Warface Rules to Watch

Every gamer at least once in his life would like to play a game in which they would not be told exactly what he needed to do, would not set any restrictions and would not forbid anything. However, it is easy to imagine what the gameplay would have turned into if this had been allowed - especially when it comes to multiplayer games.

I would like to believe in the honesty and decency of users, but it is worth recognizing that most players, if not for the established rules of online projects, would swear, use cheats, cheat, and so on. Unfortunately, this is exactly the situation at the moment, so games like Warface have their own set of rules. In them you can clearly see what you are allowed to do and what not. The Warface rules are pretty tough, so you should definitely familiarize yourself with them before starting the game.

Account Actions

warface rules

The rules of Warface are quite diverse and cover almost all gaming and near-game areas, so it makes no sense to look for any workarounds, otherwise you risk getting a ban on your account.

It is worth noting immediately that in most cases of violations of the basic rules you are given an unlimited ban account without the possibility of appealing the decision, so you must choose whether to play fair or risk, but at the same time the likelihood of losing your character in which you invested and, possibly real money is extremely large.

So, the first group of rules covers actions with game accounts. More specifically, users are strictly forbidden to transfer their account to someone, and even more so to sell it. If such an action is detected, the account will be blocked indefinitely. As stated in the user agreement, you create the only account exclusively for yourself, so you should not try to prove something to the administration, because whoever you transfer your account to means that you have violated the Warface rules. And the punishment for this is ban.

Cheating and fraud

warface rules

One of the biggest problems of both Warface and any other multiplayer game is cheating. The "Warface" rules strictly forbid players to use cheats, the servers always have reliable protection against cheaters, so if you get caught, you will not be able to clear your name here - the ban will inevitably follow.

It is also worth noting that each time a small investigation is conducted regarding players who were in a team with a cheater. They can also be banned if it is established that they consciously and intentionally were in the same team to gain an advantage at the expense of the cheater. Therefore, if you see that you have a cheater in the team, inform the administration about it, otherwise you risk also getting an account lockout.

Actually, the ban on fraud can also be attributed to this rule, that is, attempts to trick the game with the help of any fraud or special software in the process of buying game currency - this is also monitored, and the ban will follow without proceedings. As you can see, the rules of the Warface game are very strict - so far all the violations that have been described are accompanied by an unlimited account lockout.

Trade in things

game rules warface items

If you want to participate in this multiplayer game, you will have to follow all the basic rules of the game "Warface". The points here are described in quite detail and clearly, so there can simply be no omissions.

The following rule applies to in-game items that you can receive during certain missions. They are intended only for use by you or for sale for in-game currency. However, many gamers try to cash in on such items and sell them for real money. If such a transaction is tracked, the participants in the transaction will receive a ban on their accounts - as mentioned above, you need to follow absolutely all the rules. Violations (β€œWarface” - the game is rather severe in this regard) are punished without discussion - in this way the administration keeps the servers clean and tidy.

Using bugs

breach rules

If you find a bug in the game that allows you to receive money or a game advantage over your opponent, you should immediately inform the administration about it. If it is later discovered, and the logs show that you used it, you will again receive an unlimited lock. True, there are reservations regarding the severity of the violation, so it is likely that you will be banned only for up to a month.


Naturally, in the game chat advertising of any third-party resources is prohibited. You can engage in advertising only after having previously agreed with the administration, if this did not happen, you will have to put up with the ban forever.

Insults, swearing, obscene language

It is logical that the administration of the game wants the project to be cultural and clean, so any insults and use of swear words are punished in the most severe way. In addition, no one is allowed to use such words in the name of a clan or character name.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14634/

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