What to choose vitamins for dogs (for wool)?

The loving owner systematically pays due attention to what level the pet's health is at. It also monitors how not only the ears, eyes, claws and teeth look, and whether they need to be treated, but also the hair. The appearance of the pet in many respects depends on what it eats, on the indicators of the ambient temperature where the animal lives, as well as on the presence of parasites in its body.

vitamins for dogs for wool

Caring for a beautiful and healthy state of the pet's hair is a desire to protect the animal from unpleasant symptoms in the future.

But when outwardly the dog seems completely healthy, and its coat remains tangled, sparse and dull, it may be necessary to urgently introduce special additives into the diet. What vitamins for dog hair to choose?

When is hair loss the norm?

One of the signs of excellent well-being and health of the animal is considered to be shiny, smooth, silky hair without bald patches and tangle. A healthy animal is also distinguished by a cold, wet nose, excellent appetite, playfulness and activity.

As a rule, hair loss does not stand out as an independent symptom, the process acts as a harbinger or a consequence of rare mobility, low weight, redness and lethargy of the skin, which undoubtedly indicates that the pet is unhealthy. Loss of hair in a dog is a significant reason for an urgent visit to a veterinarian.

With a satisfactory condition and proper care, the pet's hair can fall out exclusively during the molting season (usually this happens in the fall and spring). At other times, hair loss is considered a sign of dog health problems.

Hair loss can also be caused by an overabundance of drugs and vitamins in the pet's body. It is undesirable to use stimulating supplements and vitamins for hair growth in dogs, if there is no need for that. Such manipulations can lead to poor animal health and distract the owner's attention from more important pet health problems.

Why does the dog have hair?

The seasonal, or planned, change of the coat of a pet should not bother and cause concern among owners, as it is a natural process. In this case, vitamins for dogs from hair loss will not be needed. But if such phases of hair loss have become prolonged or they are accompanied by lethargy and weakness of the animal, then it is necessary to quickly identify and eliminate the cause of the complications.

vitamins for dogs for coat and skin

Paying attention to how the coat looks, it is necessary to remember that only skin health is the key to the health and beauty of a pet's hair. And this can only be achieved if the animal is absolutely healthy. Problems with the coat and skin of dogs, as a rule, arise against the backdrop of internal diseases associated with impaired metabolic processes in the animal’s body, caused by immunity problems and a lack of vitamins.

The following most important causes of dog baldness are identified:

  • Improper nutrition. It is considered the most common because of the illiteracy of owners in determining the diet. Not always expensive food contains the necessary vitamins for dogs for wool. Therefore, they need to be separately introduced into the nutrition of the pet.
  • Parasites. The animal is attacked by a large number of parasites throughout its life. If they are in the body, severe itching and baldness can begin.
  • Ringworm is an infectious disease accompanied by bald patches on the body of animals.
  • Allergy. A dog that is allergic is tormented by constant itching; it itches, gnawing hair and tearing itchy painful patches all the way to the blood.
  • Immunity. Weak immunity against the background of serious illnesses is also one of the reasons for the loss of coat.
  • Non-observance of the rules for caring for animal hair.
  • Hormonal disorders.

What vitamins for dogs for hair and skin exist?

The process of caring for the hairline of a dog involves not only the presence of various cosmetic procedures, but also providing the pet with proper nutrition, a walk in the fresh air, sufficient time. It is also important that the pet uses the right vitamins for dogs for hair and skin.

vitamins for dogs from hair loss

Such drugs enhance the color, restore the structure after childbirth, reduce the periods of seasonal molting and loss during treatment of the animal from all kinds of skin diseases:

  • Vitamin A is especially necessary for young animals, as it affects the condition of the eyes, kidneys, visual acuity, liver, skin and coat condition. With the abundance of this vitamin in the pet's body, immunity to diseases and infections increases. Contains vitamin A in milk, liver, egg yolks, corn.
  • Vitamins of group B. This is the most commonly used group. If anemia occurs, it is recommended to use B12. With neurosis or beriberi, vitamin B1 found in brewer's yeast is effective. B2 fruitfully affects the skin of the pet, mucous membranes and muscles. Sources - liver, whey, lamb, brewer's yeast.
  • Vitamin C is especially helpful for infectious diseases of a pet.
  • Vitamin D provides support for the proportional growth of the dog, prevents rickets. The main source is the cod liver.
  • Vitamin E is needed to support the functions of fertility and reproduction, has a positive effect on skin health. The source is wheat germ.
  • Vitamins F and H also affect the health of the skin and coat of dogs. The source of vitamin F is linseed oil, and vitamin H is molasses (molasses) and the liver.

General action complexes

General nutritional supplements and vitamins for dogs against hair loss are available for both adult animals and puppies. Their composition, in addition to meat, fish supplements, as well as milk and offal includes vitamins and minerals such as A, D, E, C, PP, group B, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium.

vitamins for dog hair growth

Iodine- containing products in the form of dried algae also serve as an element of additives. They normalize metabolic processes and help to fully assimilate food.

A well-selected vitamin complex brings such benefits to the pet:

  • favorably affects all organs and systems of the body;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • significantly improves the quality of life of the pet.

Well-known brands that produce vitamins to improve the coat of dogs also produce vitamins for young puppies and supplements in food for them. The composition of such complexes includes the necessary vitamins, mineral salts, micro and macro elements, amino acids.

Corrective vitamin preparations for dogs

Such drugs are of several types:

  • Vitamins for dogs from hair loss.
  • For the musculoskeletal system.
  • For aging animals.
  • Designed for large and small breeds.

