Blooming beauty in winter - cyclomenia. Flower: care and features of growing at home

Cyclomania (otherwise cyclamen) is a perennial plant that belongs to the Mirsin family and grows in the wild in warm climatic conditions in the territories of North Africa, Asia Minor and the Mediterranean regions. At the end of the 19th century, breeders bred a large number of different garden and indoor varieties of cyclomania.

cyclomenia flower care
You can recognize this interesting ornamental plant by a round-shaped tuberous bulb, green leaves with a silver heart-shaped shape with long petioles with silver patterns, and beautiful bright flowers resembling butterflies in shape. There is a wide variety of cyclomene bud colors. They can be red, pale pink, white and even purple. It is interesting that for about 8 months of the year the plant “sleeps”, dropping all the leaves and stop blooming. The popularity of this houseplant is increasing every year, because unlike most other flowers, cyclomenia pleases with its beautiful flowers in the winter. Under favorable conditions, the flower will bloom for a long time, from October-November to March. In this article we will look at how cyclomenia is grown. A flower, the care of which is not difficult, will grow and bloom for many years.
cyclomania flower
If you only plan to buy cyclomania, first study the features of its cultivation. In the flower shop, you should choose a copy with a heavy and not wrinkled tuber, on which the kidneys must be.

Cyclomania (flower). Exotic plant care: soil, lighting, humidity, temperature

A loose light soil is suitable for this plant. You can purchase a special soil mixture in a flower shop or make it yourself. To make the substrate at home, you will need sandy soil, deciduous humus and peat, all ingredients are taken in equal parts. At the bottom of the pot, 1.5 cm of drainage is surely laid, which will serve well as dry bark and polystyrene. Important: the cyclomene tuber is not completely buried in the substrate. It is buried only by two-thirds. The plant prefers small containers with low sides, in a large container, the tuber can rot and die.

cyclomania flower photo
Cyclomania is a demanding plant in terms of temperature conditions. It is very important for him to maintain a temperature from 10 ° C to 15 ° C during the flowering period. The cool content of the plant is the key to its active and long flowering. In addition to temperature, the amount of light is important for him. The plant loves diffused light, but not direct sunlight, so a glazed balcony or terrace can be an ideal place of detention. Direct hit of the sun's rays on the leaves of the plant is allowed only in winter. When properly maintained in a cool (not more than 15 ° C) bright place, the plant does not need additional spraying and calmly tolerates the existing air humidity. On hot summer days, you can additionally moisten the leaves of the plant from a spray bottle. In the fall, all spraying is stopped to prevent rotting of the tuber.

Cyclomania - a flower, the care of which consists in choosing the right watering regime. One of the main rules is regular watering with cool water. It should be carried out competently: water necessarily pours into the pan or into the edges of the pot. Experienced flower growers try not to get water on the tuber growth zone, the top of the stem, and buds. The land during irrigation can not be overmoistened, otherwise cyclomenia can easily die. The flower (the photo below shows the correct method of watering) is very moody, so pay special attention to it.

cyclomenia irrigation
The humidification regime should take into account that the plant requires a new portion of liquid only as the upper layers of the substrate dry out. Prefers only soft settling water plant cyclomenia.

Flower: care after dropping leaves and buds

After flowering, watering the plant is gradually reduced, making it rarer. When the leaves are completely dry (June-July), the cyclomenia pot is placed in a cool place on its side. Two months later, the plant will release the first sprouts, after which they are transplanted into a new container with a fresh substrate. During transshipment, bad roots are removed and the tuber is placed in new soil, deepening it by two-thirds of the height.


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