Fallout 4 on a weak PC: optimization methods

Fallout 4 is a new part of the legendary RPG series in the setting of the post-apocalypse. The developer of the game was Bethesda, which caused the series to deviate from the canons set by New Vegas. In this article, you will learn how to run Fallout 4 on a weak PC.

A completely different game

The new Fallout is completely different from the previous parts. The concept of the game itself has been redesigned from scratch. The system of pumping, distribution of points and skills merged into one. Now the whole leveling has become a single system of SPECIAL parameters and abilities, which improve as you gain levels.

The gameplay itself has also changed a lot. Instead of dialogs, you get constant action and shootouts. To pass any quest now peacefully without killing will not work at all. The VATS system has also been subject to alterations. Now, when you enter the mode, time does not stop, but only slows down greatly. This encourages the player to make quick decisions, which gives the game even more dynamics.

fallout 4 on a weak pc

Poor optimization

The worst is yet to come - the appearance of brakes after several hours of play. And the point here is not even the power of your computer, but poor optimization. The new engine produces a good picture, but not so realistic that the game could afford lags and subsidence on the FPS even on top configurations. In this article, you will learn how to run Fallout 4 on a weak PC and what you need to do it.

System requirements

First, consider the minimum configuration to run the game. Requires a Core i5 4-core processor, 8 GB of RAM and a video card no worse than the GeForce GTX 770 or equivalent from AMD. Even on such a computer the stable operation of Fallout 4 is not guaranteed. On a weak PC or laptop, the game may not start at all.

But if you managed to start the game with terrible brakes and you want to throw at least a little performance on your system, use the tips described below.

fallout 4 patch for weak pc

Fallout 4: optimization for weak PCs

Immediately, we note that all the changes concern the simplification and compression of the graphic component, so do not expect a beautiful picture on your computer, as in a full original.

The first optimization method is to install special patches. This is mainly done by changing the configuration file. On the Internet you can find many different options for this file, each of which is optimized for a weak PC configuration. Usually, the creator signs a patch description of the iron for which the mod was created.

This file must be placed in the document folder where the save for Fallout 4 is located. A patch for weak PCs does not guarantee a huge increase in frames per second, but you will succeed in squeezing 5-7 FPS. If the final performance is not enough, you can proceed to the next optimization option.

fallout 4 optimization for weak pc

The second way is to replace standard textures with low-resolution textures. On the Internet you can find packs that contain compressed textures from the game. This method will help reduce the load on video memory when playing Fallout 4. On a weak PC, this optimization gives a much larger increase than the configuration file. However, the image at the same time changes very much - everywhere there will be blurry textures of buildings, characters, opponents, landscape and everything else.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F14678/

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