Description of the erotic scene: understanding and characterization of sexual relations, important points, nuances and good taste, literary talent of the author

The craft of the writer is romantic and exciting. Created literary works live for centuries, are passed down from generation to generation and are highly valued, as they form the most important thing that a person has - his soul, develop imagination and humanity. Why do not all writers become classics beloved by the general public and known around the world? Why do some books remain forgotten or difficult to read?

Anyone, even the most talented writer, needs to constantly improve his style. To do this, it is recommended to read fiction and small manuals on how best to draw up a work plan. Most writers seek inspiration in themselves, in close people or in books, while someone prefers clear guidelines for action. The best erotic scenes written by classics remain popular for many years because they reflect an important part of human life, character and bring a certain spark to the love story. Where to start writing?

Where to begin

A big mistake is widespread. Many people are convinced that everything can be found on the Internet. This is true, a lot of information has accumulated in the Global Network over the decades of its existence, but it has not been presented on a silver platter, it needs to be sought, interested, and conclusions drawn. Even worse, if a certain topic, which has been a taboo for many years, is almost not directly addressed, why novice writers try to invent a bicycle on their own.

How to write an erotic scene

Today, almost everything can be found on the Internet, but there are practically no articles on how to describe the relations of heroes through a sensual bed scene. This article is just about how to correctly write a description of an erotic scene so that it does not turn out to be vulgar or banal. The tips collected in the article are not subjective, but are compiled using examples of ingenious world works of art. Happy reading and a good start (or continuation) of creative activity.

Idea of ​​the work

Where to start when writing a love story? A variety of plans advise you to choose a scene, occurring events, characters of heroes and so on. To begin with, it is worth determining whether a love scene is necessary at all and whether it is worth introducing it into a work. In other words, it is not the genre that should determine the work, but the course of events should determine the need to describe the erotic scene. There are many examples in the literature of how the failure of a work depended precisely on the fact that the author was constantly scattering various bed scenes from the work. Unnecessary bed scenes lead to bad taste and, as a result, the lack of popularity of the work.

What to do?

Love is a whole world that consists not only of sex, but a love work consists not only of a description of erotic scenes. If you have already learned this lesson, but your task still remains the same - to describe beautifully what is usually silent in the post-Soviet space is worth starting with an examination of the target audience. Determine the need to describe the erotic scene and make a plan. The scene should consist mainly of the feelings of the characters, not mechanical or anatomical descriptions. Put yourself in the place of the reader, what will you like more: the anxious expectation of a kiss or a detailed description of it with terms from a biology textbook?

This topic is very subtle and dangerous. Aerobatics describing erotic sex scenes is a sensual, but not vulgar, love story. You can understand the difference only by cultivating a good taste in yourself based on the world classics of this genre. Vladimir Nabokov and Ivan Bunin in each of his works teach us that a love story should be full of passion, keep heroes and readers in emotional tension and languid expectation, and not immediately reveal all the cards.

Forbidden fetus as a symbol of sexuality

Nabokov in the legendary Lolita created descriptions that were later recognized as the best erotic scenes in classical literature. The love scene is not only the erotic scene itself, but also a colorful description of the feelings and emotions of a person who is sexually attracted. For example, the main character of the work of Vladimir Nabokov, as a teenager, thus experienced his first love, enclosed in simple words of a beautiful erotic scene: “There, on the soft sand, a few steps from the elders, we wallowed all morning in a numbed frenzy of love torment and enjoyed all sorts of a blessed flaw in the fabric of time and space to touch each other: her hand crawled towards me through the sand, moved closer, moving her narrow tanned fingers, and then her mother-of-pearl knee went to e long, gentle journey; sometimes a random shaft built other children are younger, served us a cover for a quick salty kiss ".

Love work plan

The best erotic scenes in world literature are part of a perfectly arranged love story that does not necessarily include intimacy scenes. A well-thought-out and necessary scene of sexual intimacy can be present as an elegant hint in the work of any subgenre. So, let's start with a rough plan of a love work.

