Kenya: tourist reviews, photos. Tours in Kenya

The amazing country of Kenya is located in the eastern part of the African continent. Its territory is almost halved by the earth equator. From the east, Kenya is washed by the Indian Ocean. He gently carries his waves to the beaches of the country, which nature has created from white sand. In the western part of this African state, mountains rise and great lakes are located.

kenya tourist reviews

In the north, Kenya borders on Ethiopia. In the east - from Somalia. In the southwest - with Tanzania. In the west - with Uganda, and in the north-west - with South Sudan.

A wonderful place to relax

If you have not decided where to spend your vacation, check out information about Kenya. This country was once called so by Arab merchants and in antiquity meant "land of black people." Today it is interesting for tourists who are offered a variety of tours to Kenya. Reviews from most of them mark fascinating trips to safaris. It is worth saying that in this African country there are more than forty natural parks and national reserves.

vacation in kenya

They are also noteworthy Kenya. Reviews of tourists claim that in the territories of these natural zones you can enjoy close proximity to natural conditions and observe the life and behavior of wild animals. In one of these corners - Masai Mara - tourists can see at the same time the so-called big five animals of the African continent. It includes rhinos and elephants, lions, buffalos and leopards. They do not hunt animals in reserves. This is prohibited by law. However, you can look at amazing and strong animals as much as time allows.

Holidays in Kenya are famous for their beach resorts. There are four of them in the country. These are Malindi and Mombasa, Lamu and Wagamu. Gorgeous gives Kenya a vacation at sea. Reviews of tourists highly appreciate the comfort that meets every visitor on the sea coast. These are magnificent hotels in which there are all necessary conveniences and entertainments.

What else can attract travelers to vacation in Kenya? Reviews of tourists - diving enthusiasts - indicate that scuba diving to the coral reefs located in the local Wagamu Marine Reserve will not leave anyone indifferent. This is an amazing place where you can see the exotic fauna that lives in the Indian Ocean.

Tours are also offered to Kenya with a visit to the country's protected areas. These are such national parks as Vagamu, Amboseli, Masai Mara and many others.

Kenya and lovers of antiquity will not leave indifferent. There are many places in the country where the ruins of settlements of primitive man are located.

Resort Selection

As a rule, a vacation in Kenya involves swimming in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean, hanging out under the bright rays of the sun on a snow-white sandy beach, as well as traveling through the territory of this African state. Those who want to spend their vacation in this way should go to one of the four resorts in the country. Which one to choose?

Fans of beach vacations and short excursions should go to the shores of the warm Indian Ocean. And if you want to get to know a country like Kenya? Traveler reviews recommend that you develop a separate route in which you need to provide places to stop. However, with the right approach to business, leisure and travel can be combined. This will be possible if you use local airports that are located in close proximity to coastal resorts. With the help of domestic airlines, you can visit various parts of an exotic country in a short period of time.


This resort is rightfully proud of Kenya. Reviews of tourists claim that he is the best in the country. On its territory, European, Arab and African traditions are wonderfully intertwined. Tourists with pleasure make excursions in the ancient city with the same name with its medieval winding streets, Makupa Market, Fort Jesus Fortress. Like him and the magnificent sandy beaches of the resort.

Kenya hotels

Comfortable hotels are located south of Mombasa. They rise on the beaches of Diani, Tiwi and Shelley. There are hotels to the north of the city. They invite tourists to Shantsu and Bamburi, Nyali and Kikambala, as well as to Mnengo. A combination of African exoticism and European service awaits travelers in all hotels.

The most luxurious hotels are located on Diani beach. They are considered one of the best on the entire coast of East Africa. But in the northern part of the resort there are more affordable hotels, but at the same time quite comfortable hotels.

Anyone who visits Bamburi should definitely visit Haller Park. This is an amazing place where the traveler can see all the types of plants that grow in Kenya. There is a butterfly pavilion in the park. Hippos and giraffes walking around the area will also be of interest to tourists.

Located in this resort and a small micro-park Bamburi-Trail. Its visitors can watch numerous herbivores, crocodiles, representatives of feline and rare species of birds.

For lovers of entertainment, night clubs, restaurants and casinos, cafes and bars have been built all over the coast from Mombasa. The beauty and diversity of the underwater world awaits divers at this resort. Those who decide to relax in Mombasa can visit the largest snake farm located nearby, the Kisite and Mpunguti Reserves, as well as Taita Hillomorsky and Shimba Hills National Parks.


