How to register with the employment center: conditions, terms, documents

One of the measures to support those who have been unemployed is government support in the form of special payments. To get them you need to register with the employment center. How to do it? It will be described in detail in the article. It is in the center of employment that determines the need for financial support. Here you can also get help in finding a job.

To take advantage of state support in a situation when a person is unemployed, it is real by contacting the employment center with the established list of documents. It should be remembered that such assistance is temporary. That is, after a specified period, certain steps will have to be taken.

Registration. Where and to whom to contact?

Before being included in the list of persons in need of state support, you first need to find out which employment center to register with a specific person. Since it happens that he lives in one place, and is registered in another. You also need to clearly understand that the applicant corresponds to the status of unemployed - this is a person who has reached the age of 16 years, without officially confirmed earnings.

Employment Center

It is possible to register with the employment center only with personal, voluntary treatment. The categories applying for financial assistance are also identified:

  • persons who have left work as they wish;
  • those who have lost their job redundancies;
  • recently graduated from secondary and higher educational institutions.

Who will be denied?

In fact, any able-bodied person has the right to apply for state support. However, there is a category of citizens whom the employment center will definitely refuse, among them:

  • receiving pensions upon reaching the appropriate age or length of service;
  • persons under the age of 16;
  • convicted persons;
  • persons who refused to qualify twice for further employment, while not having any other, and who did not officially work until the moment of registration;
  • persons who submit false information about themselves.


That is, before going to the employment center, you need to determine whether you belong to that category of people who have the right to do so. After this, you need to clarify the list of documents for registration with the center. The most important point is the availability of a passport.

register with the employment center

Additional papers are attached to it, depending on the person who feeds them, namely:

  • a certificate from the place of study or a diploma of graduation;
  • employment history;
  • income statement for the last three months, a sample of which can be obtained at the center’s department;
  • certificate of liquidation of your own business, if the applicant was previously an individual entrepreneur or founder of an LLC;
  • documents for children, if any;
  • SNILS;
  • account number and data of the bank to which financial assistance will be transferred.

There is one important condition for those who have lost their jobs in connection with the reduction or at will. It is possible to receive payments in full, but it is necessary to register with the employment center within two weeks from the date of dismissal. In the case of the first option, the unemployed will receive within 3 months as a benefit 100% of their salary. Of course, this amount will be adjusted. Those who left work voluntarily should not be pulled for the same reason. True, one should not expect a full wage here.


It is possible to register for unemployment at the employment center only by collecting a complete set of documents. After this, a number of steps are required.

  1. Submit all available documents for registration to the employment center in a special department.
  2. After consideration, the applicant will need to fill out a special form, which will subsequently become a source of information when selecting a vacancy. You need to understand that all wishes should be comparable with the real situation, that is, the level of salary requested and the position.
  3. When the necessary actions are completed, it is important to clarify the obligations that arise when registering.
register unemployment

Support for opening IP

It should be noted that, having registered with the employment center, one can count not only on benefits. This body can support those who have conceived their own business. In this case, a lump sum is allocated, which can become the initial capital.

You can receive such a payment by contacting the employment center, being officially unemployed and registered. In this case, registration as an individual entrepreneur will be a prerequisite. However, it is necessary to clarify what else will be needed, for example, a business plan.

In fact, its presence will be a plus for the unemployed. After all, a promising idea has every opportunity for growth in a big business. Especially such investments should be of interest to those who are just taking their first steps in professional activities.

Why else can they refuse?

Situations may arise when the refusal of the employment center to register is not due to the fact that the unemployed does not fit the category. This situation occurs if:

  • the submitted package of documents does not comply with the mandatory list;
  • the person is not recognized as unemployed;
  • there is no permanent registration at the place of filing of documents;
  • no readiness to start work from the moment of registration.
which employment center to register

From the outside it may seem that the reasons are not so serious. However, they most seriously affect the final decision of the center.

Amount of state support

Unemployment benefits are calculated according to established rules. The minimum amount of benefits is determined in the range from 850 to 4900 rubles. All parameters of financial support are set depending on factors:

  • term of employment;
  • position held;
  • reasons for job loss.
registration at the employment center

As mentioned earlier, if you register with the employment center after leaving for 2 weeks, the full amount of the salary is paid for 3 months. Further:

  • in the next 3 months, 75% of the salary;
  • another 4 months 60%;
  • up to one year from the date of registration of 45%.

In case of non-observance of the term for applying to the employment center after dismissal, you can remain without any allowance for three months. In case of voluntary dismissal, payments can also be received from the first day, however, their size starts from 75% of the average earnings for the last three months.

When employment of the unemployed has not occurred within 12 months, the amount of financial assistance is minimal. Receiving payments is also associated with the observance of the necessary conditions.


Everyone who is registered with the employment center is required to comply with the established rules. Their regular violation will be a reason for exclusion from the list of those in need of support. These rules are not so complicated:

  1. It is necessary to come to the office of the center to meet with the supervising employee to mark and clarify information about available vacancies.
  2. The presence of incidental income during the period of being registered is not allowed. Otherwise, all amounts paid are refundable.
  3. If there are vacancies that meet the requirements of the applicant, he is obliged to go for an interview, which is appointed for him by the employee of the center.

Ignoring a meeting with a center employee is unacceptable and can only be connected with good reasons, which can be confirmed by a certificate or other document.

re-register with the employment center

It is important to know that the repeated refusal to take vocational training courses and vacancies can serve as a basis for excluding the unemployed from the list of those who may qualify for support. Failures are permissible if they can be justified. But in the event of a conflict, it will be possible to re-register with the employment center by going to court.

It is necessary to clarify that after one year from the date of registration, provided that the employment has not happened, payments will be stopped. Getting benefits is possible only after six months. This time is allotted to a person to try to find a job himself.

If you could not find a permanent job, you can again go to re-register at the employment center. True, the amount of support received is lower. This parameter must already be specified directly with the employee of the institution.

Some subtleties

An interesting fact is that you can register with the employment center during pregnancy and if you have a disabled status.

In the first case, the center must provide two options for employment within 10 days. If the vacancies did not fit for some reason and did not work, then the woman is registered. Then she receives payments up to 30 weeks. In the future, she goes on maternity leave. Then further payments are made according to the rules established by laws.

employment center

With regard to disability, it is important that there is a medical note that the unemployed has the right to work.

When registering the indicated categories, the following documents are applied to the binding documents:

  • certificate from a medical institution;
  • rehabilitation program for the disabled.

As you can see, the law does not restrict those who want to work and temporarily need support.


Now you know how to get into the employment center correctly. We examined all the features of this procedure. We hope you find the information useful.


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