  1. Description of the event that precedes the love of the main characters.
  2. The occurrence of a problem that prevents them from being together forever.
  3. For some reason, the feelings become deeper, and the heroes understand that they can not live without each other.
  4. Friends suggest a solution to the problem, the heroes resolve it on their own or find a way out by chance and live happily ever after.
Work plan

What's next?

Once the frame of the work has become clear, you can string anything on it: signs of a subgenre, a description of the official and hidden life of the heroes, old love or tragedy. What features should a work have in order to get the hearts of readers?

  1. The appearance of the protagonist plays an important role, especially in a love work. The audience easily associates itself with a successful, beautiful and well-groomed business woman, a young researcher or journalist. One way or another, she meets the handsome prince, the man of her dreams, so readers will most often be happy to see a description of the positive features of the heroine and draw a parallel with herself. What should be the man of dreams? Of course, he must have a mass of attractive traits of character and appearance, which will make the work an object of universal female attention. In other words, the main characters should not be like everyone else, and strive for higher ideals in order to become even better and find or maintain love.
  2. Describe the main characters believably, because readers must believe that they exist: if they head huge corporations, then they have achieved this over many years of work, at the expense of wealthy parents or influential patrons. The position of the hero must be realistic, and the story of life - exciting. If the main character is young, then his position is somewhat lower or he successfully hit the jackpot.
  3. Your heroes may be courageous, strong and dexterous, but if she is a simple secretary who is waiting for unforgettable adventures and the love of her life, she will not, like a professional detective, investigate the murder of a neighbor. She will panic, will almost lose consciousness, will start calling all her friends. If she meets a magnificent man, she will not joke and smile perfectly, she will choke during dinner, step on his foot or ask stupidity.
  4. The man of her dreams, being a perfect example of an enviable groom, is unlikely to have suffered from loneliness or sat and waited for her all the years before meeting her only one.
  5. Do not forget that at least two problems should arise in the work. The first brings the heroes together, and the second impedes their love and relationships. In this case, something helps the heroes to continue communication (mutual desire, forced joint pastime, closed space, natural disasters, etc.).
  6. Relations between the characters may not initially work out. Describe the causes of hatred, hostility, or sudden love between the characters. Pay attention to the fact that suddenly arising passion is rarely a genuine feeling, so it’s worthwhile to reasonably describe the relationship of the heroes.
  7. Determine the place of action of your work, for this again, determine the target audience. If you write in Russian, most likely the book will be interesting to your compatriots, so you should carefully consider which of the characters will be associated with Russia. The action can take place in Europe or in America, but it is best to associate at least one hero with the homeland.
  8. If the author wants to describe something more distant, it is best to choose a different genre. A love story involves a familiar area and a simple story around the most important thing - a love story. If the author wants to tell the love story of an Afghan girl and a man who has lost a leg, then the genre is changing, smart thoughts and beautiful words are introduced. It was this tool that the author used in one of the popular best-sellers of our time, “A Thousand Shining Suns.”
Love story photography

For a novice writer

Each scene and character is emotions and thoughts experienced by the writer. Learning to colorfully describe them and penetrate directly into the soul of the reader is the main task of any writer. If you set a goal to learn how to describe explicit and erotic scenes, you should first determine the goal.

There are many subspecies of romance novels, each of which differs in varying degrees of the need to describe particular love scenes. All of them have one thing in common - you need to write so that through the lines readers see themselves, sympathizing with the heroes and analyzing their own feelings. In addition, the success of writing such scenes is that they should differ from all previously described, and there are thousands and hundreds of thousands.

Many ingenious writers resorted to the fact that they did not describe the act of physical love itself, but conveyed it through a description of a whole tangle of feelings caused by this event. Some writers even skip the scene itself, describing already what happens after the bed scene. For example, Soviet erotic scenes are known for their relative modesty and veiled description of the act of love itself, over which the feelings of the characters and their relationship have a clear advantage.

