Robert Asprin's Shuttle Company: Humorous Fantasy as a Methodology for Personnel Management and Marketing Development

All lovers of good quality fiction are familiar with Robert Lynn Asprin. He is better known as the creator of the famous “MYTHIC Cycle” - a cycle of novels in the genre of humorous fantasy, which he wrote shortly before his death in 2008.

But not all admirers of “Myths” know that in parallel with them, Robert Asprin wrote an equally remarkable series of books called “Shuttov Company”. Despite the fact that book annotations often emphasize that they relate not only to humorous but also to space fiction, readers may not worry: there is practically nothing here from purely science fiction with travels across the galaxy. There was only an entourage: the heroes perform tasks on different planets, and the team consists not only of people, but also of other creatures.

shuttling company asprin robert

All books in the series

  1. The Shuttov Company (1990). The first book of the series in which the young megamillionaire Willard Shutt only becomes the captain of the worst unit of the Legion.
  2. "Shuttovsky Paradise" (1992). An already united team receives an order to protect the galactic casino. Not a job, but just a dream! But something is restless in the new service: either the mafia begins to threaten, then criminals take hostages ... And the owners of this luxurious establishment raise a lot of questions.
  3. "Shuttovskie money" (1999). This time, Willard Schutt was given the task of "developing" an entire planet with its entire population to the level of normal civilization. And the enterprising captain is already eyeing the financial side of the matter.
    shuttov company
  4. "Twice Shutt" (2000). The captain and his valiant team are sent to defend the interests of dragon-like creatures on the planet Zenobia.
  5. "There is no Shutt than the old Shutt" (2004). This time, the problem was brought to Willard by none other than his own father, Victor Shutt. He somehow managed to practically bankrupt the Second Chance casino. In addition, General Blitzkrieg bears cunning vengeful plans.
  6. "Mission Shutt" (2006). The captain and his team have two tasks: to find a butler, whom young Willard considers a member of the family, and to pass an unexpected check from his superiors with honor.

In the Shuttov Company series, Robert Asprin authored only the first two books of his own. The rest were co-authored with Peter Heck.

Heroes of the Shuttov Company series

  • Willard Shutt is a multi-billionaire who serves in the Legion for his whim.
  • Bicker is the butler and friend of Captain Joker, one to one, like Batman.
  • Brandy is a red-haired girl with the rank of sergeant with a cynical attitude to life.
  • Super Malyavka is a miniature girl, a member of the Omega group.
  • Lieutenant Armstrong is an Omega officer, disciplined to the marrow.
  • Lieutenant Rembrant - an officer of the Omega team, does not like Armstrong.
  • The ax is a sergeant, the head of the allowance.
  • Harry Chocolate is a sergeant, a thief, with connections in the shadow market.
    shuttish paradise


The plot of the “Shutt company” plot is based on the fact that Willard Schutt commits an offense, and the authorities do not know how to punish him. Their hands are actually tied, because they can not imprison the son of a man who supplies weapons for the entire Legion. Instead, they reward the hero in a very peculiar way: they upgrade him to the rank of captain and send him to command the Omega group, which is a bunch of losers who for some reason do not know how to serve normally, and there is no reason to dismiss them from the Legion.

Willard Shutt begins to work with the new team as an experienced strategist: he finds the strengths of each squad member in their weaknesses and provides the legionnaires with the best weapons and the latest training base. Gradually, he changes their consciousness: he instills in them the idea that they are not miserable losers, but an elite military unit with the highest level of training.

When you read Asprin’s book “Shuttov Company”, you get a feeling in part that this is not fantasy, but some kind of personnel management technique. Yes, everything is exaggerated in a humorous book, but the basic idea that a person needs to be given confidence in his abilities and he will turn mountains down is clearly traced in all parts of the cycle.


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