How to choose plants for alpine hills

In modern landscape design, an alpine hill is one of the most popular elements. The hands of a professional designer or amateur gardener creates a piece of mountain nature. Of course, a miniature of stones and flowers is obtained at the summer cottage, but in order to give it authenticity, you need to pay attention to its design. Therefore, you should consider what plants are needed for the Alpine slides, their features and care requirements.

Before planting flowers, you need to prepare the soil for them. To do this, mix peat, turf soil, pebbles and sand in equal proportions. Unpretentious perennials are perfect for decoration. Very often trees that grow slowly and undersized shrubs are planted on a stone platform. Plants such as conifers, spirea, potentilla are selected. Even a small landscape model must necessarily look natural. The use of indoor flowers will seem unexpected, but it is also possible. Ground cover grasses can complete the picture .

plants for alpine hills

In order for the plants for the alpine hills to look harmonious, their shape, color and flowering time should be taken into account. It is important not to forget how fast this or that culture develops. Flowers that belong to annuals will add bright colors and will allow changing the layout of plantings every year. In addition, they will provide early flowering, while perennials have not yet gained strength. How diverse the plants are for alpine hills, the photo shows very clearly.

It is good in rock gardens, among stones, to play on the difference in plant height. Lower ones can become the core of the composition. At the top of the rock garden should be placed such plant species that are most resistant to drought and love the sun. Decorate the picture of Iberis. It blooms from May to June. It was at this time that his white flowers give the impression that your cottage is decorated with snow-capped peaks.

flowering plants for an alpine hill

Such plants for alpine hills as lobularia, alissum will look wonderful. Unusual and beautiful mesembryanthemum, small crystalline lenses glisten on its leaves. Charming nemophile. On each petal of its flowers is a blue-violet spot. This plant can be planted immediately in a permanent place. It rises abundantly and is resistant to frost. Other flowers require pre-growing seedlings. For example, purslane.

plants for alpine hills photo

If your landscape composition is modest in size, it will be decorated with flowering plants for an alpine hill. We can mention motley petunias, colchicum, pansies, nasturtiums. Organic supplement is dried gomfrena. Its inflorescences have a bright pink color, in height the flower can reach twenty centimeters. Young growth forms rosettes of thick leaves. Their variety and colors are amazing. This plant can be planted to fix the stone slopes of the rock garden.

From perennials, cloves take root among the stones. In addition to them, you can plant the following plants for the alpine hills: rock alyssum and stingrays, which perfectly fit into the composition, as they adore open sunny space and cannot stand the shade.


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