Published book


  1. Women's prose. A whole layer in world literature, both classical and modern. Women of all time were distinguished by sensitivity and sentimentality. For real ladies, leading an exemplary lifestyle, for centuries works have been written about a simple girl who does not need financial support, but who fully devotes herself to the search for the handsome prince, future husband and exemplary father of her future children. Description of erotic scenes is not necessary here, the most important is the attitude of the main character to life and to the man of her dreams. If the proximity is described, it is veiled and hides in a bouquet of epithets and metaphors that convey the feelings of the heroes against the background of what is happening.
  2. Glamor The work, in addition to romantic history, includes a description of the life of the rich and famous. Girls from high society are also looking for a husband, but only he must meet some needs of their social circle. Frank erotic scenes are also not for glamorous romance novels, however, they are found in these works much more often, because the main characters are used to not denying themselves anything.
  3. Historical novel. The main character is time to get married. This is of interest not only to immediate relatives, a whole layer in history may depend on her marriage. The historical novel is accompanied by a description of other historical spheres of life. Everything that happened more than 70 years ago can be considered history. An erotic description of the bed scene is permissible, especially if it allows revealing the relationship to physical proximity in a given historical period. The love line, developing against the backdrop of revolution, palace machinations or military operations, is romantic enough to be awarded the title of historical love genre. The lovers in the novel most often think broadly and differ in a bright look at the world around them. This very world does not understand them and builds all sorts of intrigues for them.
  4. Fiction or fantasy. In search of love, the main character finds herself in a mysterious kingdom, unknown dimensions or in the future, where she will have unforgettable adventures on the way to happiness. Erotic sex scenes remain the writer’s choice, but adventure and mystery lovers will be more focused on the thrill of the characters than on a detailed description of their love.
  5. Mystic. The love line can be traced against the background of otherworldly characters and paranormal phenomena. In modern culture, a beautiful description of erotic scenes penetrates into all spheres, therefore in the mystical genre it will also not be new or superfluous.
  6. Thriller. Danger brings together, and it threatens the heroes of the thriller on a massive scale, as a result of which their hearts are forever united by a bright sense of love.
  7. Erotica. The most erotic scenes, of course, are found in the greatest concentration in these works. Readers pick up a book in order to enjoy the description of the erotic relationships of heroes, therefore, here you can give vent to your talent, while also trying to maintain a good taste in the description of this area of ​​human relations.
Reading romance novels

The tasks of the love scene

Erotic scenes from works of art can perform a variety of functions. Their location, courage and beauty of the syllable depend on the imagination and skills of the author, the plot itself and the type of work. Beautiful erotic scenes in literature not only help to reveal the character of the characters, their relationships and internal conflicts, but also create an atmosphere of the work, distract attention from complex or confusing events, dilute the text, intrigue the reader, and also transfer the audience’s “look” from one key event to another.

It is logical that the location of the love scene is also determined by the plot and goals that the particular scene pursues. For example, erotic scenes in Soviet literature pursued several goals: to show the superiority of one hero over another ("Forty-first" B. A. Lavrenev), less often to express the strength of feelings of heroes ("Quiet Flows the Don" by M. A. Sholokhov). There is no universal plan for the location or introduction of such scenes of intimacy, since each person is unique and his attitude to this sensual part of life is different. With the course of history and the liberation of man, a description of sex scenes in works is increasingly found. It is very easy to trace erotic scenes in Russian literature with the course of history from “Anna Karenina” by L. N. Tolstoy to those brilliant works with an incredibly balanced description of physical proximity in “Lolita” by Nabokov or in “Zoyka and Valeria” by Ivan Bunin.

Kiss in the movies

It is worth thinking about the originality of the work and the scenes themselves. Combining extreme and military scenes with love scenes is no longer new, therefore it is recommended to pay attention to the classic works recognized as unique, developing a taste on those very erotic scenes that didn’t go to emphasize and highlight everything you need for your novel or story.

About originality

This is one of the most important issues in writing fiction. Most likely all possible ideas for a love work have already been described. It is worth including fantasy and taking beauty of phrases and artistic digressions, trying to invent unique conditions in which the main characters fell. Do not overdo it with the beauty of the syllable. The work should be harmonious in the beauty of the life of the main characters and the problems that they experience.

