Social housing how to get? Social housing

When the economy of our country was not market, but planned, then all those in need had the right to receive social housing. How to get it today and is there a real opportunity for this? Oddly enough, but the answer to this question is positive. But for this you have to wait for it for years, but rather, even for decades. And it is worth noting that these opportunities are not available to every citizen.

social housing how to get

Definition of social housing

First you need to consider that social housing is provided to the poor citizen of the Russian Federation on a rental basis. It may be documented by a state or municipality. This practice was in effect until the privatization in our country was allowed; it was after it that all municipal housing passed into private hands.

Unfortunately, the construction of social housing is practically not carried out, and those objects that were erected in the last century are either occupied or are in disrepair. Nevertheless, a certain category of the population of our country can apply for accommodation under a contract of employment. But for this, of course, you need to sign up in the queue, then wait until it is suitable, and the apartment will be vacated only in case of eviction of the debtor or someone who systematically violates the established rules of residence.

Who qualifies for social housing

Not everyone can count on social housing. How to get it is a secondary question. First you need to determine who can qualify for it. Firstly, these are families that have received the status of the poor. To do this, provide evidence that the family has an aggregate income divided by each member below the subsistence level. Then it’s worth contacting the city or district administration and proving that the family either does not have any property at all, or its size is not enough to stay (more on that below).

social housing program

In addition, there is a preferential turn, that is, the provision of social housing is carried out primarily:

  1. Graduates of the orphanage, orphans without parents.
  2. Residents of houses not suitable for living and recognized as emergency.
  3. For people with chronic diseases (oncology, tuberculosis, epilepsy, mentally ill).

By the way, if a neighbor with chronic diseases lives in an apartment with a poor family, then she also has the right to social housing. Just keep in mind that for a start you need to collect a lot of documents and wait for many years or decades.

Norm in square meters per person

So, it often happens that a family owns housing, but its size does not match the number of people living in it. To improve housing conditions, of course, there is no material opportunity. In such cases, the question arises of how to get social housing.

According to the 50th article of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the minimum size of the living space is determined by the local municipality. That is, in each region these limits can significantly differ from each other. For example, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, if the family has more than three people, each of them should have at least 18 square meters. m, if there are heterosexual children, then each of them should have an isolated room. If the conditions are not met, then the poor family can apply for square meters for social welfare.

But so that a poor family can get housing, the living space on which she currently lives should be less than 10 square meters. m per person, this is the minimum across the country. 6 square meters. m. per person receive families with whom the social contract of employment has been terminated, evicted for non-payment of utilities, that is, they can count on a dormitory room.

how to get social housing

Who can be considered a poor family

First you need to indicate that the family is considered to be a circle of people connected by family ties, while living in the same area and leading a joint household. They also jointly manage funds. The composition of the family may be different - these are spouses with or without children, single parents, guardians and trustees. The bottom line is that this family does not have the opportunity to provide themselves with housing on their own, including taking and paying off a housing loan.

So, to determine the income of the family, you need to calculate the income for the last three months, this is wages, and benefits, and pensions. It does not take into account benefits, supplements to pensions and revenue from the sale of products grown on your own site. All payments for three months should be added up and divided first into three, then by the number of people living in the family.

If in the end the amount is below the subsistence level, you should contact the department of social welfare.

obtaining social housing


How to get social housing? In addition to iron patience, you will need a number of documents. To queue for social housing, you must bring:

  • statement;
  • identity documents for all family members;
  • documents confirming income;
  • certificates of the presence of a chronic disease;
  • extracts from the Unified State Register for the whole family;
  • conclusion of the commission on the recognition of emergency housing.

This is not a final list of documents. The administration, that is, the housing commission, to which all certificates should be submitted, may require some more papers to be presented.

how to get social housing

What is the difference between commercial hiring and social

Today, those families that, due to some circumstances, cannot buy their own housing or take a housing loan, prefer commercial renting as an alternative. That is, rent an apartment for a fee to its owner. But the program "Social Housing" is significantly different in its characteristics.

The benefit of social hiring is that the tenant pays only utilities and does not pay extra for rent. And it is worth noting that a poor family, due to lack of financial ability, cannot bear the cost of paying for renting a dwelling.

But the area of ​​a dwelling for social rent cannot be more than it should be for each family member individually. In addition, the period of operation of social housing is not limited if residents comply with a number of conditions.

In general, the program "Social Housing for Poor Citizens" compares favorably with commercial hiring financially. There is only a significant drawback - you have to wait a long time.

social housing

What are the requirements for housing

What should be social housing? How to get decent living conditions, and what general requirements must comply with the living space:

  • living quarters must comply with BTI standards and the requirements of the sanitary service;
  • the room should be residential, that is, it is an isolated room, and not a loggia, a bathroom, a corridor or a kitchen;
  • Housing in area should not exceed the norm for each family member;
  • if housing is provided to a person with disabilities, then excess of the standard area is permissible for him.

Terms of Use

You need to know not only how to get social housing, but also how to use it.

There are a number of rules:

  • utility bills paid by residents;
  • all family members have equal rights to operate a dwelling;
  • the tenant has the right to increase the composition of the family, after agreement with the landlord, for example, bring a relative on a temporary residence basis;
  • if the tenant is temporarily absent - this is not a reason for termination of the contract;
  • the tenant has the right to demand the provision of utilities in accordance with the contract;
  • the employer must use the accommodation only for living.

Terms of the contract

The last question is how long can social housing be operated, how to get it for life. But it’s worth noting right away that if there is no reason to terminate the contract between the landlord and the tenant, then the period is unlimited. That is, you can live on the municipal living space for life.

But only if the tenant complies with the operating rules. That is, he regularly pays for utilities, because with debts of more than 6 months, residents can be evicted.

social housing construction

In addition, the basis for eviction may be a violation of public order, the use of premises for commercial or other purposes not provided for in the contract. Damage to property, including common house property, also causes the termination of the contract of employment.

Now it’s clear why you can wait for many years when they will provide social housing, because municipal houses are practically not being built, and there are not so many reasons for eviction.


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