Food concentrates and vitamins for dogs for hair strengthen and heal the body of the animal and prevent possible health problems. To this end, corrective preparations contain an increased amount of certain components or special additional ingredients that effectively act on problem areas.

vitamins to improve dog coat

Dog and skin skin health products are available in tablet form or in the form of bulk food additives. Complexes acting on the musculoskeletal system are produced using a traditional set of microelements and vitamins with the addition of components such as chondroitin, glucosamine and other active ingredients that restore bone-cartilage tissue, mobility and flexibility of the joints, stop the pain syndrome.

Preparations for aging animals take into account age-related changes and characteristics, namely the tendency to diseases of the whole organism, difficulties in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and others. Accordingly, the qualitative and quantitative composition of food additives for older dogs suggests an effective and, at the same time, extremely mild effect on the body.

Enhanced Drugs

Such vitamins for dogs for wool are intended for those who are actively engaged in training, participating in battles or working animals. They are recommended for those pets that are weakened, depleted or recovering in the postoperative period, and are also shown to dogs who have suffered injuries or infectious diseases. The selected proportion of active ingredients helps to strengthen the immune system, build up the necessary muscle mass, and increase pet endurance.

The standard vitamin composition can be supplemented with an energy cocktail. It includes corn oil, malt syrup, fish oil, food collagen, di- and monoglycerides of fatty acids.

However, the simplicity and obviousness of the choice of drug should not replace the advice of a specialist. The right vitamins for dog hair growth and skin health can only be selected by a practitioner. After all, they can also harm the pet. For example, cause hypervitaminosis and a number of side effects.

Excel Vitamins

Vitamins for dog hair β€œ8 in 1” are produced by Excel. The products of this brand contain the necessary elements for the health of pets. They normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora, improve the digestive tract, strengthen the motor apparatus, and also preserve the pet's vision.

Excel β€œ8 in 1” is a German vitamin complex that meets the daily needs of animals, especially those with increased physical activity, or pets after surgery and illness.

vitamins for dogs

The following additives of this brand are on sale:

  • Glucosamine - Vitamins designed to prevent joint diseases. As a rule, they are recommended as a means for growing puppies or dogs after injuries of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Garlic Brewers Yeast - vitamins used to prevent vitamin deficiency and metabolic disorders.
  • 8 in 1 Nutricoat Skin & Coat - Supplement for healthy coat and skin of dogs. It is used to enhance hair growth and is recommended for dry skin, dandruff and hair loss problems.
  • Enervite is a nutritional supplement that is used as a stimulant for appetite, increasing the weight of a pet and taking care of its skin and coat. Recommended mainly for fighting breeds and Molossian groups in preparation for exhibitions and competitions.

Vitamins Canina

Vitamins for the coat of dogs "Canina" are widely used by breeders around the world. Such complexes are designed in accordance with the physiological and age-related characteristics of animals.

The company provides products ranging from breast milk substitutes to specialized nutritional supplements.

  • Canina Dog Fell Gel is a gel for small choosy pets who need to restore their hair, eliminate the problems of fragility, loss or dandruff.
  • Canina PETVITAL Biotin-tabs - tablets to enhance the growth of animal hair, as well as its pigmentation.
  • Canina Biotin forte - a preparation for maintaining excellent coat in long-haired dogs, helps in the treatment of extreme problems.
  • Canina Fell OK - Food supplement for dogs. It is used to meet the daily needs of the animal in biotin.
  • Canina Petvital Derm Caps is a capsule preparation. It is used to strengthen immunity, eliminate skin and six problems, as well as improve metabolic processes in the animal's body.

The Kanina company develops and improves nutritional supplements and vitamins for dog hair. Reviews about the drugs are only positive.

Other drugs

Vitamins for dogs for wool are produced by many companies. The following manufacturers are also popular on the market:

  • POLIDEX - vitamins are represented by varieties: Geladon plus (prevention of diseases of bones, joints and ligaments), Immunity Up (a complex of vitamins to strengthen immunity), Super Wool plus (complex for restoring wool), Recovit (for restoring an animal's body after diseases) and others.
  • Wolmar Winsome - multifunctional complexes, which are represented by varieties: Winsome Pro Bio Pro Hair (for healthy skin and coat), Winsome Pro Bio Ex-Basis (complexes for older dogs), Winsome Pro Bio Booster Ca (multicomplex for preventing metabolic processes in bones ), Winsome Pro Bio Booster Ca Mini (vitamins for dwarf breeds).
  • Beaphar - vitamins for dogs, taking into account age-related characteristics and taste preferences.
  • SEVA - multivitamins with algae, biotin and proteins.

Hypervitaminosis - what is it?

There are cases of an excess of vitamins in dogs. This disorder is called hypervitaminosis. It can occur in acute form or persist for a long time. More often there is an overabundance of vitamins A and D.

what vitamins for dog hair

Trying to prevent the puppy from becoming sick with rickets, the owners begin to intensively feed him with vitamin D. As a result, processes occur in the animal, often irreversible, in organs and tissues, an increase in calcium in the blood, and this causes the deposition of mineral salts in the heart tissues, as well as lungs, kidneys, in the walls of the stomach. The nervous system is also subject to stress.

The behavior of puppies becomes lethargic, they sleep a lot and move a little, do not play, are indifferent to food. There are also violations of the gastrointestinal tract: vomiting, diarrhea, temperature. The skin becomes dry, peeling.

With an excess of vitamin A in the body, emaciation, drainage of the cornea of ​​the eyes occurs, appetite is lost, rashes appear on the skin, cracks and redness on the mucous membrane, the hair thins.

Excess vitamin B in dogs leads to various allergic reactions.

Excessive amounts of vitamin E in the body disrupt the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, therefore, the risk of strokes and heart attacks is increased.

It is important to remember that on your own it is better not to give your pet vitamins for dog hair. The best drugs that are suitable individually for each animal should be selected by a specialist.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14628/

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