Small-sized snow-clearing equipment for a summer residence: design, reviews

The machine for snow removal is a specialized technique that helps to eliminate excess snow from the territory. This equipment has a rotating screw grip for snow. With the help of a stream of air, snow falling inside is discarded in a given direction.

The equipment helps to clean the house or summer cottage area, to free passageways and entrances. This is the main helper in winter and frost for those who live in snowy areas and cities. Such a machine saves time and effort by managing a much larger area than a primitive shovel. Thanks to the design and powerful flows of the regulated air supply, an area of ​​impressive size can be cleaned.

Types of snow removal equipment

Snow removal equipment for summer cottages is divided into electric or gasoline cars. The first option is more economical and budget. This technique is more mobile and pliable, has less weight and is convenient for storage due to its compactness.

The second option is reliable. Often, gasoline appliances are preferred not only for cleaning on the territory of the house, but also for cleaning large areas, since such models have good power and are not dependent on electricity. Despite the high cost, this option perfectly sweeps out any snowdrifts.

The third type is also used - a professional cleaning technique. But for cleaning manors, cottages and private houses, such units are practically not used.

Comparative characteristics of two types of equipment

Electric and gasoline snow cleaners are used for different purposes. However, it is worth comparing two types of equipment. The advantages of the gasoline type include battery life without electricity. The engine of such a machine is able to cope with a large layer of snow in an impressive area for 4 hours.

snow clearing equipment for a summer residence

It is powerful, resistant to low temperatures and works up to -20 degrees.

In front of electrical appliances, this option loses in price and dimensions. After all, it is not particularly compact and heavy. This is a high-performance large equipment requiring high-quality service and refueling.

Unlike snow removal equipment for giving with a gasoline engine, the electric view is more affordable. It does not require refueling, is easy to store and conveniently transported, has an average weight of up to 15 kg. However, this view loses in power and in the number of speeds; it cannot handle large snowdrifts. Such snow removal equipment is perfect for home, garden, manor. A feasible job for her is fresh notes in a small area.

Electric snow blowers are compact and have rubber coated screws. Thanks to this, you can clean close to the gazebo and porch. These devices do not make a sharp noise, but need constant power.

Types and differences

In addition to the classification by engine type, snow plowing equipment for summer cottages is divided into self-propelled, moving only along a given trajectory, and manual, for the movement of which you must make your own efforts.

snow removal equipment for the home

According to the cleaning options, the machines can throw snow or remove it by sweeping with the help of special brushes.

Also, the technique can be moved with the help of tracks, runners or wheels.

The cleaning technique can work on the principle of a single-stage system, when the screws collect and throw out snow in a given direction, and in two stages. In the second case, crushing the snow and moving it up the pipe for further elimination sets the rotor, and the screws take the snow inside the bucket and throw it directly into a special box.

Equipment design

Mandatory components are in any small-sized snow removal equipment. The design implies the presence of an engine as the main unit (electric or gasoline), which sets the system, starts all the work. There is a metal or plastic bucket on the front that grabs the snow. The quantity depends on the width and dimensions of the casing itself.

Snow leans back with a metal gutter. It can also be made of plastic. It throws all the collected material in a given direction at an adjustable distance forward or to the sides.

The main working mission in the snow removal unit is performed by screws. Collecting snow and grinding it, the augers send the material further into the exhaust trough.
In addition to the screws, the snow cleaning equipment can also be equipped with a special wheel that has blades (rotor) if the cleaning system in the equipment is two-stage. This technique is called rotary screw. In it, the rotor is located at the beginning of the gutter and with the help of active rotation ejects snow to a distance that can be adjusted.


The screws in this case rotate less actively, but they regularly supply snow, carefully selecting it along the route.

Screw snow cleaners do not have a rotor wheel and work only on a single-stage system. The screw rows the snow towards itself and throws it out with the help of the trough, setting the ejection speed with its active rotation.

Often this technique is equipped with rubber screws to prevent breakage when solid objects or stones get inside. Rubberized screws facilitate movement, but power still does not compete with all-wheel drive units that move independently.

A more powerful snow removal technique with metal screws can handle stagnant snowdrifts and snow icing. Augers can be equipped with teeth or have a smooth surface.

The machine for snow removal moves with the help of wheels or tracks. The first option uses metal discs and rubber tires. Coated hitching is improved with a tread that also prevents slipping. Caterpillars are used in heavier equipment that works in difficult terrain.

Also, snow cleaners are equipped with handles that help it easier to deploy equipment in the right direction. Some cars have heated handles and are equipped with headlights. More expensive models have a special panel that facilitates control. It is equipped with special buttons and auxiliary levers. Garden snow removal equipment should not be bulky and perform unnecessary functions. It is much more convenient to use the compact and maneuverable unit.

snow removal equipment

Factors When Choosing a Snow Blower

The main points that potential buyers pay attention to when choosing snow plowing equipment for their summer residence:

Type and engine power of the car

It can be an electric or gasoline cleaning assistant with a certain motor power. It is important to understand for what area it is intended, and with how many notes it must handle. Whether compact and lightweight equipment is suitable for the adjacent area or is it necessary to have a heavy unit equipped with a reverse gear to facilitate maneuvering or an electric starter.

Cost of technology

Additional equipment always increases the cost. Here, various amenities can be included in the form of delicate cleansing, heating, the presence of speeds. The price also affects the way you move. Caterpillar equipment is more expensive, because it is more efficient with loose mass and passable on complex reliefs.

Capture size and working area

Depending on how many snowdrifts will need to be cleared, as well as what area to process, you pay attention to the maneuverability and dimensions of the equipment. For a summer cottage or a private house, light equipment with a capture of up to 70 cm is suitable. For clearing large areas - consider a large width.

