Chronological table of Twardowski "Life and Creativity": a brief overview of the poet's biography

Twardowski’s chronological table “Life and Creativity” may become one of the most important elements in the study of this writer and poet in school literature lessons. The author is known primarily as the creator of the famous image of Vasily Terkin, however, students should be reminded that he was a very multifaceted personality and became famous not only as a poet, but also as a writer, correspondent, author of journalistic and critical articles.

early years

Practice proves that the chronological table helps students to remember the facts of the biography of a historical person most effectively. Many readers love and remember Tvardovsky as a talented writer who gained popularity in a well-aimed, figurative and vibrant language, close to folklore and folk.

The writer himself came from a simple village family. He was born in 1910 in the Smolensk province. His father was a blacksmith, and his mother came from classmates. Nevertheless, they had books at home, often in the evenings, parents read to the boy works of classical Russian literature. So he fell in love with poetry. There is a point of view that he already in childhood composed his first poem, which he never wrote down anywhere, since he had not yet been taught to read and write. The chronological table of life of Twardowski includes this early period of his life, which had a great influence on his worldview. He went to a village school, then entered a pedagogical university, which he never graduated from. His first literary experiments date back to this time: Twardowski writes several poems that are published in local newspapers.

Twardowski chronological table

First success

The most significant facts of the literary work of the author should reflect the chronological table. Twardowski is known as a national poet who wrote in an accessible and understandable language, which compares favorably with many other authors who were looking for new linguistic forms of expression of their thoughts, therefore their works were not always understood by a simple reader.

In the 1930s, the poet became famous not only for his poems, but also for poems. The first to draw attention to the young man and supported by the poet M. Isakovsky. He approved the first literary experiments of the young author. At this time, a collection of poems by Alexander Trifonovich and poems was published, the most famous of which is called "The Country of Ants" (1936). In this work, the author described the search by a simple peasant for an ideal land, thus presenting in a utopian form his vision of the future Soviet society. In the same year, the author graduated from the Moscow Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature.

Tward's chronological table of life and work

War period

The years of war, perhaps, occupy a central place in the life of a writer, therefore, a chronological table should also reflect them. During the years of hostilities, Twardowski was appointed a correspondent, this work became an invaluable experience for him, as the paintings of military life inspired him in many respects to create military lyrics, which later appeared under the name “Frontline Lyrics”. But the main event of this period was, of course, the publication of his poem "Vasily Terkin." According to the author, for the first time the character was conceived by him back in 1939, but only in the war years did he finally emerge as a collective image of a people's fighter.

chronological table of life Twardowski

Twardowski, whose chronological table of life and work is the subject of this review, wrote his famous work from 1941 to 1945. The poem immediately received popular love and recognition. In addition, she was praised by other authors. For example, I. Bunin called it a truly folk poem with a surprisingly vibrant, rich and vibrant language. The reason for this success is that the author described the type of ordinary Russian soldier and showed his role in the victory. Humor, a simple form of versification, as well as the veracity of the front-line life image provided this work with unprecedented popularity among a wide audience.

Post-war decades

The topic: “Twardowski: a chronological table of life and creativity” occupies an important place in the school course of Russian literature. It should indicate the important stages of not only literary, but also the social activities of the author. After the war, he was appointed editor-in-chief of the New World magazine. He held this post from 1950 to 1954. Under his leadership, the magazine became the mouthpiece of the liberal movement in literature, for which the author was persecuted and criticized. In the 1950s and 1960s, he wrote other poems, among which, separately, should be called "Behind the Far - Far." It should be noted a rather complicated attitude of the poet to the Soviet regime.

Below you will find a table with the main milestones of Twardowski’s life.

1910-1930Studying at Smolensk Institute, Moscow University, first publications
1930sThe first literary success: the publication of poems, a collection of poems; appointment as a war correspondent, work in a newspaper
1940sAll-Union fame in connection with the release of the poem "Vasily Terkin", the creation of military lyrics, work as a front-line correspondent
1950-1960sWork as an editor in the magazine "New World", the publication of new poems
1970-1971Leaving the post of editor, death

Socio-political position

On the one hand, the author supported politics, in particular, he approved collectivization, although his relatives were dispossessed. On the other hand, he did not, after many other authors, emphasize the progressive role of the party in victory in the war. In poetic form, he expressed regret over Stalin's death, but he was critical of the personality cult and party dictatorship.

alexander tvardovsky chronological table

Editorial activity

Alexander Twardowski, whose chronological table of life reflects the diversity of his activities, played an important role in the development of Soviet literature during the thaw. From 1958 to 1970, the author again served as editor of the magazine "New World". Despite criticism and dissatisfaction with the party leadership, he published works by young and new authors, whose compositions often ran counter to the party's attitude.

Twardowski biography chronological table

After the death of Khrushchev, attacks on the publishing house intensified. However, no one dared to remove the famous poet from his post. Then his deputies were fired and in their place put people hostile to him. After that, the writer himself left his post and died a year later. So, the biography of Twardowski, the chronological table of which is presented in this article, was bright and rich, it demonstrates the diversity of his talent.


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