Ultrasonic fog generator: specifications, photos and reviews

Climatic equipment is constantly evolving, offering the consumer new possibilities for regulating microclimate parameters. The solution to the problem of air humidification has long moved from the category of optional filling of massive condensers and implemented in the form of full-fledged independent devices. Today, those who wish to refresh the premises in the house with moisture particles are offered a huge assortment of compact humidifiers. And a separate place in this class of equipment is occupied by an ultrasonic fog generator , which is also suitable for domestic use, but at the same time has its own operational features.

ultrasonic fog generator

General information about fog generators

Externally, such devices resemble large humidifiers or small-sized mobile air conditioners. By design, this is a small unit that connects to the mains and works in a given mode. The principles of operation of the device are much more interesting. There are two types of generators - for the formation of haze (decorative) and directly for moisturizing cold fog. In the first case, the generation is carried out mechanically under pressure - small particles of liquid are literally squeezed out through the pump and compressor and emitted into the room. A feature of such systems is that they do not work with ordinary water, but with aerosols and modified mixtures. Of course, they also contain water, but as a diluent. The active components are usually glycerol or glycol. In turn, the ultrasonic fog generator focuses specifically on the atomization of cold water particles in order to change the microclimatic characteristics. The principle of operation of this device deserves special attention.

How do ultrasonic models work?

DIY ultrasonic fog generator

To understand the features of the operation of such devices, it is important to identify two components of the working process - this is the directly generating ultrasound device and the working environment. The first component acts on the working fluid through vibrational waves (ultrasound) at frequencies sufficient to break up the surface layer into small elements. In the process, the aquatic environment is called voiced - at the moment, an ultrasonic fog generator performs the following operations on it:

  • Impact on the surface.
  • The increase in the surface of interaction of sound waves with a liquid.
  • Dispersion Dispersion of liquid particles against the background of fine grinding.
  • Emulsification. Emulsion generation.

It is far from always required to complete a full cycle of the operations described. Moreover, not every generator can, in principle, carry out, for example, dispersion and emulsification. Specific modes of operation with the list of operations are set by the user himself.


ultrasonic humidifier fog generator

In the characteristics of the device, you can trace the differences from conventional humidifiers. First of all, it is power. For an apartment or a small house, a device for 700-1000 watts is quite enough. But if we are talking about large studios, venues or pavilions, then the power should be about 1200-1500 watts. From this indicator follows and productivity, comprising 250-300 m 2 / min. That is, this is the volume of steam generation and delivery. Sometimes manufacturers calculate this value in β€œcubes”. In this case, the average productivity will be 50-70 m 3 / min. As for the power supply characteristics, 220 V is enough to service a household ultrasonic humidifier. The fog generator from the professional segment, however, can be powered by a 380 V three-phase network. These are industrial plants, which are also large in size.

Positive reviews

ultrasonic fog generator with backlight

From the point of view of the ordinary consumer, ultrasonic generators are distinguished by the ability to quickly fill a room with fog. If the same humidifier or even a steam generator requires from 30 minutes to 1.5-2 hours to ensure the desired result, then in the case of a foggy generator it takes 8-10 minutes. The pluses include the quality of spraying, which is characterized even by a budget fogger. The ultrasonic fog generator also performs well in terms of protective qualities. It is resistant to network congestion and external influences, including temperature.

Negative reviews

Despite the attractive working qualities, the ergonomics of most generators of this type leaves much to be desired. Both in terms of design qualities and in management, users value neat and compact devices for humidification and air washing more. In addition, generators require special maintenance. For example, during operation, the membrane for the fog generator of the ultrasonic humidifier should be periodically cleaned or replaced, but accessories for such equipment are not always easy to find on the market. On the other hand, many owners note a high degree of reliability of the design, so breakdowns are rare.

Avito ultrasonic fog generator

Self-made generator

To assemble the generator, you will need an ultrasonic module for the oscillation function, a power supply, a fan, a plastic container, and plumbing fixtures to ensure fluid intake. During operation, the ultrasonic module will create an oscillatory effect with the release of small particles of water. In turn, a fan is installed in front of this module, bringing the particles to be lifted out into the room. Accordingly, the water will be in the container all this time. What features should an ultrasonic fog generator have? With your own hands, you can collect a float that will rise and fall depending on the water level. This function is important if you plan to leave the device working for several hours or even days. As the liquid disperses, the system will approach the disconnection point, which will provoke the float with the mechanics of pressing the corresponding button on the power supply.

How to choose an ultrasonic fog generator?

membrane for fog generator ultrasonic humidifier

Much depends on the purpose of the generator. Most often, such devices are purchased to moisten the room, if before that it was dry in it. In this case, the basic parameters are important, among which the intensity of the fog, the productivity and quality of spraying as such, so that the resulting cloud does not lead to waterlogging of wallpaper or furniture. Again, there are models designed exclusively for the decorative function. They only create a haze with a certain density, which can be used in studio shootings. In this case, you should prefer an ultrasonic fog generator with backlight, which will make the same cloud visually brighter and more effective. It is important to take into account the possibility of using the generator outside the house, that is, without the possibility of connecting to the mains. There are also such devices - they will need to calculate the battery potential. On average, batteries provide battery life for 30-60 minutes.


ultrasonic mist generator

With all its advantages, generators with the function of fogging have not yet fully fit into the sphere of domestic use. This is evidenced by both backward ergonomics and an outdated control system. And this is understandable, since the devices came from the industrial segment, in which such qualities are practically not taken into account. Conversely, the performance of this solution is more than suitable for housing maintenance. As for the cost, then it is rather big - on average 5-6 thousand rubles. However, on the Avito resource an ultrasonic fog generator can also be found for 2 thousand. Here, by the way, it will be possible to negotiate with sellers of components with consumables for the device. They are also inexpensive, but it is important to consider the ratio of the technical parameters of the components with the design of the generator. For the same membranes, the dimensions are standardized, but modern modifications are also found, to which new regulatory requirements were presented. Therefore, before buying, it is worthwhile to thoroughly check the compliance of individual parts and accessories.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14607/

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