What should a child at 7 years old be able to do? Classes and educational games for children 7 years old

There are many opinions regarding what a child should be at 7 years old. Some parents are inclined to believe that it is not necessary to teach their child at this age, as this deprives him of a happy childhood.

Others hold the opposite opinion. Such parents record the baby to music, dancing, drawing, learning languages.

Experts call both opinions erroneous, because in everything it is necessary to observe the measure. This folk wisdom is familiar to everyone.

Measure in everything

Each of us has purely individual characteristics and character traits. The same applies to children - they are all different.

a child cannot count at age 7

For this reason, when raising his child, it is necessary to take into account the features of his individual development. A school for children 6 and 7 years old is a completely new place with different routines and conditions. Not everyone is able to perceive it easily.

The main thing is to avoid a heavy load on the child. Do not write it in a dozen sections. Otherwise, he may develop emotional instability.

However, it is also impossible to completely refuse training. It also does not lead to anything good. A kid who does not know how to do anything will turn out to be unsuitable for school conditions and will leave his peers in development.

Parents note

What should a child at 7 years old be able to do? By this age, each child forms a model of behavior and adaptation in society. It is the responsibility of the parents to avoid confusion in the perception of the child.

At such a young age, he has a lot of things with the prefix "self":

  • Self-esteem.
  • Self-awareness.
  • Self determination.
  • Self-esteem.

Gradually, various kinds of demands and requests to himself and others are growing. It is in this age period that the child first acquaints with the school. New conditions often lead to stress, which is why the mental state is further aggravated. This puts the child in a strong dependence on his own assessments, as well as the opinions of others.

classes for children 7 years old

Developing circumstances are very important for the emotional education of a younger student. Parents need to remain the indisputable authority for their child. However, every effort must be made so that a daughter or son can cope with many problems in the future.

What children 7 years old usually already know

The program for children of 7 years is quite saturated. By this age, some already know the alphabet and can write block letters. Others easily determine the number of syllables and sounds, and can also correctly emphasize many words. In addition, children are able to distinguish between soft and hard consonants, they know what vowels and consonants are.

Most seven-year-olds already have a substantial supply of vocabulary and can formulate simple sentences consisting of 5-6 words. By building this or that phrase, the child is able to understand a certain sequence of words. He will not say ā€œI went for a walk on the streetā€, instead there will be a completely correct saying ā€œI went for a walk on the streetā€.

Grammar and reading

It will be important for the child if he independently begins to read stories and his favorite tales. Itā€™s clearly not worth choosing multi-volume novels for him - this will be an excessive load. But small works will only benefit him and develop his love of literature. And this is a serious step towards the harmonious development of the individual.

All children have different techniques and speed of reading, due to individual characteristics. Sometimes a child at the age of 7 cannot read syllables. Thanks to short stories, the child will gradually develop reading skills. Most likely, at the school desk, he will no longer read the words in syllables.

Parents should carefully consider this important period for the child. If possible, then you should choose literary works of a different genre: stories, fables, children's poems.

school for children 6 7 years old

It is important that the child understands the events described in the books, and not just pronounce familiar words. It is worth consolidating the material covered. To do this, after reading the next work, parents should talk with him about the plot, ask about the heroes of the book.

Mathematics for children 7 years old

It is advisable that the child already knew how to carry out simple calculations before entering school: addition, subtraction in one action. Typically, seven-year periods can count to 10 (in the direct and reverse order). The childā€™s mathematical knowledge is still scarce, but there is already some basis, which allows him to be able to do something at the age of seven:

  • Use simple measuring instruments (ruler, square).
  • Understand the difference between a larger and a lower number.
  • The number of items to correlate with the corresponding number.
  • Correctly navigate in space and determine the direction (top, bottom, above, below, forward, backward, between, etc.).
  • Determine the time by the clock.

In addition, the child should already be able to combine different groups of objects on a common basis. Also, before school, he needs to have an idea of ā€‹ā€‹various sizes (length, width, height, weight, volume).

Certain difficulties

What to do if a child at age 7 cannot count? There are different teaching methods. Classes are best done in the form of a game. At the same time, regularity is important, which will allow not only to memorize numbers, but also to compare them with surrounding objects. The algorithm may be as follows:

  • Teach your child to see the difference between the definitions of "many items" and "one."
  • Explain the difference between equal, greater and less.
  • Explain how you can compare the number of items with the desired number.
  • Introduce the numbers from 1 to 10.
  • Teach you how to solve elementary problems in several ways.

Such an account in the mind contributes to a better development of memory. As for the simplest operations of addition and subtraction, it is better to start with homogeneous objects, which will allow you to use visual and tactile memory.

Art skills

With the help of a variety of coloring books for children of 7 years, you can develop their artistā€™s abilities. Many children love to paint. To do this, they use a pencil, pen, felt-tip pen, brush with paints (watercolor, gouache).

coloring for children 7 years old

When coloring a black and white picture, the kid already knows that he should not go beyond the marked outlines, otherwise the result will be spoiled. At the same time, he is able to choose colors correctly for each element:

  • The grass is green.
  • The sun is yellow.
  • The sky is blue.
  • The clouds are white.

