real life. To play a wedding, you will need to buy rings and costumes at the store. Next, make an offer to the girl with the help of the acquired "items" and, if she gives consent, you can agree on a holiday. Assign the date, time and place of the celebration - the job is done. That’s how it’s so easy and simple to decide how to engage in engagement and engagement in Avatar. In fact, you can bring your idea to life in just a few days.


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