This Kenyan resort is located north of Mombasa. This amazing place is also a marine reserve. The resort can also be advised to those travelers who are attracted to Kenya. Reviews from tourists visiting Malindi suggest that this is a great place for diving. In the coral reefs of the Indian Ocean, washing the local white beaches, you can admire a variety of marine animals. In addition, tourists are given an amazing opportunity to become participants in an underwater safari.

kenya traveler reviews

The center of the resort is the city of Malindi. It consists of two parts unlike each other. One of them is a medieval Arab city, which houses local restaurants and cheap hotels. The second part of Malindi is Italian. This is a modern tourist center, offering travelers to stay in luxury hotels, visit expensive boutiques, nightclubs and casinos.

In Malindi, guests of the country can see the oldest Portuguese monument in Africa in the form of a cross, which was installed by Vasco da Gama. Lovers of antiquity are offered excursions to the ruins of the nearby ancient city of Gedi.

Tours in Malindi are recommended for gourmets. For them, this resort is the perfect place to relax. In local restaurants, lovers of exotic dishes can enjoy a sumptuous selection of seafood prepared using national seasonings and sauces.


Where else can you spend your holidays in Kenya? Traveler reviews give a high rating to the Wagamu resort, located in the national marine park. This place is perfect for those who love solitude and peace. Here, beaches are covered with mangroves, which are inhabited by a variety of species of birds and animals, and in coastal waters there are many coral reefs. Everyone at the resort is given the opportunity to go for a walk in a boat with a transparent bottom to enjoy the amazing underwater beauty in its beauty. Diving safaris are also held here.

Hotels in Kenya, located in the resort of Wagamu, towering surrounded by tropical green gardens. They offer tourists comfortable and spacious rooms, excellent service, a variety of entertainment and excellent cuisine.

Not far from Wagamu is the Kenya National Park - Shimba Hills. Travelers can see rare antelope roen here. Safari awaits visitors to Wagama. They will be organized in the country's largest reserve - Tsavo.


This Kenyan resort is considered the most unusual. It is located in the east of the country, on the very coast of the warm Indian Ocean. The name Lamu is not only a port surrounded by mangroves. It is also a city, an archipelago and an island. All of them are separated from the continent by a small channel. On the territory of Equatorial Africa, Lamu is one of the oldest cities and the busiest port, which was known as far back as the 15th century due to its mangrove trees .

Tours to this island are very popular among tourists. Departing travelers to Kenya say that Lamu provides its guests with various conditions for living. On the territory of this African town there are designer villas and private hotels, cheap hotels and cozy pensions.

A magnificent beach holiday is also provided by the resort of Lamu (Kenya). Reviews of tourists say that you can sunbathe and swim in this part of the country in a very calm environment, choosing a yellow or white sandy beach, on which exotic palm trees rise.

kenya people

What else is noteworthy at this resort vacation in Kenya? Traveler reviews of diving enthusiasts talk about interesting excursions to the Kiunta Marine National Park. Here, all guests have the opportunity to look at the magnificence of the coral world. Not far from the island of Lamu are the reserves of Dodoni and Boni. Populations of dingo dogs and jackals, lions and elephants, giraffes and antelopes live on their territory. The Tana River small reserve is also located in this part of the country. Here, nature lovers can see the red colobus - a rare species of monkeys.

Largest tourist centers

What other cities does Kenya invite its guests to? Reviews of tourists and photos taken during the holidays indicate that the capital of this African state, Nairobi, is of considerable interest to travelers. This is the main business and industrial, educational and cultural center of Kenya, as well as a transportation hub throughout the eastern part of the continent.

The second largest city in the country and a major tourist center is Mombasa. It and the eponymous resort are visited by those tourists who prefer a beach holiday in Kenya. Reviews from numerous travelers suggest that spending time in a city located on a coral island left an unforgettable experience.

There are other large settlements that attract the attention of visitors to the country. These are Kisumu and Nakuru, Nanyuki and Tika, as well as Eldoret.


What attracts travelers to Kenya? Tourism in this country attracts not only lovers of animal and plant life. Exotic Africa attracts those who are interested in the history and sights of this region. Guests of the country should definitely visit the former English fort of Nairobi. This is the capital of Kenya, which is interesting for its eponymous National Park, as well as giraffe farms, the museum of the writer Karen Blixen and the Bomas of Kenya - a place where performances of local music and dance groups take place.

In the city center, tourists will find the Clock Tower, as well as the Parliament and the mausoleum of the country's first president, Jomo Kenyatta. The excursion route through the capital of the African state will certainly pass through the English quarter, which houses dozens of magnificent Hindu temples, and will familiarize tourists with the National Museum.

Interesting excursions are offered in small towns. For example, the village of Ngomongo. This is a village where you can observe the lifestyle and culture of eleven local tribes at once. And in the small village of Bombolulu, which is the center of manual craftsmanship, tourists will find many souvenir shops and shops.

