In what natural zone does the osprey, the feathered predator, live?

There are many animals in the world that you rarely see in the wild. And all because they disappear. A striking example is the osprey - a fairly large bird of prey. But many do not even know in which natural area the osprey lives. And even how she looks.

A few words about the appearance of the osprey

Before finding out in what natural area the osprey is located, it is worthwhile to find out the signs by which it can be distinguished from other birds. Of course, they are noticeable in plumage.

what natural zone does the osprey live in

The gray back creates a noticeable contrast with the rest of the bird's body, which is white. The osprey’s neck is decorated with a speckled necklace, which is more noticeable in females. On the sides from the beak, a gray-brown strip passes through the eye and to the wings. A black beak and paws of the color of lead complete the picture.

This plumage has every adult. And it appears at the age of one and a half years. Until then, they look somewhat spotty, as in young birds the tips of the feathers are painted in a light brown shade.

Another difference is the young osprey in the color of its iris. She is red. The matured individual looks at the world with yellow eyes.

The body length of the osprey slightly exceeds half a meter. While the wingspan reaches and even slightly exceeds one and a half meters. This is true for every bird called osprey. Where the feathered individual lives, it does not matter. On the size it does not affect much. Only females are a bit heavier (usually 0.5 kg) and more. If we talk about weight, for males it fluctuates around a figure of one and a half kilograms.

General information from biology

To the question of what natural zone the osprey lives in, one can answer: all over the world. Except maybe Antarctica. However, its number is small. But more on that later. Now about the osprey.

She is the only representative of the Skopina family from the hawk detachment. However, this bird has several variations in colors and sizes, which depend on the breadth of habitat.

The largest and darkest live in Eurasia and North America. Lighter-headed subspecies inhabit the islands of the Caribbean . By the way, they lead a sedentary lifestyle. The smallest of them are distributed on the coast of large rivers in Australia.

The diet depends on which natural area the osprey lives in. However, some of its features make the predator an excellent fisherman. The legs of these birds are longer, and the claws are strongly bent. The outer finger is designed so that it can freely rotate back. Therefore, osprey can easily hold slippery fish in its paws.

As for feathers, they are covered with greasy substance. Thanks to this, the bird does not get wet. In addition, there are nasal valves on the nostrils that prevent water from entering.

What lifestyle does the osprey lead?

Whether it makes a flight depends on which natural area the osprey lives in. Those that are common in the northern latitudes fly off in the cold season. If the climate allows wintering in favorable conditions, the osprey remains.

osprey where dwells

The construction of the nest is mainly carried out by the female. But both birds from a pair are busy collecting the necessary materials. And for this they need branches, grass and algae. The former constitute the foundation, and the latter it is held together. Usually in one nest, a pair of osprey lives for several years, repairing it if necessary.

After the construction or repair is completed, the female devotes all her time to hatching chicks. And the male is preoccupied with getting food. First, only for her, and then also for the chicks. Moreover, until the chicks can independently fly out for prey.

At this time, he has a lot of worries, because he also needs to protect the territory from rivals. After all, if the female does not have enough food, then she can begin to ask her from another male.

Usually a pair is formed for a long time, such is the osprey. In what natural zone the bird lives, affects its monogamy. If there is enough food to feed two families, then the male arranges a second nest. But the food is first in the first.

Which area do you choose?

It has already become clear that the bird is found on all continents. And yet, what area does the osprey prefer? Where does it live? She likes forest areas on the banks of ponds. This choice is due to the fact that for the bird's nest they choose the top of a strong and broken tree. And they mainly eat fish.

osprey in what natural zone lives

In Russia, they are suitable places that are located no higher than 66-67ΒΊ north latitude. Moreover, they are not afraid of human proximity.

The osprey nest is usually the only one at a distance of several hundred meters to many kilometers. A small congestion can be observed in areas that are rich in food.

Eurasian ospreys do not stay for the winter. It is noted that those who live in European territory fly to East Africa, for example, to Egypt, or to the islands of the Red Sea. And populations from Siberia winter in South Asia.

What do ospreys eat and hunt?

This bird of prey eats mainly fish. It makes up almost 100% of the diet, but is not the only thing that can catch osprey. In what natural zone does this bird live, and will determine prey in case the fish are missed. And it can be: other birds, smaller in size, snakes, salamanders and lizards, muskrats, squirrels and mice, frogs and cubs of alligators.

what natural zone is the osprey

Osprey hunts on the fly. The bird soars at an altitude of 10 to 40 meters, after detecting a victim, it flies rapidly downward. At the same time, she puts forward her paws, and takes her wings back. Paws are immersed in water, and the osprey grabs fish. To take off, she needs to perform a powerful flap of wings, which is directed almost horizontally.

For convenience and improved aerodynamic properties, the osprey holds the fish so that it seems to be floating in the air. One paw of the bird directs the prey head forward, and the second moves its tail back.

They start to eat fish from the head. If there is a period of hatching of the chicks, then the male eats part of the prey, and carries the rest to the nest.

Natural Osprey Enemies

  • Aerial birds of prey such as an owl or an eagle.
  • Terrestrial: raccoons and snakes.
  • Inhabitant of the water: Nile crocodile.

Why is guarded?

Having learned that this bird is so widespread, the question may arise: β€œWhy is the osprey a feathered predator listed in the Red Book?” There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, she is the only representative of her family. That is, osprey is a rare species. On this basis, it can already be entered into the register of those in need of protection.

Secondly, the osprey population was greatly reduced in the 19th and 20th centuries. And the tendency to restore the number appeared only in recent years.

cop feathered predator listed in the red book

Reasons why the osprey population is not growing at a sufficient pace:

  • shooting birds, despite huge fines;
  • ruin of nests;
  • felling of trees ;
  • turbidity of water open spaces;
  • depletion of fish stocks;
  • water pollution.

What can be done to save the cope:

  • create artificial nesting platforms in places with a large amount of feed;
  • organize a rest zone at a distance of about three hundred meters from the nest.


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