In most cases, ready-made coloring books for children of 7 years old are done competently and are quite true.

Science preparation

Of course, throughout the school life, the child will receive knowledge in many subjects, but it is better to prepare him for them in advance. In this case, the child will later be easier to perceive geography, history, geometry, biology, physics. But at home, training should take place in such a way as to interest the baby, and not make him remember any scientific postulates.

The child must know the names of the continents, oceans and a number of capitals of the countries of the world. He must understand what plants are and know the names of many animals. He should clearly explain why there is day and night, winter and summer.

Riddles for children of 7 years old - useful, entertaining, fun

Their benefits should not be underestimated. What is a riddle? This is folk wisdom that has been absorbed by everyone since childhood. Such games contribute to the development of a childā€™s imagination, thinking, logic. Thinking over each answer, he gains skills in building a causal relationship, which are very valuable.

For each child to be able to correlate, compare and draw conclusions is very important. For adults, such a riddle seems elementary: "green with pimples, grows in the garden, tastes good and crunches." Of course, this is a cucumber. However, everything is so obvious for the child, since there are green balloons, grass, foliage, and vegetable marrows, carrots, turnips can grow in the garden.

recipe for children 7 years old

In addition, puzzles for children 7 years old allow you to train your memory. The next time, having heard the familiar task again, the child will not hesitate to give an answer, without even hearing it to the end.

In the family

When the baby has grown up and is ready to sit at the school desk, many parents almost completely entrust their child to teachers. But is it right to do so? There are several games that will help children spend time with their parents:

  • Bird feeder. This event is best suited for son and father. Using improvised materials you need to build a feeder, which then hang on a tree. Of course, both, and not one of them, should take part in this. Thanks to this joint work, the child will receive useful skills, certain knowledge.
  • Herbarium. He will do this at school, but with his mother it will be much more pleasant and more fun. In addition, a walk in the fresh air, informative conversation, and pastime in the company of a loved one will benefit.
  • Composing fairy tales. This fascinating lesson for 7 years old children will enrich their vocabulary and teach them how to connect their thoughts into a logical chain. The meaning of the game is as follows - at least once a week (let it be a Sunday day off) the whole family gathers and begins to write some kind of story. To create characters, you can make clippings from magazines. In this case, the director will be the baby himself. Taking each image, he must connect them logically, in order to create a single narrative of semantic content.

Despite the fact that many children at the age of seven already feel like adults, they still need parental support.

The need for prescriptions

Many parents think that they donā€™t need to teach a child how to write, as he goes to school, where he will be taught everything. However, it is very important to prepare the baby's hand for this activity. Recipes for children of 7 years come to the rescue. They can be found in almost any office supply store.

riddles for children 7 years old

There are several varieties of prescriptions:

  • Developing.
  • Brain teaser.
  • Math.
  • For learning writing.

Developing prescriptions allow you to familiarize your child with the correct way to hold a pen, pencil or felt-tip pen. He will learn to draw straight and curved lines without taking his writing instrument from paper.

With the help of logical aids, you can understand what subject is missing in a certain sequence. Also, the child will learn not just to circle the pattern, but also to supplement it with the missing part. Another exercise is to circle several characters in a row, and then continue to play them on the next line yourself, keeping the meaning. Another useful activity is to find one superfluous from the proposed objects. It should be painted over or simply circled.

Maths also develop useful skills. The child will learn to write numbers and mathematical signs, draw geometric shapes and divide them into parts.

Copybooks will teach the child to reproduce consonants and vowels on paper, as well as make words from them.

Key points

Let us now go through some key points regarding what a child at 7 years old should be able to do:

  • Self-identification - at the age of 7, the child must clearly understand his name, including his last name, middle name, and address of residence.
  • Family environment - the baby must be aware of all family members and know all the data about them. That is, full names, surnames, age.
  • Space - the child should have a good understanding of exactly where his house is located, as well as nearby shops, streets, so that you can easily find the way to your home on your own or get by transport.
  • Time - any seven-year-old baby should clearly understand what the term ā€œclockā€ means. Many children know how to determine the time, for example, one hour, five hours.
  • The financial side - in our modern society, this information is very important. Many children can handle money very well, but you should not trust a seven-year-old with a personal credit card.
  • Electronic gadgets - at present, most children at this age are fluent in computers and smartphones. However, do not give them expensive devices to school.
  • The difference between good behavior and bad - children at the age of 7 already know about the elementary rules of behavior and safety in society. However, knowledge of relations with teachers and school associates is still not enough for him.

What should a child at 7 years old be able to do? Parents should give a lot of knowledge to a child. Children are smart people. If father and mother do not answer the questions of their baby, he can get information of interest to them from other sources that are not always acceptable. That is why hooliganism, extortion, disrespect for elders and other factors of antisocial behavior develop among adolescents.

7 years old child cannot read syllables

Therefore, starting from this age, it is necessary to instill in the child a sense of responsibility, respect for those who are older than you, sociability. He should also avoid aggressive behavior towards others and try to contact with peers. It is also important to teach the child to stand up for himself and, if necessary, protect the one who is weaker than him.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14595/

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