Feelings and actions

It is necessary to think over and register in detail the character of each hero in the work. Each has its own story, logic and motivation for action. Think them through love scenes and the whole work. Carefully spelled out the relationship of the heroes. The main thing is not to go too far and write about what you know. If you lack knowledge or life experience, it is better to read books, look for examples in the works of other writers, as well as observe real people.

Positive emotions

If your work has a pronounced love character, you should determine in advance that the characters cannot behave rationally enough, because love changes people. The actions of a man in love seem surrounding exaggerated, illogical, strange. This can play into your hands, because it will allow you to keep the intrigue until the end of the work, but it is important to reveal all the cards by the end of the work, revealing the motivation of each hero.

About Detailing

An ill-conceived work is always noticeable and is considered poor-quality. This will be felt not only by critics, but also by the most important literary judges — your readers. The lack of detail leads to incomplete images. That is why it is so important to think over all the details and characters of the work that will accompany the characters, their actions, everyday life and adventures. Strictly details can be called the nails of the work, which collect all the described events together. However, when writing love scenes and the work itself, you need to remember that for a person in love there are no vivid details or a large number of events that they notice. Their sense fills their minds, so the maximum detail for describing the love scene will be the symbolism of the feelings of the heroes themselves.

Originality in life and literature

The attention of the main characters is dulled under the influence of strong feelings, so they practically do not pay attention to the outside world. The lack of a clear description of the environment will create an atmosphere of privacy, set the reader in a certain mood and reveal your style as a writer. When describing, for example, non-mutual feelings, the contrast in detailing the perceptions of the surrounding world by the heroes allows us to emphasize that one hero thinks only about the object of his feelings, and the other actively interacts with others.

Description of emotions

It is important to keep a balance without losing harmony between the actions and feelings of the heroes. Actions may not always be logical, but always explained by human emotions. Do not describe them in detail, you can describe a great feeling with just one movement and facial expression. Any action, both an exchange of views, and a description of the erotic scene in the novel, should express the depth of the hero’s feelings and symbolize something both for the participant in the events and for the reader. It is important.

Description of erotic scenes in novels

The writer should initially decide which genre he chooses and what purpose his work will pursue. A love story is distinguished by the fact that the main storyline in the book is passion, love or just the intricate relationships of the main characters. In essence, the novel consists only of a description of love scenes (first meeting, exchange of views, first kiss, dating under the moonlight, horseback riding, proposal, wedding, having children, the joy of a new date, etc.) and beautiful lyrical digressions. The main goal of the love story is to convince the reader that love comes suddenly, but everyone deserves it. That is why the target audience of such novels is women, for whom the emotional component of the work is very important.

The novel "Lolita"

What tricks await the author of a love story

  1. The beginning of a love work should be exciting and intriguing, consistent with the theme of the work. If your work is intended to catch the target audience who wants to see a quality story of one love, promise your readers such a story. Start with a meeting of the future couple or write down the main characters in all their glory, show why they are interesting and worthy of love.
  2. If the prince has another, do not make her a complete idiot or an abomination. This casts a shadow on the mental abilities of the hero. After all, he contacted her for some reason, right? The same applies to the former groom (husband, lover) of the heroine.
  3. Check if there is a conflict in your novel. The reason heroes cannot join hearts should not be reduced to disputes or to the fact that their explanations are interrupted all the time: either by a curious neighbor, or by a harmful cat.
  4. It is better to avoid the typical stamps of love works, which over the years have accumulated an incredible amount:
  • The main characters are found in everyday situations, for example, they collide on the street and fall in love at first sight.
  • Heroes are forcibly married, and then they realize that they have found the love of their whole life.
  • The dream man of the main character is endangered or injured, and the heroine saves or heals him.
  • Initially, the characters hate each other for some reason, and then, for another reason, they fall in love.
  • The main character encounters the girl of his dreams on the beach, in the bar and in another situation uncomfortable for the girl.
  • The first long-awaited kiss takes place against the background of fireworks.


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