Travelers can combine active and beach vacations in Kenya without any problems. Reviews of those who traveled to Mombasa with its many kilometers of sandy coastlines indicate that from this resort you can easily get to the nearby ruins of the ancient city of Gedi (13-17 centuries). Here, the ruins of the palace, the remains of the city gates and the foundation of the mosque will be revealed to travelers. Interestingly, all the buildings were erected on coral reefs that were mined in the ocean and transported to the construction site.


Anyone who decided to visit an exotic African country will certainly be interested in the following question: β€œWhat is the weather like in Kenya?” It is worth saying that the climate on its territory is subequatorial. In the daytime, the thermometer can rise to a maximum of 27-32 degrees. At night, depending on the region, it drops to plus 10-18.

The hottest and driest place in the country is the territory of the northeastern plateau, as well as the area located near Lake Rudolph. The air temperature here sometimes rises to thirty-eight degrees of heat, decreasing at night to plus twenty-six.

If we consider the Central Highlands of Kenya, then here the readings of the thermometer will depend only on the height of the area. Take, for example, the capital of Kenya (1800 m above sea level). Here in the winter season, the thermometer rises to + 25 during the day, falling by thirteen degrees at night. In the summer, respectively, +21 - +11. At high altitudes during the night hours frosts are observed, and on Mount Kenya there is snow throughout the year.

In the coastal areas of the country, the climate is mild. In winter, the air temperature in the daytime reaches +31 degrees, and at night +24. In the summer, respectively, +28 and +23.

There are two rainy seasons in Kenya. The highest rainfall here falls from March to June, as well as from October to December.

tours to kenya

When is the most favorable weather conditions in a country such as Kenya, tourism? Traveler reviews suggest that the best time to visit this African state is from January to March, and also from July to September. Beach lovers are advised to purchase tours in January, February and October. Those who like Kenyan safaris are advised to visit the country from January to March. This time should be chosen by those who like to watch birds.

Kenya nature

Numerous tourists seek to visit this African country in order to admire its beautiful and diverse flora and fauna. The main natural resources of the country are the territories of forty national parks and reserves protected by the state. These are places inhabited by rhinos and elephants, buffalos and lions, giraffes leopards, antelopes and cheetahs.

From June to September, tourists are attracted by the unique sight that can be seen in Masai Mara. Millions of antelopes are sent here in search of water and food from the Serengeti Valley. This migration of animals at a distance of 1800 miles is called a real wonder of the world.

Not far from the capital of Kenya is the Great African Rift, or Great Rift Valley. This place is one of the most impressive on our planet. An amazing sight is the Rift, which was formed millions of years ago during the movement of earth plates. About thirty active and semi-active volcanoes rise in the zone of this Great Rift Valley . Attract tourists and the alkaline lakes located here. They are the permanent habitat of four million flamingos. In general, lakes are also the country's natural wealth. Among them, especially visited by tourists is Naivash. This sacred lake, near which lives more than three hundred and forty species of birds and many hippos.

Interesting natural attractions in Kenya are Adamson Falls. They are located in the territory of the National Park Meru. The attention of travelers is also attracted by the sacred forests of Kaya Midijikenda. They are located in the coastal zone of the country. These forests received the status of sacred because of the ruins of more than thirty villages hiding in their thickets, in which the Midjikenda tribe lived.

Popular hiking trails run to Crocodile Island. He gained fame due to the huge number of crocodiles that live on its shores.

Kenya offers its guests extreme types of relaxation. This is a night safari and balloon flight.


A land of incredible diversity and contrasts is considered Kenya. People living on its territory are represented by more than 70 tribal groups. However, thanks to the gradual entry into the Kenyan life of Western culture, the differences between them are more and more blurred.

vacation kenya reviews

Most of the local population living in the eastern provinces and on the coast adheres to Islam. In the rest of the country, people attend a Christian church. In some areas of Kenya, the formation of local religions has occurred. They are a mixture of Christianity, Islam and national beliefs.

Two languages ​​are required in the country. This is Swahili and English. But besides them, Kenya has a wide variety of local languages. Among them are Luo and Luhia, Kikamba, Kikuyu, etc.

Kenyans are a fun and very musical people, in whose culture ceremonies are an important element. Oral creativity in the form of fairy tales, traditions and songs is also passed down from generation to generation.

To this day, a large number of ancient crafts have been preserved in this African country. This is stone and wood carving, as well as weaving. Most Kenyan craftsmen, when creating their works of art, use the tricks that their grandfathers and great-grandfathers once resorted to.

According to tourists, this African people is very sociable, friendly, happy to welcome guests arriving in the state.


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