Wall waterproofing indoors: basic materials and technologies

In some houses, the smell of mold appears over time, this is due to dampness. This is especially true for the basement and first floors, this happens where the waterproofing has lost its integrity. Any building at the construction stage must be protected from moisture, this applies not only to walls, but, of course, to the floor. Groundwater, air humidity and precipitation can act as sources of moisture.

Waterproofing is especially important on the ground floors, in cellars with masonry, as well as concrete foundations that are easily saturated with moisture. It is necessary to carry out waterproofing of the walls and in those rooms where there is a likelihood of flooding, this should include:

  • kitchens;
  • Bathrooms
  • pools;
  • bathrooms.

waterproofing walls indoors

Main materials

Waterproofing walls indoors is important not only in the house, but also in the underground space, which has been used very actively recently. There, an excess of moisture can be caused by uneven soil pressure, as well as shrinkage of the foundation and walls. If water enters the basement, then it begins to rise into the living space along an unprotected wall. In order to exclude such a phenomenon, it is necessary to carry out hydro- and vapor barrier walls.

So that moisture from atmospheric precipitation, as well as groundwater, does not harm the building, appropriate work is carried out. Prevention of fungus and mold is also necessary. To date, special norms and rules have been drawn up, which are spelled out in the relevant documents.

Waterproofing of internal and external walls can be performed with the following materials:

  • expanding cement;
  • penetrating mixtures;
  • waterproofing membranes.

In the first case, we are talking about a material that, when hardened, increases in volume and fills the gaps, as well as the joints. Waterproofing of walls indoors can be carried out and penetrating mixtures, which are:

  • cement-bitumen materials;
  • liquid glass;
  • quartz sand.

The latter has a particle size distribution and has chemically active additives. Penetrating mixtures can be used not only inside, but also outside buildings. Recently, a waterproofing membrane, which is a plastic film with different densities, has been used quite often. Among the constituents are antioxidant substances that improve technical characteristics. The canvas may have a thickness ranging from 0.5 to 3 mm. Dense membranes are not as elastic as less thin ones. In order to protect the walls from exposure to alkaline and acidic environments, injection materials can also be used.

waterproofing walls indoors materials

Classification of waterproofing technologies according to purpose

The waterproofing of the walls indoors can be classified by purpose. Given this parameter, work can be directed to:

  • sealing;
  • antifiltration;
  • thermal waterproofing.

Work can also be carried out with the aim of stopping corrosion processes.

waterproofing inside

Additional varieties of waterproofing for other factors

Depending on what material is used during the work, waterproofing can be:

  • okleechnoy;
  • painting;
  • plastering.

Depending on the features, the following types of waterproofing can be distinguished:

  • single-layer and multi-layer;
  • reinforced, unreinforced;
  • ventilated with or without a protective layer.

waterproofing walls inside the room

Waterproofing technologies for internal and external surfaces

Waterproofing the walls from the outside and from the inside can be done by horizontal or vertical application of materials. In the first case, we are talking about an inexpensive and effective method, which may include the use of waterproof materials or an injection method that blocks capillaries, and makes the walls hydrophobic.

Vertical waterproofing is not so effective, because it prevents the penetration of water into the building, but is not able to protect the walls from rising moisture in height. In this case, a favorable environment is created for the appearance of the fungus. This method is more effective in complex activities that involve horizontal and vertical application of materials.

waterproofing walls outside and inside

Coating waterproofing technology

The walls can be waterproofed from the inside using the coating method, which involves the use of polymeric materials, cement mastics and synthetic resins. Work is performed according to a specific algorithm. At its first stage, it is necessary to level the wall in order to save materials. This is true for monolithic structures, on the surface of which it is necessary to perform a cement-sand screed.

For good adhesion, the wall should be coated with a primer, and then leave the surface to dry. Next, you can begin to apply coating waterproofing, among the recommended materials should be highlighted:

  • Dispersite.
  • "Cemisol 2EN".
  • "Stirbit 2000".
  • "Stream mix".
  • "Izobit DK".
  • Ascoville.
  • "Cemisol 2EP".

