Top school orthopedic backpacks: features, review and customer reviews

First choice question schoolbag confronts parents of future first graders. The assortment presented in stores is so impressive that among such a variety of models it is easy to get confused. Therefore, going shopping, it is better to decide which bag and which manufacturer should be chosen.

Difficult choice: satchel, backpack or briefcase?

Along with the preparation of school uniforms and stationery, the purchase of a satchel, backpack or briefcase is equally important. At first glance, it might seem that the difference between them exists only in the name, because they are all equally designed to carry textbooks and other items necessary for the organization of training. But nevertheless, they differ from one another not only in appearance, but also in the degree of influence on the health of the child.

orthopedic backpacks
A briefcase differs from a satchel and a backpack, first of all, by the presence of one handle, as well as solid walls to give it a rectangular shape. Its main disadvantage is that the load on the spine is distributed unequally, which is why its curvature is possible.

The backpack has a fairly dense back, it is convenient to carry all the accessories necessary for study in it, but the lack of a rigid frame does not allow doctors to recommend its use to children of primary school age.

The satchel makes it possible to evenly distribute the load on the spine. This can be achieved thanks to the rigid orthopedic back and wide straps. But he also has other significant advantages over a briefcase and backpack.

Advantages and disadvantages of orthopedic backpacks

The following main advantages of orthopedic satchels can be noted:

  • an anatomical back minimizes the risk of curvature of the spine;
  • ventilated holes on the back of the knapsack prevent wetting of the back while wearing;
  • wide straps provide an even distribution of load on the shoulders;
  • a hard bottom allows the knapsack to maintain the correct shape;
  • water-repellent fabric protects its internal contents from getting wet.

orthopedic satchel reviews
Despite all the positive aspects, orthopedic knapsacks also have disadvantages:

  • high price compared to briefcases and backpacks;
  • quite a lot of weight due to the presence of a rigid back frame.

However, these shortcomings seem so insignificant when the health of the student is at stake.

How to choose a quality satchel for a first grader

When choosing an option for a student, you should pay attention to the following details:

  • the size of the satchel should correspond to the growth and age of the child, otherwise such a purchase will not justify itself;
  • the presence of reflective elements is only welcome, as it ensures the safety of the child on the road;
  • additional pockets and zippers will help to evenly distribute its contents;
  • the presence of documents confirming the status of "Orthopedic schoolbag" is required;
  • adjustable straps will allow you to tightly fix the backpack on the back;
  • high-quality orthopedic satchels will not cost less than 3 thousand rubles, and the upper limit of the cost depends on the particular manufacturer.

Satchels of individual brands can be issued with additional filling with school supplies. These include a pencil case, shoe bag, wallet.


In order for the schoolbag to serve more than one year, when buying it, you must definitely pay attention to the name of the manufacturer. There are leaders in this area too. It is believed that the best orthopedic knapsacks are made in Germany. Trademarks Hama, Herlitz, Kite, McNeill have long been heard by both sellers and buyers.

school bags with orthopedic back
Orthopedic backpacks made in Austria are not inferior in quality to German competitors. Schneiders produces high-quality stylish products that meet all safety requirements.

Not inferior to European colleagues and Russian manufacturers. The brand Hummingbird uses modern polymer materials in the manufacture of satchels to create a convenient original design. Models of another company - Steiner - are specially developed by Austrian and German specialists for Russian schoolchildren. In them, the high European quality of production is reasonably combined with an affordable price for domestic buyers.

School bags with an orthopedic back of Disney and Tiger Family are made in China. They are distinguished by a large selection of various bright colors and the presence of additional parts for a convenient arrangement of accessories.

Orthopedic satchels Hama and Herlitz

Hama is one of the leaders in the German school goods industry. It produces orthopedic satchels of several series, which differ in size, design, the presence of additional parts, and price. Especially noteworthy are the lightweight knapsacks of the Light series. They are perfect for the youngest students, since their weight is only 900 grams. Almost all satchels are sold with filling. Depending on the series, this includes a sports bag and a pencil case, sometimes a wallet and a plastic box for sandwiches.

lightweight orthopedic satchel
Satchels Herlitz has long been considered the best in its field. Years of experience in the production of school goods, including stationery, speaks for itself. Herlitz satchels are always recognizable in stores. Among similar backpacks of other companies they are distinguished by a unique stylish design. They are made in accordance with high safety requirements from environmental materials according to the recommendations of German orthopedists and pediatricians.

German backpacks of the Kite trademark

When parents are faced with the task of acquiring a high-quality satchel (school orthopedic) at an affordable price, it's time to get acquainted with the products of the German manufacturer Kite. Under this notorious brand, school goods are produced that are distinguished by their durability, environmental friendliness and a design approach to creating each model.

orthopedic backpack

Kite satchels have a rigid frame, which helps the child to form the correct posture, and wide shoulder straps can significantly reduce the load on the shoulders of the student.

Lightweight Orthopedic Satchels McNeill

McNeill knapsacks are not easy orthopedic, but also ergonomic, that is, thanks to the soft elements on the back, the anatomical features of the body structure of children of different ages are taken into account. This minimizes the burden on the shoulder joints and spine.

orthopedic schoolbag
All McNeill backpacks are lightweight, that is, they have a relatively low weight relative to similar models from other manufacturers. Their only minus is a rather high price, which makes them available only for a certain category of buyers.

As a rule, a McNeill orthopedic lightweight satchel is sold already with a filling consisting of a flask, a sandwich, a shoe bag, a pencil case with stationery inside and a soft pencil case.

Orthopedic satchel: customer reviews

Before buying a schoolbag, you should definitely study the reviews of other buyers who appreciated the advantages and disadvantages of a particular model.

The most positive reviews are always collected by orthopedic backpacks made in Germany of the following brands: Hama, Herlitz, McNeill, Kite. As for quality and wear resistance, German models always have advantages over competitors. If the satchel is not purchased for more than one year, it is better not to save, but to buy the right model, which will ensure comprehensive safety for the child both at school and on the road.

best orthopedic satchels
Ambiguous reviews can be found on products of Asian manufacturers. A Chinese-made orthopedic backpack is rarely sold with documents confirming its status, and, as a rule, serves its owner for no more than one year. But such models always have bright colors, they are sold with images of their favorite Disney heroes, therefore, with regard to the preferences of the children themselves, these satchels will always, of course, come first.

Satchel design for boys and girls

The main requirement that is presented to the knapsacks of any manufacturers is that, first of all, children like them. Therefore, school psychologists are of the same opinion: goods for future first graders must be purchased together. In turn, manufacturers took care of the appearance of their products and provide the appropriate appearance of backpacks in compliance with popular trends.

Satchels with orthopedic back for girls are presented in pink, red, lilac and other bright colors. Usually they feature characters from your favorite cartoons: Hello Kitty, Barbie, Monster High, Princess, Pop Pixie.

In the design of the knapsack for the boy there are corresponding colors: blue, blue, green, black. The following prints are applied to them: Bakugan, Hot Wheels, Naruto, Spider Man.

Choosing an orthopedic knapsack will not seem difficult if, when shopping, you have useful information about models, manufacturers, parental reviews and children's preferences.


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