What is the administrative responsibility of minors

Administrative responsibility of minors is a form of state response to offenses committed by adolescents. It is expressed in the application to these entities by the authorized bodies of certain penalties that are provided.

juvenile administrative responsibility

Recently, the administrative responsibility of minors has become quite acute. The reason for this is the reform in Russia of the current legislation on the tasks and problems of juvenile policy and a significant increase in the offenses committed by today's teenagers.

The administrative responsibility of minors and their parents is considered comprehensively. This is because there is a need to determine the scope of responsibility of these entities for the violated public law and order.

The legislation provides for parental liability in connection with the commission of such violations for which minors are not legally liable . For this reason, juvenile delinquency is both the responsibility of their parents and the basis for applying coercive measures to them.

legal liability of minors

An administrative punishment may be imposed from the moment the offense was committed within 2 months, and in case of a continuing offense - from the moment it was discovered and no later than 2 months later.

It is worth noting that any punishment applied to minors primarily aims at restoring social justice, as well as preventing new crimes and offenses.

The highest judicial authorities constantly draw attention to the fact that the legal responsibility of minors is subordinate to these goals. Naturally, this does not mean that punishments, except for the purpose of correction, which consists in developing a persistent rejection of antisocial activities, do not pursue educational goals, such as instilling a polite attitude towards people, the results of their work, etc.

The punishments that apply to minors are expressed in a lesser extent, less restriction or imprisonment of the rights and rights of these persons, who under equal conditions bear a milder responsibility than adults in similar situations.

legal liability of minors

The administrative responsibility of minors takes into account their individual, mental and age characteristics in order to ensure the formation of persistent rejection of immoral, antisocial tendencies with the help of punishment.

The basis for the use of educational measures to influence adolescents who have committed an offense are such characteristics as the severity of the consequences and social danger, the conditions and reasons that contribute to the commission of the crime, the conditions of education, the level of intellectual development and the age of the offender.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14599/

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