Master class: do-it-yourself satin ribbon flowers

Since ancient times, women have decorated their hair with flowers. Times are changing, but habits are largely the same. And since flowers are a rather short-lived decoration, and progress does not stand still, women have learned to replace plants with artificial materials. From which they just do not create jewelry for hair now. This article will discuss the master class "Flowers from a satin ribbon." Moreover, options for creating flowers from ribbons of various widths will be presented.

Kanzashi as the art of creating flowers from satin ribbons

Kanzashi is a hair ornament traditionally worn by beauties in Japan. Most recently, such jewelry was worn mainly by brides, and today they are not only accessible to everyone, but also have a huge range of stylistic options that fit almost any outfit.

master class satin ribbon flowers
Studying the same master class, flowers from a satin ribbon can be made both for a beach dress, and for a gala evening. Everything will depend on the quality and color of the materials used.

A bit of history

In 1700, beauties from Japan began to use a large number of hairpins and combs to decorate their hairstyles. Kansashi in Japan do not just wear. They must certainly correspond not only to the age of the person who wears them, but also to his social status. These jewelry are made of various materials. At first, hairstyles were decorated with thin sticks. Among the people there was an opinion that they remove the evil eye from their owners. From the bundles of such sticks, then they began to create ridges. Later, Kansashi craftsmen achieved a very high level of skill. And today, almost any needlewoman is able to create flowers from satin ribbons with her own hands. A master class on creating such colors will be discussed below.

What material can flowers be made to decorate hairstyles?

Flowers for decorating hairstyles can be made from ribbons of various materials or simply from fabric cut into squares. Very beautiful petals are obtained from organza. But working with her is hard enough. It is not only very loose, but also easily deformed in work. Satin ribbon flowers, the master class of which will be considered during the course of the article, are the most preferred among the craftswomen. Working with ribbons is much simpler than with fabric. They melt better and are less deformed in work.

Does the width of the tape matter?

The most popular ribbon width for creating basic kanzashi petals is five centimeters. But this does not mean at all that ribbons of a different width will not work for you. The master class “Flowers from a satin ribbon” involves the use of both wide and narrow ribbons. And flowers created with a narrow ribbon are in no way inferior in their beauty to those of wide ribbons. Often they turn out even more voluminous and airy. Also, do not forget that no one forbade the combination of petals created from ribbons of different widths. If you combine them correctly, you can get just amazing work.

Tools and materials needed to work with tapes

So that without any difficulty you can make flowers from satin ribbons with your own hands, a master class on their creation will require you to have some tools and materials. First of all, both the tapes and the material should be cut. To do this, of course, you will need sharp scissors. You also need tweezers to clamp the blanks of the petals and a candle or lighter to melt them. In addition, the petals will have to be connected. So, material is needed to connect them. It can be moment glue or hot melt glue. Sometimes it is necessary to tint some petals or part of them. And then, of course, you can not do without paints on the fabric and brushes. And also do not forget about various decorative elements. Such as beads, pendants, pebbles and many others.

Types of Petals in Kanzashi Art

Before creating flowers from a satin ribbon, the master class of which is presented in this article, you should study their main component. Namely, a petal. The basis of the work is made up of two types of petals - sharp and round. All other options are created on their basis.

DIY satin ribbon flowers master class
Petals can be single or double, with a hole or with curls. And also can consist of ribbons of different colors. You can also create a flower from a narrow satin ribbon with your own hands. The master class of such a petal is somewhat different from all the others. But this does not mean that such a petal is not beautiful enough. It has its undeniable advantages.

Sharp petals

A flower from a satin ribbon (master class), a photo of which can be seen in this section, consists of sharp petals. To make such a petal, you need to take a square from a satin ribbon and fold it in half diagonally. The triangle, which turned out as a result of these manipulations, needs to be folded in half and again in half. The resulting petal should be trimmed. The height of the petal, and therefore the model of the flower as a whole, will depend on how much you cut it. After trimming the edges, only the tips can be scorched and soldered. Then the petal will be with a hole. And if the edges are soldered completely, then without a hole. Sharp petals can be successfully combined with round ones.

Round petals

Flowers created from round petals look very voluminous and at the same time quite gently and gracefully. It is especially important here to choose the right color and pay attention to the quality of the material from which the flowers will be made. To create round flower petals, you need to take the same square as in the previous version, and fold it in the same diagonal. Then you should bend the side corners to the bottom and solder them together (or fasten with a thread). After these manipulations, the workpiece should be turned over and the side corners folded to the middle. Fix them together with a glue gun. Now we fold the workpiece in half, cut off the tip a little and seal it with a candle. Round petals, as well as sharp, can be of two colors. In addition, they are miraculously combined with any other species.

