How to determine the size of a bra cup?

The word bra (from the German Büste “female breasts” and Halter “holder”) stands for literally as a holder for the chest. In colloquial speech, the word “bra” is popular, which is a diminutive form of the word “bodice”. The bodice is the part of the dress in the women's wardrobe, which covers the chest and back (the so-called "camp").

The importance of making the right choice

In the lingerie store, the beautiful half of humanity often forgets about how important it is to choose not only a beautiful bra, but also functional, which is much more important. The knowledge of how to correctly determine the size of a bra and cup disappears from the head at the sight of a charming bodice, and the tempting discount tag turns a woman into a starving vampire.

However, mammologists around the world unanimously say that the wrong size of a bra cup, the width of the straps, as well as the girth around the chest are fraught with problems with the mammary glands.

The following problems are possible due to improper laundry selection:

  • violation of the blood supply to the mammary glands;
  • the appearance of tumors due to excessive compression of the chest;
  • the width of the straps, chosen incorrectly, leads to the fact that the chest does not receive the necessary support, therefore - quickly loses elasticity;
  • severe squeezing or irregular shape of the cups leads to pain in the back and upper shoulder girdle, which are the precursors of osteochondrosis.

bra cup size

Women need to be very careful about the mammary glands. The size of the bra cup, straps and matching the shape of the bodice of the chest is very important for young girls, and for adult women, and for nursing mothers. Any lady who cares about her health must carefully approach the issue of choosing this wardrobe detail.

Kinds of sizes

Many women were faced with the fact that the usual sizes indicated in the letter form do not always coincide with the dimensional nets of foreign-made linen .

The bottom line is that some manufacturers designate the dimensions of the laundry as simple as possible, expressing them with the ratio of numbers and letters corresponding to body measurements, while others accept conventional symbols in which the same parameters are encrypted.

Nuances that not everyone knows about:

  • letters of the Latin alphabet are customary to express the fullness of a bra cup;
  • the numbers indicate the circumference under the chest.

Therefore, in order to correctly determine the required size, you need to find out the girth around the chest and the fullness of the cup. Understanding how to determine the size of a bra cup by letter is not difficult. The digital size equivalent is even simpler.

What size bra with cup A from another manufacturer? This can be easily determined using a table.


How to find out the size of a bra cup? This will require a little dexterity and the simplest tailor centimeter. You can make manipulations on your own or with someone else's help.

how to determine the size of a bra cup

It will be necessary to take measurements on two parameters:

  1. Chest circumference. Measured by the most prominent points of the mammary glands around the ribs and across the back. A centimeter is carried out strictly parallel to the floor. Correct measurement - the tape wraps tightly around the body, but does not crush the skin. Strong crushing or weak tension gives the wrong result.
  2. Girth under the chest. Measured at the base of the mammary glands. Measurement is taken independently or with the help of a second person. If the measurement is taken on their own, then it is necessary to put on linen that lifts the chest, but does not contain molds or thick foam.

Measurements are taken in several ways. It is a little more difficult to do it yourself - it’s not so convenient to be in a relaxed state and at the same time take a measurement. To do this correctly and then determine the size of the bra cup, you will need to use some tricks.


Measurement methods are divided into modern and traditional. The second option is used more often, but the first is more convenient.

The modern version consists of measuring the volume of the chest and determining the size of the cup:

  1. The volume of the chest is determined . To measure, it is necessary to stand upright, relax your back, spread your arms to the sides. A centimeter measures the circumference of the chest under the mammary glands. Processing the result is simple - if the figure is odd, then you can buy linen, rounding the result up and down. For example, 77 cm allow you to purchase linen with a girth of both 76 and 78. This is due to the elasticity of the ribbons that are sewn into the bodice - stretching, they easily and comfortably sit on the required volume. If, as a result of the measurements, an even figure is obtained, then it corresponds to the girth that is needed. But she, too, can fluctuate, since physique plays an important role.
  2. Determining the size of the cup. This indicator is related to breast size and is considered relative. For measurements, you need to become level, position the chest cage parallel to the floor (i.e. lean forward so that the back is even). If there is help, then you can take measurements in a standing position - for this you need to raise the mammary glands with your hands, and the second person will take measurements.

A centimeter is circled around the body along the most prominent points of the chest. Too tight or too loose a centimeter tension will indicate incorrect measurement.

smallest bra cup size

To determine the size of the obtained indicator of girth, take the result of measuring the girth under the breast. The difference obtained in this calculation will determine the size of the bra cup. For example, 86 - 77.8 = 8.2.

Correctly taken sizes, unfortunately, are not a guarantee that underwear of these parameters immediately sits comfortably. The shape of the cup greatly affects the fit of the bra. For a chest planted wide, it is especially difficult to choose a comfortable cup shape.

Owners of large breasts need to be especially careful when choosing this toilet item. But the magnificent ladies should give preference to comfortable models that will not cause discomfort.

Classic way

In this case, the help of the second person is needed. How to determine the size of a bra cup? First, breast volume is measured. A centimeter passes strictly under the chest, without deviating or sliding. Sizes are averaged:

  • 67 - 72 = 70 cm;
  • 73 - 77 = 75 cm;
  • 78 - 82 = 80 cm;
  • 83 - 87 = 85 cm;
  • 88 - 92 = 90 cm;
  • 93 - 97 = 95 cm;
  • 98 - 102 = 100 cm.

Now you need to determine the chest circumference. A centimeter passes through the most prominent points. Having taken the measurement, it is necessary to find the difference between the organized crime group and the exhaust gas.

cup with bra size

How to find out the size of a bra cup? The size in alphabetic terms is determined by the table.


