The largest dogs in the world - what breeds are we talking about?

Have you ever wondered what the largest dogs in the world exist? If yes, then you can probably name several breeds of four-legged friends included in this list, and if not, then get ready to learn about those.

The largest dog in the world, listed in the Guinness Book of Records

The largest dogs in the world

Such a title is proudly worn by the Great Dane named Zeus, who lives in Michigan. Amazingly, its height at the withers is 111.8 centimeters. At the same time, Zeus weighs a little more than 70 kilograms. If you put him in full height next to a person, then his height will be 2 meters. The owners of Zeus daily give their pet 14 kg of food. In 2012, he was officially listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dog in the world. A little earlier, in 2010, this title also belonged to the Great Dane, nicknamed George.

The largest dogs in the world

The largest dog in the world

And now we will tell you about which breeds of four-legged friends are considered the largest. Note that their representatives did not necessarily win the status of the same name in the book of records, however, the size of such dogs clearly does not meet generally accepted standards.

  1. Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Representatives of this breed are excellent watchmen and
    fighters who can have a height of up to 70 centimeters and about the same weight. The main features of the Caucasian character are independence and cruelty. They are very wary of strangers, and at any moment they will be ready to attack as soon as they smell something amiss. Caucasian shepherd dogs are most often used to protect homes or private objects.
  2. Akita . The breed of dogs bred in Japan is quite rare, since scientists selected it for improvement. And if not for the timely intervention of the authorities, then, most likely, we would talk about these wonderful creatures as about history. Akita in height can reach 70 centimeters and weigh about 45 kilograms. She is perfect as a pet, as she is very loyal and peaceful, she also loves children.
  3. the largest dogs in the world photo
    Continuing the list of "Largest Dogs in the World" St. Bernards . If you want to make a big and devoted friend, then this breed of dog will certainly suit you. St. Bernards are very phlegmatic and strongly attached to people. In addition, they have excellent instinct, thanks to which it is possible to find missing people. The height of the dog can reach 90 centimeters, and weight - about 90 kilograms.
  4. Leonberger. Muscular and active dogs that respond well to training and are able to combine the impossible: calm and activity. Leonbergers are good watchmen, defenders and affectionate family members. If you decide to get yourself such a pet, then try to calculate the place for him as best as possible, because a dog of this breed can reach 80 centimeters in height and have the same weight.
  5. Rounding out the list of "Largest Dogs in the World" is Irish Wolfhounds. This breed was bred for hunting purposes, and at the moment is the most overall among their own kind. Endurance, perseverance, strength - all this is an Irish wolfhound, which can be up to 79 centimeters in height, and weight can be over 56 kilograms.

So, now you know what are the largest dogs in the world (photos are presented here). And if you suddenly decide to purchase one of the above pets, then think carefully before doing this.


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