DIY satin ribbon flowers. Step by step

First, take a tape about four centimeters wide. The easiest option is to cut five slices of seven and a half centimeters and five slices of nine centimeters.

satin ribbon flowers master class
Of course, do not forget to scorch the edges on both sides. First, take one of the shorter pieces and fold it in half. Carefully align the edge and sew it with neat and very small stitches, stepping back from the edge about three millimeters. To make everything look very neat, try to choose the shade of the thread most accurately in the color of the tape. After the bottom edge of the petal is stitched, pull it as tight as possible and stitch the next one without cutting the threads. Thus, collect on one thread all five petals of the same size and, pulling them together, collect a circle. Similarly, make a circle of five larger petals. Now connect both parts together. Below you need to place a large part, and on top - a smaller one. Glue a beautiful bead or decorative button in the center. To make the inside look beautiful, you need to cut a circle out of cardboard or a plastic bottle and cover it with the same satin ribbon, and then sew or glue it on the underside. You can use only a circle of felt in the shade of a suitable satin ribbon.

Narrow ribbon flower

To learn how to make a flower from a narrow satin ribbon with your own hands, more than one master class can be used. For flowers, petals of various shapes and sizes can be used. From different colors you can make different interesting compositions. You can easily create flowers from a 1 cm wide satin ribbon. And even thinner. If the width of your tape does not exceed half a centimeter, then you should cut it into equal segments. There should be two options for such segments. We take one and fold it in half (face inward). Now we cut both ribbons sideways and solder them together. We unfold the workpiece and connect the free ends together by overlaying them one on top of the other.

narrow satin ribbon flower master class
Along the way, adjust the width of the petal. After the required number of petals is made, you need to collect them into one flower, alternating different colors. There is another way to create a flower from a thin satin ribbon. A master class in creating such a flower is that each petal has the appearance of a loop. For greater splendor, a knot should be tied in the center of such a loop.
a flower from a thin satin ribbon master class
All loops are assembled on a tight round billet. And from its back, a hair elastic or other blank is attached. If the tape is wider (for example, one and a half or two centimeters wide), then you can apply the third way to create colors. A flower from a narrow satin ribbon, the master class of which explains the third method, consists of petals pointed from one edge and gathered from the other.
DIY satin ribbon flowers step by step
The cut end of the petal will certainly scorch above the candle. Such petals are collected by gluing them in a circle on a cardboard blank covered with tape.

Satin ribbon flower (hairpin master class) in patterns

In order for your flower to turn into a hairpin from satin ribbons, you need to work a little with it. Creating a flower, you can be guided by schemes, so as not to make mistakes. This is especially true for beginner needlewomen. It doesn't matter how the flower petals were created.

satin ribbon flower master class hairpin in patterns
Once it is ready, you should turn it into a hairpin. For these purposes, you will undoubtedly need the Moment glue (or hot glue) and a blank for the hair clip. If you could not find a workpiece suitable for you, then you can use the old hair clip or just buy the option suitable for you. After completing the flower and arranging its wrong side, you just need to drip with glue and stick it on the hairpin. That’s all wisdom. Do not forget that you can additionally decorate your hairpin with beads, decorative pebbles or pendant elements. Do not limit yourself to creativity, but do not overdo it. All elements of the hairpin should be correctly combined with each other not only in color, but also in shape and even in size.

What jewelry can satin ribbon flowers be used for?

Of the flowers, which are based on the use of a satin ribbon, you can create not only hair clips. They can be successfully attached to studs, invisibles, ridges or rims. And even to ordinary rubber bands. The principles of attachment to all these elements are not much different from each other. But there are some nuances. For example, before attaching flowers to the rim, it is better to glue it with tape. And when you attach an elastic band to the back of the flower for hair, then for reliability it’s better to stick a small piece of tape on top of the elastic to match the color of the flower itself.

satin ribbon flower master class photo
Of course, from these flowers, in addition to hair ornaments, you can make wonderful brooches, belts and any other accessories and even jewelry. It all depends on which blank the flower will be attached to. Do not forget that if you degrease the place where decorative elements will be glued, then fasten and hold everything will be much better.

After more than one workshop “Flowers from Satin Ribbon” was considered, it became clear that if you want to decorate with a wonderful flower, you can do anything. And you can make it from a material of absolutely any width. Even if the transverse size of your tape does not exceed half a centimeter. The main thing is a creative approach and a little imagination. And also do not forget that any compositions should not be overloaded, all elements should be harmoniously combined with each other both in color and in size.


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