The size

10 - 12

0 (AA)

12 - 13

1 (A)

13 - 15

2 (B)

15 - 17

3 (C)

18 - 20

4 (D)

20 - 22

5 (DD)

23 - 25

6 (E)

26 - 28

6+ (F)

On the product, it is customary to indicate both the average size under the chest and the fullness of the bowl. For example, you can find out what size of a bra with a cup D by yourself, taking measurements and using the table.

It is worth noting that in some countries there are markings that are unusual for us: DD, E, F, FF, G, GG, H, HH, J, JJ, K, KK, L, LL. Do not be surprised, on the tags of these manufacturers there are necessarily duplicate sizes familiar to the eye.

For example, cup C is a size 3 bra.

European standards

When purchasing underwear made in European countries, it is necessary to determine the size of the bodice by another method. In Italy and France, the sizes and volumes used are the same, but the girth under the chest is not rounded, but there is a difference between the parameters and the result is divided by 6. The resulting figure will correspond to the size.

For example, what size a bra with cup A will have: (90 - 78) / 6 = 2. You will need to look for a bra of the second size.

bra cup d what size

When buying underwear, you can try to experiment with sizes. If the 90C cup does not fit, then you can safely try on 85D. Perhaps this is not about girth, but in the fullness of the chest or the shape of the cup. Getting used to translating is easy.

Types of bras

The variety of forms, textures and types of bras lead women to a standstill. Coming to the store with linen, the customer wants to understand what is at stake. And to explain which model is needed, you need to know the features of each. If the model fits the shape, then it will be easier to check whether it is comfortable to walk in it. A model that causes discomfort may be appropriate in size, but not consistent with the shape and characteristics of the chest.

The most common forms are popular and are called the same for any manufacturer:

  1. Balcony. The model comes with a soft and hard cup. With a solid cup suited to owners of small breasts, with soft - ladies more impressive options. The model with lace running along the nipple halo is called Angelica. This option is best left for solemn or romantic moments - lace is able to rub delicate skin.
  2. On the bones. The model is suitable for both owners of modest sizes and full-breasted ladies. The bones should repeat the shape of the base of the chest, the cup is filled completely. There should not be creases, voids, folds. The bones are sewn into the cup, do not protrude and do not cause discomfort.
  3. Push up. The name comes from the English Push - push and UP - up. Literally - the chest pusher up. The name speaks for itself - such a function in underwear is necessary in order to give the breast a larger volume due to soft pillows sewn into the cups. The smallest AA cup size with such support will seem larger. The cup in such models is almost always rigid, and the shape can be any.
  4. Soft. Often soft linen is made lace. Well suited to ladies with large volumes who do not need additional shaping with a rigid cup. A bra with a C-size lace cup is perfect for those women who want to give softness to their breasts and slightly hide their volume. Models are both everyday and sporty. They make seamless, one-piece bras , as well as with clasps of various types.

The importance of fitting

Having decided on how to choose the size of a bra cup, you need to take time to try on. At first glance, it seems that only outerwear is necessary to measure carefully - others see it, it performs a thermoprotective function and is matched to the color of accessories or the image. However, a properly selected bra gives the woman’s posture rigor, lifts her chest and forms a beautiful silhouette. In addition, only by trying on correctly, you can determine whether the form is suitable or not.

Landing check

Professional athletes purchase special underwear that evenly distributes the load and compensates for movement. Such functions are performed every day by a regular bra.

how to choose a bra cup size

To check if the size of the bra cups matches the letter size with the actual size, you need to see if the chest falls out. If the mammary glands are too squeezed, pinched in the middle or as if falling out on top of the cup, then the size is incorrectly selected.

The belt-belt to which the cups are sewn must be elastic, even if it is made of lace. To check whether the back is too tight, you need to put your thumb under the lock in the spine. If the finger comes in, the size is appropriate.

The final test of the model’s convenience is as follows: a fully fastened bra sits comfortably and conveniently. A woman needs to actively move in the chosen model. To do this, raise your hands up, lower them down, turn, do a few hand swings, tilt the body. If, after raising your hands up, there is no desire to straighten the linen, twist the straps or put out the chest, giving it a comfortable position in the cup, then the model certainly fits.

The strip of fabric around the ribs should fit snugly but elasticly to the skin. Particular care should be taken to evaluate the condition of the tissue at the junction of the cup and ribbon. If in this place a hall forms, the cup crumpled, or the bone does not point to the armpit, but somewhere in the other direction, then the model has sat down incorrectly. The perfect fit is a perfectly even fit of all parts of the bra to the body.

Strap Test

Straps perform one of the most important functions - distribute the load on the shoulders and support the chest. Shoulder straps should be of the correct width. The larger the volume of the chest - the wider the straps should be. If the skin of the breast is thin and very sensitive, this is especially important when breastfeeding, then the straps should be especially wide and elastic.

The correct tension can be checked as follows: at the highest point of the shoulder, one finger should easily fit under the shoulder strap. If you do this, it’s perfect.

Seam check

It is necessary to consider the cup and the bra belt from the inside. Bones should not protrude, if any. Seams must be carefully processed - any thread can cause delicate skin inconvenience. The accessories must be of high quality - cheap iron hooks and loops can rust, causing irritation on the skin, and they also leave ugly stains on the laundry.


Lingerie must be selected for a specific case or situation, outfit or type of clothing. Each woman’s wardrobe should have several bras, different in texture and material.

how to determine the size of a bra and cup

In addition, women, knowing the peculiarities of their body, must select models of bodices so that the poured breasts also comfortably fit in underwear.

If you want to receive linen as a gift from a man, it is better to choose a specific size and model yourself. Men are not so versed in female subtleties, and the wrong model or form will not only be uncomfortable, but it can also create an awkward situation. If the check for exchange was not attached, it will be difficult to explain to the beloved why the set he presented was gathering dust on the shelf.


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