The presence of an electric starter

Instead of manually turning it on, some equipment uses this option. Usually it is used with more voluminous engines, since a cable starter is enough for low-power motors.

snow removal equipment

Type of movement

The technique can move independently due to a given direction or not be self-propelled and move only when using effort. The first option is always used for large areas, significant work, tangible territories. In small areas, they often cost a non-self-propelled option, because it is much cheaper.

The quality of snow removal equipment depends on the presence and functioning of all these parameters.

Snow Machinery Manufacturers

In addition to the main characteristics, the manufacturer remains an important point when choosing snow removal equipment. Preference should be given to well-known brands that have proven themselves in the market and give a proven warranty on the products. Among the popular snowplows, the products of Stiga, Champion, Monferme, Hyundai are noted. Many prefer companies Honda, Patriot, Pubert, MTD. The units Prorab, Daewoo, Toro, Husqvarna, Huter are also in demand.
Manufacturers make various versions of snow cleaning equipment, including both types of engines, main parts in various interpretations and configurations, as well as other additional equipment.

garden snow removal equipment

Comparison of popular gasoline snow blower models

Comparing several popular gasoline models of snow removal equipment (PATRIOT, HUSQVARNA, HUTER and MTD brands), we can conclude that all these units are self-propelled, equipped with headlights and have a steel exhaust pipe. The processing width ranges from 56-68 cm, the height is 51-58 cm. The HUTER SGC 4800 model has five forward speeds, while the rest of the rivals - 6. But it has the most budget cost (within 46 thousand rubles) and less than the rest - 64 kg.

HUSQVARNA ST 227 P loses to other models by the number of rear speeds, providing one instead of two, but the only one of them is equipped with heated handles and has the highest power unit - 8.5 hp The average cost of equipment is 85 thousand rubles.

The most expensive model among those considered is MTD ME 66. Its cost varies within 100 thousand rubles. The same machine is the heaviest (100 kg), and its engine power is 8 hp, weight is about 95 kg.

The PATRIOT PRO 658 E has a weight of 88 kg and a power of 6.5 hp. At the same time, its cost starts from 45 thousand rubles.

Comparison of popular electric snow blower models

Two popular models with the electric type of engine of the PATRIOT and HUTER brands have approximately the same power (about 2.7 hp), non-self-propelled type of movement and identical weight - 12 kg each. Such models do not have heated handles and electric start, they move forward (single-speed) and do not have rear speeds. The HUTER SGC 2000 E is equipped with a headlamp. But it has a smaller width (40 cm) and a height (16 cm) of processing. The PATRIOT PS 2200 E has no headlights. However, its width (50 cm) and height (25 cm) are greater.
The cost of both models varies from 10 to 14 thousand rubles.

Snow Technique Reviews

Based on reviews of snow removal equipment, we can conclude that the most important criterion is the correct selection of the unit for the required tasks. Users report that some models are only suitable for daily use.

DIY snow removal equipment

If the ice has time to form, then you have to again use a shovel. Satisfies the compactness and ease of technology, but can interfere with and annoy the cord in electrical models, limit autonomy and freedom of action.

The owners also share the opinion that a significant part of the financial services goes to gasoline. Patency of equipment on uneven areas may suffer. With heavy weight it can be hard to handle. In addition, such a machine is inconvenient to store in the summer.

But these disadvantages still can not be compared with the difficulties with mechanical manual cleaning of the territory with the help of a shovel. There are no exhaust fumes and hum. Powerful equipment allows you to remove strong snow drifts and icing, work in the cold.

How to make a gasoline snow blower yourself

You can make your own snow removal equipment on a 65 cm wide gasoline engine yourself. To do this, you need to purchase iron in sheets for assembly, a steel angle of 0.5x0.5 cm, a sheet of plywood 1 cm thick for the side parts, a pipe for the handle and the engine itself. You can use the old walk-behind tractor from the previous technology.

For the manufacture of the screw, it is necessary to use 4 metal disks, which must be divided into 2 parts and bent into a spiral, fixing them to the pipe with suitable sized bearings along the edges (the diameter is identical to the size of the pipe). To receive snow masses, it is necessary to introduce glasses to place bearings in the side parts of the casing.

For the frame, you need to use corners and make trims for their diameters, equip the frame with wheels, and the air intake with protection if air cooling is provided. Handles, an engine, a tank, a bucket with guides and a pipe, as well as a working part, are attached to the frame.

small snowplow construction

Recommendations for the independent manufacture of snow removal equipment

Safety measures should be observed when working with snowplows. Do not forget about overalls and safety glasses, as There is a risk of solid objects entering the moving parts of the machine. The uniform should correspond to the size of the worker’s clothing so that the edges and loose fabric do not get stuck in the working bodies of the machine.

The design must be equipped with fuses in the form of bolts in order to avoid engine failure and to keep the engine in contact with large objects.
Using special bushings, screws and a rotor are designed to drive shaft, creating additional protection against overload.

Do not fill fuel in a hot engine. It is important to take breaks in work, to prevent overheating. With the independent manufacture of equipment, it is not recommended to make equipment containing more than 2.5 liters of fuel. The electrical wire is vulnerable in the cold, can become hard and brittle at low temperatures.

Before you start choosing the right model of snow removal equipment for a summer residence, it is important to determine the purpose and cost of the unit. When choosing snow clearing equipment for summer cottages, it is recommended to pay special attention to the design, the amount of work, the availability of necessary functions and additional equipment. Frequency of use, volume and engine power of the equipment are also important.


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