How to write a complaint about a teacher: a sample

How to write a complaint about a teacher? We will understand in what situations it is necessary.

Each parent understands the great importance of school in the life of the child. This is a place where a student receives an education, makes new friends, communicates with teachers and receives all the knowledge and skills he needs. The most important role in the school is assigned to teachers, so it is important that parents are confident in their literacy, competence, ability to organize the pedagogical process and maintain composure and professionalism in conflict situations.

teacher complaint

When may a teacher complaint be required? What to do if you encounter an improperly behaving teacher and, most importantly, do you need to attach importance to this? Certainly, because a teacher’s illiteracy, unethicality, or conflict can harm children, leave a negative mark on their formation as individuals, and create problems in the perception of the world around them. Therefore, it is important to understand how exactly you can defend the interests of your child and his right to a safe educational environment. In this article you will learn simple and effective ways to achieve this.

Cases when it is advisable to file a complaint against a teacher

The following are situations where the claim to the teacher is justified:

  • The teacher's use of parenting methods that adversely affect the child.
  • The use of illegal methods of education.
  • The use of physical punishment by the teacher.
  • Infringement of the personality and interests of the child, humiliation and comparison with other students, degrading the child.
  • Obstruction to development.
  • Failure to fulfill their direct duties.
  • Fundraising from students not agreed with school management.
  • The lesson materials contain information not provided for by the school curriculum.

A sample complaint about the teacher is presented below.

teacher complaint sample

Underestimating grades, initiating a boycott, bullying or moral pressure, insulting or physical aggression on the part of the teacher are all situations that require serious proceedings. From the point of view of pedagogy, they are unacceptable. But even derogatory remarks in relation to students that formally do not contain swearing (“do not dig,” “reasoned”, “where you carry you,” etc.) are a violation of ethics that differ from the usual and even sometimes necessary rigor. But it’s one thing to track and demand the correction of errors, to stop violations of order by pointing them out to the students, and it’s quite another thing to humiliate them. If a teacher cannot achieve discipline and perseverance from children by conventional pedagogical methods, then he or she should seek the help of their parents. You should know that young children are most difficult and susceptible to bear both explicit and latent aggression of educators and teachers.

Which authority can a teacher complain to? About it further.

Where to send the claim?

It can be sent to several places - to the leadership of the pedagogical institution where your child is studying, to the department of education, to the prosecutor's office and to the court.

First of all, it is worth writing a complaint about the teacher to the director. Cases where management does not know about the inappropriate behavior of their subordinates are not uncommon. And an appeal to the head teacher or director can bring the desired effect. It is important to know that you can file a complaint anonymously and verbally, in a free form. The advantage of this method of treatment is the speed of the result. If you decide to file a written complaint, it is enough to describe the situation in it and state your position. Another plus of this form of conflict resolution is that you most likely will not require personal participation in subsequent proceedings. You will get the result almost immediately, however, only if the management supported your point of view. A sample complaint about the teacher to the director will help in writing it.

teacher complaint


Of the minuses of this method of treatment, it is worth noting the following:

  • If you filed a complaint orally, you will not have actual evidence of treatment.
  • In some cases, school management may ignore the fact of a complaint.
  • There is a likelihood of a situation where the management "covers" its subordinates and even turns a blind eye to their inappropriate behavior. In this case, it makes no sense to involve her in the resolution of the conflict. In this case, many people are interested in a sample complaint against school teachers.

how to write a complaint about a teacher

Department of Education

The next instance you can contact is the Department of Education. This agency is responsible for the supervision of educational institutions. Its main role is to determine the methods of education, the content of the curriculum and other aspects of the work of schools. The main number of complaints about teachers is sent here.

The appeal to the Department of Education is made out according to the model and is official in nature. It is necessary to write in its heading exactly where the complaint is submitted (full address and details of the department department), indicate your full name, address of residence, phone number and (in some cases) e-mail.

In the main (informational) part, first of all, you need to indicate who the victim is and who is guilty, as well as describe events and situations that are illegal from your point of view. Here you should justify your position and put forward requirements or conditions under which you will consider the conflict situation settled.

The final part indicates the list of documents attached to the appeal as evidence of the situation, the signature and date of application. It can be personally delivered to the department or sent by registered mail by attaching a copy of your passport to the package of documents.

school teacher complaint sample

Prosecutor's office

Another instance where you can file a complaint against a teacher is the prosecutor’s office. And cases of lawsuits against teachers are not uncommon. They relate to situations where the civil rights of children in school are violated. Therefore, you should contact her only in cases where the child is seriously injured, and it is really necessary to involve law enforcement agencies.

An application to this department differs from a complaint to the education department by a “cap” (in it you indicate the full address and details of the necessary department of the prosecutor’s office) and the content of the main part: here it is necessary to state the facts explaining in detail how the rights of the injured child were violated, indicate the article responsible for this, and demand the prosecution of the teacher, because of whose actions the student suffered.

sample teacher complaint to the principal


What are the advantages of contacting the prosecutor? Firstly, it is this institution that most effectively protects the civil rights of children and parents. Secondly, it without fail will check all the facts of these violations. But you should be aware that the agency may reject your application if it decides that there was no violation. It does not deal with educational issues. In some cases, the prosecutor redirects the application to the department of education, while the time for considering your complaint will increase significantly.

School Teacher Suit

If appeal to other authorities did not help to defend the rights of the child, there is the opportunity to file a lawsuit. This is perhaps the most complex, but at the same time effective method of restoring justice. The statement of claim is written almost in the same way as the statement to the department and the prosecutor’s office - only the name is different. But the process itself will proceed differently.

teacher complaint to the school principal sample


After the lawsuit is filed, a trial will begin, at which it will be necessary to prove their point of view and provide evidence of the offense. As them you can use photo and video materials, but it is best to supplement them with the testimonies of students, their parents and other teachers. This will significantly affect the success of the case. If the results of the proceedings did not suit you, then there is the opportunity to challenge them within two weeks after the court decision. You also have the opportunity to file the same package of documents with a higher court. You should be aware that a lawsuit is costly both materially and in time, requires a significant effort. It will not be superfluous to seek help from lawyers and lawyers.

We presented the sample complaint to the school principal about the teacher above.

How to quickly and effectively achieve justice?

A collective complaint tends to have a very positive effect on conflict resolution. If a teacher behaves inappropriately, then usually not just one child suffers, but the whole class. After talking with the student’s classmates and their parents, invite them to write an appeal to the school’s management or department. Such statements are considered more carefully, and the violator will not be able to evade responsibility.


Second tip - be puzzled by the collection of testimonies. They can be given to you by other school employees who have noticed violations in the methods of upbringing or the behavior of a colleague, and the parents of other students. Audio, photo and video materials, as well as documents - all this will help you substantiate your point of view and prove that the teacher was shown injustice or aggression towards the child.

Contact lawyers and other professionals. Even if you do not file a lawsuit against the teacher, they will recommend you how to act in your situation. A consultation with a psychologist will help determine whether the teacher’s actions have injured the child.

teacher complaints from parents

Older children may also become participants in the proceedings or give evidence in the course of inspections. Their words can be used in appeals to those authorities where you are going to file a complaint.


Do not give up, go to the end, seeking justice. Faced with a refusal in any of the departments, find out the reason and file the appeal again - there are no restrictions on the number of applications. If the situation is left unresolved, then the child will continue to be in an unfavorable environment for him, or he will have to transfer him to another school, and the teacher using negative methods of education will continue his activities without suffering proper punishment.

We examined how complaints from teachers about parents are made.


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