Cordless drill / driver - reviews, types, manufacturers and specifications

Combining several functions in one tool allows you to more efficiently conduct work activities, while spending less organizational resources. Multifunctional equipment is not always consistent with the quality of certain operations to highly specialized analogues, but there are such examples. Organically combines two operating modes cordless drill / driver. The reviews indicate that the power potential of such a tool is equally suitable for supporting both functions, and the switching between working programs is performed by simple manipulations in a few seconds.

Features of cordless power tools

cordless drill driver reviews

The mass transition of manufacturers of hand tools with a power drive from mains to batteries took shape several years ago, and today some companies have completely abandoned the usual way of power supply. For screwdrivers, such an update gave tangible changes in performance. On the one hand, the introduction of the battery pack into the design has increased the weight of the tool and dimensions. And on the other, a huge plus for many builders was the elimination of the need for a network connection from the device. Of course, the battery is also dependent on an energy source, but a cordless drill / driver can still provide several hours of fully autonomous operation. Reviews with negative comments about such nutrition are usually associated with the fact that the dimensions and heavy construction make it difficult to perform small point operations in hard-to-reach places. A modest network tool in this sense has an advantage, but again it can be used only within the limits of the permissible cable and socket.

Main characteristics

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The ability to work with a particular material and the ability to make holes of a certain diameter depend on the power. This value in the case of battery models is expressed by voltage - on average from 10.8 to 36 V. The initial potential level of 10.8-14 V characterizes low-power modifications that are used in the household. Universal models include devices operating under a voltage of 18 V. Makita DF457DWE cordless drill / driver is such a tool. Reviews about it indicate a balance between the characteristics of the battery, working equipment and functionality. That is, the device can be used both in everyday life and in the conditions of a full-fledged construction site. An important indicator of the health of the tool is the drilling parameters. Usually, two values ​​are used in the characteristics - the diameter of the drilling of wood material (from 10 to 70 mm on average) and the size of the holes for metal structures (10-25 mm). The battery capacity, which ranges from 1.3 to 5.5 A * h, will affect the time of autonomous working capacity - again, this is the average range, which includes most models. The higher the capacity, the longer the tool’s life without recharging, but you should also understand the disadvantages of such batteries. Firstly, they take longer to charge, and secondly, they weigh more and make the structure heavier.

cordless drill makita reviews

Types of drill drivers

Manufacturers themselves share drill drivers according to the type of battery, the presence of shock function and belonging to the household or professional segment. As for the type of battery cell, most of the devices are equipped with lithium-ion devices Li-Ion. In terms of the combination of pros and cons, this type of battery is recognized as optimal, although magnesium and nickel-cadmium cells do not go out of fashion either. Impact function also fundamentally differentiates models. Its presence means that the tool will be able to drill with a vibration effect. Fluctuations in tooling contribute to the destruction of the material of the processed surface, in some way resembling the action of a perforator. But in the segment up to 18 V, as a rule, shock-free cordless drill / drivers are presented. Reviews emphasize that the absence of a shock effect limits the tool in productivity, but it allows you to better perform operations that require high accuracy and accuracy. The division of belonging to the household or professional class occurs through performance indicators and ergonomics. For home use, compact, convenient and low-power devices are available. Professional models most often operate under a voltage of 36 V, have a shock option, many additional functions and a second handle for support.

Advanced manufacturers

cordless drill driver patriot reviews

The entire range of drill drivers can also be divided into categories of manufacturers. There are several levels, in each of which a tool with a certain quality base is offered. Conventionally, Makita, Bosch, Metabo, etc. can be attributed to premium manufacturers. The developers of these companies regularly demonstrate new technologies, options, and structural solutions for tools, without forgetting about ergonomics and basic working properties. Companies like Festool, PATRIOT, Dewalt, Ryobi and Kolner produce mid-range models that are solid in quality and functionality. It can be both a household and a professional cordless drill / driver. The reviews of experienced masters at the same time note that the models of this segment in some cases can surpass even more expensive counterparts from companies like Makita and Bosch. The third level is, rather, budget manufacturers, which include almost the entire line of domestic companies - Enkor, Interskol, Vortex, etc.

Makita Model Reviews

As one of the leaders in the segment, Makita strives to stay ahead of consumer demands by offering technological solutions to various problems. Users praise the products of this company for the keyless chuck, LED backlight, drilling limiter, smooth start and other options. At the same time, the Japanese brand retains the concept of an inexpensive and optimized tool, which is clearly expressed by the Makita DF347DWE cordless drill / driver. Reviews, prices for this model of 7-8 thousand rubles, working qualities and functionality organically correspond to each other - the owners choose this model as universal, emphasizing the combination of moderate cost and high operating parameters.

Reviews on PATRIOT models

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PATRIOT is known for the most part on ONE family models and, in particular, BR 181Li and BR 241Li devices. Owners of these tools highly appreciate the ability to adjust for speed indicators, torque settings, the presence of reverse stroke, etc. But, despite the high voltage up to 24 V, you should not overestimate the PATRIOT cordless drill / driver. The reviews indicate that a small number of revolutions nevertheless imposes restrictions on the working abilities of this technique.

Reviews on Kolner models

Kolner is interesting in that it focuses on the development of devices that are modest in their performance characteristics, which are logical and inexpensive - basically 1-2 thousand. It is important to emphasize that users themselves do not have special complaints about the quality of the instruments. Low price tag determines exclusively technical parameters. The KCD 12 shows a typical example of a Kolner cordless drill / driver. Reviews emphasize the low power at 12 V, the frankly weak 1-amp-h nickel-cadmium battery and a limited 14 mm drilling diameter in wood. This is almost a record low performance, if you do not take into account the voltage at 12 V, but the cost is 1000-1200 rubles. makes this device attractive in the eyes of a considerable part of home masters.

Reviews about Interskol models

cordless drill makita df457dwe screwdriver reviews

The models of this company can be considered as a sample of domestic products of the segment in question. Experienced users, of course, initially make a discount on the quality of the element base, which is inferior to the same German and Japanese counterparts. But in terms of performance, optional and ergonomics, the Russian tool is actively developing. As an example, a modification of the DA-18ER. This is the Interskol cordless drill / driver, reviews of which are also praised for the ability to work with problematic fasteners, as well as functionality in the form of reverse and backlight.

As an analogue of this model, the DA-18-2K model from the Vikhr manufacturer can also be cited as an example. The device operates with a voltage of 18 V, drills wood in diameters up to 30 mm, and metal - up to 12 mm. Only these qualities explain the success of the tool on the market, which is backed up by a cost of 3.5 thousand. For comparison: an analog with the same characteristics from Makita will cost 5-6 thousand. This difference is explained by the shortcomings that the Whirlwind cordless drill / driver does not lack. . Reviews, for example, criticize the device for using a low-cost nickel-cadmium battery.


cordless drill screwdriver reviews

Choosing a suitable power tool will not be difficult if you clearly formulate a list of requirements. The starting point may be the scope and conditions of application of the model. For example, the considered Makita cordless drill / driver, reviews of which mainly emphasize the balance of characteristics and ergonomics, will be a universal solution for the border segment. That is, for operation both at home, and in construction, and in production. Such models with a semi-professional bias are enough in the families of other manufacturers. As for the products of the middle class and domestic tools, this choice is more likely to be optimal for the household, for example, for small repair operations.


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