Cat pneumonia: symptoms and treatment

As with any living thing, cats often have various health problems. Of particular danger are respiratory diseases. In recent years, veterinarians are increasingly diagnosing pets with pneumonia. In cats, the symptoms and treatment of this disease will be discussed in today's article.

Types of disease

By pneumonia is meant a serious infectious process, accompanied by intoxication of the whole organism. Untimely treatment started often results in various complications leading to the death of a sick animal. In modern veterinary practice, several types of pneumonia are distinguished. It can be bacterial, aspiration, parasitic, viral or fungal.

cat pneumonia

In the first case, the causative agent of the disease most often becomes pneumococcus, in the second - the ingestion of foreign objects, liquid or food into the respiratory tract, in the third - roundworms developing in the lung tissue. Fungal pneumonia in a cat, the causative agent of which is cryptococcus, is considered the most severe and difficult to treat.

Depending on the localization of the inflammatory process, it is possible to distinguish the total, lobar and segmental forms. In the first case, the disease covers the entire lung, in the second - it affects individual areas. Chronic, subacute and acute pneumonia are also distinguished.


Inflammation of the lungs develops under the influence of a whole range of factors that reduce the body's resistance. Also, pneumonia in a cat can be caused by viral and bacterial infections, severe hypothermia, frequent bathing and exposure to drafts.

cat pneumonia treatment

Excessively cold water and food are no less dangerous to the animal’s health. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to feed pets frozen food. Also, pneumonia can develop due to the ingestion of animal fluid, foreign bodies and even household dust into the respiratory tract.

Pneumonia in cats: symptoms

It is very important to recognize this disease in the initial stages. So your pet will have a better chance of a favorable outcome. One of the main signs of pneumonia is coughing. That it should be a signal that the animal needs to be shown to the veterinarian.

Most often, pneumonia begins acutely and entails a sharp deterioration in the well-being of the pet. The stronger the cat's body, the slower the symptoms of the disease will develop. Inflammation of the lungs is usually accompanied by a cough. At the initial stage, it will be dry. As the disease progresses, the cough becomes wet and sputum discharge begins.

pneumonia in cats symptoms

Most cats diagnosed with pneumonia have difficulty breathing. This is due to a violation of the normal functioning of the lungs. In sick animals, fine and coarse bubbling rales are clearly audible.

Also, bacterial bilateral pneumonia in cats is accompanied by high fever. It is she who is considered the main sign of intoxication of the body. Atypical forms of pneumonia occur without fever. The animal becomes lethargic, it drinks a lot and refuses to eat.

Diagnostic Methods

One of the main studies that accurately identify pneumonia is chest x-ray. As a rule, it is done in lateral and direct projection. Thanks to this, a specialist will be able to conduct a thorough examination of all parts of the lungs.

pneumonia in cats symptoms and treatment

To establish the severity of the infectious process, a general blood test is taken from the animal. To determine exactly what pathogen causes pneumonia in a cat, the veterinarian is required to conduct a serological or microbiological examination. It is also advisable to take tests for helminthic infestations. In addition, the doctor must listen to the hairy patient. This will establish the nature of wheezing and the so-called silent zones. The latter refers to foci of inflammation in which breathing is not heard.

Pneumonia in cats: treatment

Animals diagnosed with pneumonia are prescribed a course of sulfonamide antibiotics. As a rule, they are injected. If after three days the cat does not exhibit positive dynamics, then she is tested for drug sensitivity. This procedure will allow you to choose an effective medicine. The duration of the course is at least twelve days. Even with a clear improvement in the well-being of the pet, it is impossible to independently cancel the therapy recommended by the veterinarian.

bilateral pneumonia in cats

To facilitate the process of eliminating sputum, the pet is prescribed “Bromhexine”, “Lazolvan” or “Mukaltin”. In especially severe cases, infusion therapy is used to reduce intoxication. However, such procedures should be performed exclusively in a veterinary clinic under the supervision of a doctor. The only way to avoid the possible development of cerebral or pulmonary edema.

If pneumonia in a cat is complicated by a phlegmon or an abscess, immediate surgical intervention is necessary.

Diet and regimen

It is desirable to feed a sick and recovering animal with high-calorie, easily digestible food. It is important that the feed contains a large amount of protein. During this period, vitamins and minerals must be introduced into the diet of a shaggy patient. This will strengthen the immune system.

Single and bilateral pneumonia in cats (chronic and acute) greatly weakens the body of the animal. Therefore, it is better to hospitalize young pets in a veterinary clinic.

chronic bilateral pneumonia in cats

If for some reason this is not possible, then the pet should provide complete peace and quality round-the-clock care. Try to bother your four-legged friend less. For the period of illness and recovery, transfer the cat's place to a warm secluded corner.

To facilitate the removal of sputum, it is advisable for the cat to massage daily. In the absence of high temperature, the animal is recommended to give light physical exertion, causing a cough.

Preventative measures

As you know, a disease is easier to prevent than to cure. In order to avoid pneumonia, it is necessary to prevent hypothermia of the pet. Cat food and water should be at room temperature.

To strengthen the immune system, it is important to regularly give your cat vitamin-mineral complexes. It is strictly forbidden to keep the animal in the drafts and in the cold. Also, we must not forget about the timely conduct of vaccination. In addition, it is advisable to systematically fully examine the pet for the presence of chronic diseases.


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