If the wall consists of reinforced concrete structures, then it is not necessary to level it, and further technology remains the same.

waterproofing walls inside the room materials

Penetrating waterproofing technology

Waterproofing from the inside of the room can be carried out by penetrating materials, which are mixtures that plug the concrete pores at the capillary level. However, the concrete remains breathable. This method is used for monolithic reinforced concrete structures. Alignment of the surface is not required, and proper preparation involves removing the screed, if any, and cleaning the base with fluffy metal brushes.

waterproofing the walls in the apartment inside and out

The algorithm of work

The above-described technology for waterproofing the walls in the apartment from the inside involves cleaning the surface with brushes or sandblasting. The goal is to remove dust and dirt from the base. The surface is treated with an antifungal substance or soaked in water by spraying. Then you can start applying the waterproofing mixture. Its main purpose is protection against moisture, complemented by an increase in frost resistance of concrete, as well as its resistance to aggressive environments.

Particularly carefully necessary to handle potholes, cracks, holes, as well as those places where the walls are adjacent to each other. Among the materials for waterproofing walls indoors, one can distinguish Penetron and Infiltron-100. Next, you should deal with the sealing of joints, joints and joints with suture materials. It is recommended to use Remstream-T or Penecrit for this. Treated surfaces should remain moist for the first three days, the coating should be even, without cracking or peeling.

Waterproofing with a profiled membrane

When considering materials for waterproofing walls from the inside of a room, you should pay attention to a profiled membrane, which has many advantages, among others, a long service life of up to 50 years should be highlighted. In addition, the material is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, safe for the environment, human health and maintains elasticity when temperatures change. The membrane is not subject to corrosion, it resists low damage and chemical elements.

This method of waterproofing is also good for its cost-effectiveness, because you will not need to spend energy and money on concrete work. Installation is quite simple, so the work can be done efficiently and quickly, especially during repairs. The waterproofing of walls indoors with a membrane has another nuance: films are often used to eliminate excess moisture in basements. They are presented in the form of rolls. But if you want to carry out waterproofing in a toilet, bath or shower, it is better to use elastomeric membranes in liquid form. The layer is durable and elastic, it has no seams, and is applied with a roller, brushes or in the form of a plaster mixture under the tiles or gypsum panels. An example of a liquid membrane is ISOMAT SL 17.

Internal and external restoration of insulation of recessed walls

If the walls of structures and buildings are buried in the ground, then isolating and repairing them is quite difficult. In order to prevent groundwater from entering the recess, a drainage device is provided. For these purposes, you can use a profiled membrane that is stacked vertically. At the same time, water flows through the channels without interference. The material is laid over the waterproofing of the wall, and its protrusions face the foundation. This will help to remove condensation.

If restoration of the waterproofing needs to be carried out from the inside, then a drainage gap of 8 mm must be set along the perimeter of the space of the room, it is formed when the membrane is fixed with protrusions to the wall. Slots for air should be left in the lower and upper parts. If moisture seeps, then it will go into drainage. An alternative solution is the creation of a false wall on a drywall frame.


The waterproofing of the walls in the apartment from the inside and outside can be performed with different materials, among them bitumen and polymer mastics, rolled bitumen materials and penetrating, as well as penetrating mixtures, should be highlighted. Bituminous materials offered for sale in rolls can be used for waterproofing walls recessed into the ground. One side of the web material is coated with fine-grained quartz topping to increase resistance to damage. Among modern rolled materials, Hydroizol and Aquaizol can be distinguished.

Before choosing this or that type of waterproofing, you must decide whether you will carry out the work yourself. If so, then the master should evaluate his abilities and skills. Indeed, if technology is not followed, it will be unrealistic to achieve the goal, and the funds will be wasted. In addition, the work will take time and effort.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14587/

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