Tear ducts in newborns: massage at home

The birth of a baby gives a whole fireworks display to previously unfamiliar feelings of unbridled happiness and all-consuming tenderness. But along with this comes excitement, experience. One of the problems is dacryocystitis or, otherwise, obstruction of the tear ducts in a child. How to notice the pathology and help the newborn?

lacrimal canals in newborns massage

Causes of obstruction of the lacrimal canal

Nature has thought through to the smallest detail the birth of the fetus, its development and birth. In the womb, the lacrimal canal of the baby is blocked by a special thin film. It is necessary to protect the eyes from infection, which can get with amniotic fluid. During birth, the baby breaks the film with the first breath or scream. And the eyes begin to function normally. But it happens that the film remains. In this case, doctors say that the lacrimal channels in newborns are closed. Massage in such situations is the most effective way to fix the problem. In addition, dacryocystitis can develop after birth as a result of injuries, chronic diseases of the nose. Also, the lacrimal canals may not function due to improper structure of the bones of the skull. But in these cases, the massage will be powerless.

massage of the lacrimal canals in newborns

When is massage prescribed?

The clinical picture with obstruction of the lacrimal canals is very similar to conjunctivitis. Therefore, doctors most often first prescribe treatment for this disease. And only when it does not help, they consider the option with obstruction. The baby 's eyes are festering, the cilia are sticking together. It seems that tears are constantly in the eyes. In such cases, the peanut needs help. Massage of the lacrimal canals in newborns should begin immediately, as soon as it becomes clear that the drugs do not contribute to an improvement in the situation. With it, the film will break through and the eye will stop festering.

How to massage the lacrimal canals in newborns?

The first stage of the massage is preparatory. It is necessary to clean the eyes. To do this, you need a cotton swab, a tablet "Furacilina" or brewed chamomile. The procedure is simple. To start, you brew chamomile or dissolve the capsule in warm boiled water. After wetting the swab, it should be carefully guided along the eye in the direction of the nose. Continue these simple movements until you remove all the pus. After that, you can perform the procedure itself. An ophthalmologist will tell you how to massage the lacrimal canals in newborns with your own hands. Since the manipulation is performed 5-7 times a day, the mother and baby need to go to hospital if the parents want to entrust this mission to an experienced doctor.

how to massage the lacrimal canals in newborns

Massage technique

It is most convenient to do massage with index fingers. First you need to feel for a seal at the base of the visual organ and put your fingers a little lower. Run the phalanges several times from nose to eye. Some pus may come out. This moment is very important, because it allows you to clear the lacrimal canal. Then change tactics and from the base of the eye, drag your fingers along the nose down. They will help to visually see how to massage the lacrimal canals of a newborn, photo. One of them is presented below.

Finger movements should be directed down the nose. This is how the tear duct is located inside. Going down a little along the wall of the external respiratory organ, it connects to the nasal passage. The diagnosis is made by an ophthalmologist after he examines the lacrimal canals in newborns. Massage is prescribed first. Ask him to show the technique several times. Try to perform the movements yourself under his supervision. Feel free to be interested in all the nuances. It is very important to do everything correctly. Then the massage will be effective, and you can avoid probing the lacrimal canals. The main thing is not to rush and remember that to achieve a positive result is quite difficult. You need to be patient.

how to do lacrimal canal massage in newborns with your own hands

Purpose of manipulation

Massage of the lacrimal canals in newborns is necessary in order to remove the film inside. But in order to fully understand how to perform the procedure, you need to know some facts about the structure of the eye and the functions of its components. So, the lacrimal canal originates at the base of the visual organ. It passes down the wall of the nose and connects inside with its cavity. The eye is constantly moisturized and cleansed with tears. After washing the visual organ, the tear leaves with the dirt through the lacrimal canal. But without a way out, all this accumulates. The task of massage is not only to break through the film, but also to alleviate the condition of the child until this happens.

how to massage the lacrimal canals of a newborn photo

Why don't drops help?

Unfortunately, many doctors do not notice the problem. And over and over again, drops are prescribed. What happens in this case? Drops cleanse a canal clogged with dirt, an antibiotic kills microbes and comes "imaginary well-being." Or, in other words, it seems that the eye has been cured. But, since the channel is still closed, after a while, allocations reappear. Parents again contact an ophthalmologist. The doctor complains about the carelessness of adults, their supposedly incorrect technique of manipulation. And again appoints drops. In this case, the symptoms are constantly removed, but the cause of the disease remains.

Useful Tips

Massage of the lacrimal canal with dacryocystitis in newborns requires a special approach because of a number of features of babies:

  1. The movements should be clear and strong enough, but at the same time careful. Remember that children do not have bones in their nose. In its place, only a cartilage. You need to act carefully so as not to damage it.
  2. Do not be alarmed by a crying baby. The procedure does not cause pain, only discomfort. In addition, during crying, it can be even easier to break through the film due to tension in the nasal passages.
  3. Be careful when cleaning your eyes. The kid turns his head, and you can accidentally put pus in your ear or a healthy eye, which will entail new problems.
  4. As a child grows up, it is more difficult to tolerate the procedure.
  5. If the effect is not observed within a month, the lacrimal channels in newborns remain closed , massage is useless. And to continue it makes no sense. You should seek the help of a doctor who will prescribe a sounding.

What is lacrimal duct sounding?

When massage and treatment with drops do not help, they begin to talk about the need for sounding. This procedure is much more easily tolerated by children up to three months, since they sleep most of the day. Older children begin to be anxious, nervous at the sight of strangers, etc. Very often, parents delay surgery because of the fear that the baby will be hurt, the operation will cause him psychological trauma. But in reality, the procedure takes only a few minutes.

The baby is swaddled tight so that he cannot push the doctor’s hands. Then 0.5% Alkain is dripped into the eye. This is necessary for local anesthesia. Next, a probe is introduced into the channel. The film inside is torn. And the lacrimal channels in the newborn begin to function normally. Massage is no longer needed, but for another month doctors recommend monitoring the baby’s eyes and rinsing them. Mandatory antibacterial therapy is prescribed.

massage of the lacrimal canal with dacryocystitis in newborns

What are the consequences after probing the tear duct?

Immediately after probing with dacryocystitis, the child has normal functioning of the eye. He no longer tears and does not swell. Few purulent discharge may still be present for several days. The worst thing that can happen to a child is crying. Doctors carry out the procedure without the presence of parents, so the baby can be scared. But once the karapuzu returns to his mother, he immediately calms down.

Is sounding worth doing?

Doctors always give adults a month to think about after they discover that the tear channels in the newborns are clogged. Massage can always help, but do not experiment longer than usual. Do not forget that pus collects in the tear duct. And this indicates the multiplication of dangerous bacteria. The lacrimal canal is in close proximity to the brain. Therefore, dacryocystitis should be considered a fairly serious disease. There is absolutely no reason to be afraid of sounding. The operation will only save the baby from discomfort, and parents - from constant unrest.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14658/

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