"Ivan": a summary. The Story of V.O. Bogomolov

Vladimir Osipovich Bogomolov is a Soviet writer who went through the Great Patriotic War from beginning to end. At the front, he served as commander of the intelligence department, so Bogomolov knew firsthand about all the horrors of the war. One of the most famous works belonging to his pen is the novel "Ivan", a summary of which is brought to your attention.

Ivan summary

Suspicious person

Deputy battalion commander senior lieutenant Galtsev raised in the middle of the night. The reason for this is the detention of a boy who was found near the banks of the Dnieper. The child does not answer questions, only says that his name is Ivan Bondarev, and asks to be reported to the headquarters. Galtsev calls his immediate superior and reports on the boy. However, his words are not taken seriously. The detainee continues to insist on a call to the headquarters and even names several names of people who need to report on his appearance. Galtsev calls again, now he is reporting everything to Lieutenant Colonel Gryaznov. He orders the boy to feed, clothe, provide paper and a pen and keep secret information about his appearance. Galtsev does everything that is required of him, and continues to follow Bondarev, who concentratedly counts spruce needles and grains taken out of his pocket, and then records data.

Then the lieutenant goes to the river. There, he reflects on how a weak boy in ice water could cross to the other side, if even an adult man could not afford it.


After some time, Choline arrives, a young black-haired man. Seeing Ivan, he immediately rushes to hug him, as if he were the closest person. From their conversation, Galtsev understands that Bondarev crossed the Dnieper in a log, but did not find the boat that Kholin and Katasonov (commander of an intelligence platoon nicknamed Katasononych) hid for him. He was carried by a stream several kilometers further than Ivan had expected. The summary of the story tells what happened next.

Summary Ivan Bogomolova

Kholin asks Galtsev to secretly drive him a car, and while the lieutenant is looking for transport, Ivan dresses in a brand new tunic, which shows the Order for Courage. Choline and Ivan are leaving.


Three days later, Galtsev appears Katasonov, a small man, like a rabbit, silent and shy. For two days, he carefully examines the enemy shore through a telescope .

Galtsev decides to ask him about Ivan, to which Katasonov replies that the boy is driven by hatred of the Germans. At the mention of Ivan, the eyes of the platoon commander begin to radiate with kindness and tenderness.

The second meeting with Ivan

Three days later, Choline arrives again. Together with Galtsev they go to inspect the front line. The lieutenant was ordered to help Choline in every possible way, but he doesnโ€™t really like it. Galtsev goes to the medical unit to check on the recently arrived medical assistant. She turns out to be a pretty young girl, who, as Galtsev admits, would really like him in peacetime. However, in war he cannot allow himself this, therefore he talks with her dryly and strictly.

Returning to his dugout, the lieutenant discovers a sleeping Choline there and a note asking him to wake him. Galtsev does as he is told. After some time, Ivan appears in the dugout. The summary does not reflect all the details of the appearance of the boy for the second time in Galtsev.

Bondarev is in a good mood and very friendly. While the boy is resting and watching magazines about scouts, Kholin and Katasonov are talking. Galtsev learns that at night they plan to ferry Ivan to the enemy shore.

Summary Ivan Bogomolova

The boy notices Galtsevโ€™s knife, which he really likes. Ivan asks him for a gift. However, Galtsev got this knife from a deceased friend, he keeps Finnish as a memory and cannot give it. The lieutenant promises Bondarev to make a similar knife and give it to him at a meeting.

Ivan summary

Kholin, Katasonov and Galtsev go to see the boats, at this time Ivan is left alone in the dugout. Having returned, Galtsev finds the boy in an excited state. Talk about the life of Ivan. It turns out that Bondarev was in the death camp and survived. Mother, father and little sister died before his eyes. Ivan had nothing left in his heart except hatred of the Nazis. This feeling permeates the whole story "Ivan", a summary of which is presented here.

The death of Katasonov

Choline returns. Seeing that he came alone, Ivan asks him about Katasonov. He replies that he was urgently summoned to headquarters. The boy wonders how Katasonov could leave without wishing him good luck. All the intricacies of the relationship between Ivan and Katasononych can not fully convey the summary. โ€œIvanโ€ by Bogomolov is not only a work about the war, but also about human relations.

During the conversation, it turns out that Kholin changed his mind and decided to take Galtsev with him. They discuss the details of the plan.

Having dressed, Kholin and Galtsev are waiting for the boy. He again takes off all clean clothes and dresses in ragged and dirty. He puts food in his bag, which in case of which does not arouse suspicion among the Germans.

They hit the road. Galtsev soon learns that Katasonov was dead, they shot him when he got out of the boat. Choline could not allow Ivan to find out about this before an important task. The summary is not intended to replace the reading of a full text of the work, it is important to remember this.

Tale Ivan summary


Having crossed the river, Kholin, Galtsev and Ivan carefully camouflage the boat and send the boy to the rear to the Germans. They themselves have been waiting for some time, so that if Ivan doesnโ€™t succeed and needs to return, they can cover him. After spending some time in the rain in the middle of the river, the men return.

Friends are not forgotten

Time has passed. Galtsev did not forget about his promise to make a knife for Ivan. He always carries it with him, in case of opportunity, through Gryaznov or Kholin, to transfer it to Ivan. After some time, Galtsev met the lieutenant colonel and asked him to hand over the knife, to which Gryaznov replied that the lieutenant should forget about the boy, because the less they know about such people, the longer they live.

Ivan Vasilievich summary

Soon Galtsev learns that Kholin died, covering up the retreat of his fighters. And Gryaznova was transferred to another unit. How it all ended, you will learn by reading the summary.

"Ivan" Bogomolova V. O. - a work that tells about the events of World War II without embellishment and romance. Reality is saturated with every word of the story.

The war is almost over. Galtsev with the surrender of the Germans is in Berlin. There he discovers with his fighters a car with German documents. Going through the folders, Galtsev suddenly finds the case of Ivan Bondarev. The documents say that he was caught, tortured, and then shot.

Ivan is one of many hero children who were ready to sacrifice their lives for their homeland. For example, Zina Portnova, Lenya Kotik, Sasha Chekalin, commander Sobolev Ivan Vasilievich. The summary of the story, unfortunately, does not have the ability to list all the names of the brave heroes of this terrible and brutal war. However, each of us must remember them and give thanks for the peaceful sky above our heads.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14625/

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