Curly sorrel: description, healing properties

Curly sorrel plant can often be found along roadsides, near houses, along the banks of streams, grooves, and small rivers. It belongs to the buckwheat family. In Russia, for some time now, the plant was considered a weed.

Curly sorrel


Like all representatives of this family, curly sorrel is also perennial. The height of the stems of this plant can reach one hundred and twenty centimeters. The culture is widespread in many regions, even very different in their climatic conditions, but Japan is its homeland.

The roots of curly sorrel have a rod type, they are quite long. Its very tender leaves are opposite. By their edges they are curly, which is why the plant got its name - "curly sorrel".

The buckwheat family is characterized mainly by paniculate inflorescences. This species of sorrel is no exception. Multiple bundles are collected in a brush: they create a peculiar reddish-greenish broom. The fruits of the plant have a trihedral shape of the achene. The flowering time of the sorrel is the period from June to mid-July, depending on the place of growth.

general information

In the first years, a small rosette collected from leaflets appears on the culture, but from the second year on, the stem begins to grow thicker, becoming ribbed and reddish down. The leaves of the sorrel are quite large. They have a peculiar sour taste, which can not be confused with anything.

Curly sorrel healing properties
Curly sorrel, like other representatives of the same genus, is a moisture-loving plant, so it can often be found near brooks or grooves. Its young leaves, being softer, are much tastier than large ones. Of these, you can cook soup, make okroshka, salad, etc. But much more oxalic acid accumulates in old leaves . Curly sorrel is widely used in cooking, where its taste and nutritional qualities have long been appreciated. It is highly regarded and due to its excellent healing characteristics.

Chemical composition

Curly sorrel is on the list of the most popular medicinal plants. Even in ancient times, the Aesculapius knew about the healing properties of this representative of the buckwheat family. His miraculous characteristics were described in manuscripts of famous Arab scholars. Curly sorrel is used in its entirety: both the stem and the leaves, roots and even flowers are useful. The chemical composition of the plant is very interesting. Its root system contains a huge amount of vitamins C and K, the leaves contain carotene, vitamins B1, B2, PP, as well as multi-core compounds. The rhizome also contains antraglucoside and tannins, an incredible amount of iron and even a little essential oil.

Curly Sorrel Roots

Use in traditional medicine

For medicinal purposes, this herbaceous plant was used by the ancient Indians. In traditional medicine, it is used both as an anti-dysenteric drug and to improve the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. Curly sorrel is nowadays very widely used in folk medicine. Its popularity is associated with the miraculous properties of the roots, which have an astringent effect. But thanks to the acidic leaves of the plant, a person can avoid nausea or heartburn. If they are applied to wounds and cuts, they will contribute to quick healing. Fresh leaves and decoctions from the fruits of curly sorrel are used for scurvy; externally, they can be taken to strengthen the gums.

Root System - Properties

It is the underground part of curly sorrel that is most valued. An infusion of roots and leaves acts as a tonic with a firming and sedative effect. It is also used for dyspepsia and leprosy, a common cold or a cold, with febrile conditions as a diaphoretic and antipyretic.

Sorrel Curly Family

For a long time, the root of curly sorrel has been widely used in gynecology. Traditional healers recommend decoction of it for pulmonary tuberculosis, bleeding, coughing and pleurisy. Curly sorrel, the medicinal properties of which have been known since ancient times, helps with chronic cholecystitis and dyskinesia of the gallbladder, with disorders of bile secretion, as well as with some diseases of the blood, spleen and lymph glands.

An infusion of rhizomes is a proven tool that helps with bronchitis and asthma, catarrh of the upper paths and sores. It has long been considered the best tool that removes secretions, for example, with suppuration of ears or conjunctivitis.

Other characteristics

A decoction of the grassy part and the roots of curly sorrel is used internally as an excellent hemostatic. It helps a lot with anemia, threatening abortion, as a diuretic for jade, cystitis, urethritis, pain in the heart, schistosomiasis, and also hemorrhoids or rheumatism.

Curly sorrel

Our ancestors applied compresses from infusion of curly sorrel grass to various tumors, including cancerous ones. In addition, it has long been known that its crushed roots and leaves have antiparasitic effects. The composition lubricates those areas of the skin that are affected by eczema and scabies. Leaves are widely used by healers and for itching, rashes, abscesses and lichen. Grated fresh roots attached to the site of a snakebite will help to avoid an accident. In addition, root healers or decoction of folk healers recommend drinking to cure alcohol dependence, as well as an antimicrobial and anthelmintic.

Today, curly sorrel is also actively used in official medicine. Clinical studies have fully confirmed that alcohol and water infusions from the rhizomes and fruits of this inconspicuous but surprising plant are very effective in a disease such as pellagra. In addition, in official medicine, curly sorrel extract is used as a laxative, superior in its effect to even rhubarb.


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